Sentences (Michael)

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Writing in English begins with the sentence. Sentences are then combined into larger structures
such as essays, business reports, etc. There are four sentence types in English. The first sentence
type is the most common:
A declarative sentence "declares" or states a fact, arrangement or opinion. Declarative sentences
can be either positive or negative. A declarative sentences ends with a period (.).
I'll meet you at the train station.
The sun rises in the East.
He doesn't get up early.
The imperative form instructs (or sometimes requests). The imperative takes no subject as 'you'
is the implied subject. The imperative form ends with either a period (.) or an exclamation point
Open the door.
Finish your homework
Pick up that mess.
The interrogative asks a question. In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb precedes the
subject which is then followed by the main verb (i.e., Are you coming ....?). The interrogative
form ends with a question mark (?).
How long have you lived in France?
When does the bus leave?
Do you enjoy listening to classical music?

The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement (either declarative or imperative) with an
exclamation point (!).
Hurry up!
That sounds fantastic!
I can't believe you said that!
Sentence Types
All of these sentence types further fall into four basic sentence type categories in English.




Compound - Complex

Simple Sentences
Simple sentences contain no conjunction (i.e., and, but, or, etc.).
Frank ate his dinner quickly.
Peter and Sue visited the museum last Saturday.
Are you coming to the party?
Compound Sentences
Compound sentences contain two statements that are connected by a conjunction (i.e., and, but,
or, etc.).
I wanted to come, but it was late.
The company had an excellent year, so they gave everyone a bonus.
I went shopping, and my wife went to her classes.

Complex Sentences
Complex sentences contain a dependent clause and at least one independent clause. The two
clauses are connected by a subordinator (i.e, which, who, although, despite, if, since, etc.).
My daughter, who was late for class, arrived shortly after the bell rang.
That's the man who bought our house
Although it was difficult, the class passed the test with excellent marks.
Compound - Complex Sentences
Compound - complex sentences contain at least one dependent clause and more than one
independent clause. The clauses are connected by both conjunctions (i.e., but, so, and, etc.) and
subordinators (i.e., who, because, although, etc.)
John, who briefly visited last month, won the prize, and he took a short vacation.
Jack forgot his friend's birthday, so he sent him a card when he finally remembered.
The report which Tom compiled was presented to the board, but it was rejected because it was
too complex.
Conditional Sentence
Pengertian Conditional Sentences adalah kalimat bersyarat. Kalimat ini memiliki dua klausainduk kalimat dan anak-kalimat-yang dihubungkan dengan menggunakan "IF". Kalimat ini
memiliki makna "seandainya" atau "jika". Di dalam bahasa Inggris, tipe kalimat ini dibagi
menjadi 3, yaitu :
1. First Conditional
2. Second Conditional
3. Third Conditional
1. Susunan
If + S + V1, S + will + V1 + O
Contoh :
a. If I see Barlie, I will tell him.
(Jika saya bertemu Barlie, saya akan mengatakan kepadanya.)

b. If Julie is free tomorrow, he will invite her.

(Jika Julie libur besok, dia akan mengundangnya.)
c. If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home?
(Jika besok hujan, apakah kamu akan diam di rumah?)
d. If it rains tomorrow, what will you do?
(Jika besok hujan, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
2. Makna
Kalimat dalam konstruksi ini berarti mungkin benar-benar terjadi jika syratnya terpenuhi. Oleh
karena itu, makna kalimat ini disebut sebagai possibility (kemungkinan). Pemaknaan kalimat
pada tipe ini dapat disusun sebagai berikut :
S + may + V1 + that + S + may + V1 + O
Dalam pola susunan tersebut, kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas dapat diuraikan maknanya menjadi
berikut :
a. I may see Barlie that I may tell him.
b. Julie may be free tomorrow that he may invite her.
c. It may rain tomorrow, may you stay at home?
d. It may rain tomorrow, what may you do?
1. Susunan
If + S + V2, S + would + V1 + O
Contoh :
a. If I married Rania, I would be happy.
(Jika saya menikah dengan Rania, Saya akan senang.)
b. If Jack became rich, he would marry her.
(Jika Jack menjadi kaya, dia akan menikahinya.)
c. If it snowed next July, what would you do?
(Jika musim salju bulan July yang akan datang, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?)
2. Makna
Apa yang dikatakan dalam induk kalimat tidak pernah terjadi karena syarat yang dikatakan
dalam anak kalimat tidak terpenuhi. Oleh karena itu, kalimat ini disebut sebagai Unreal Present.
Tenses untuk makna kalimatnya berubah dan polanya disusun sebagai berikut :
S + dont/doesnt + V + that + S + will not + V1 + O
Dalam pola susunan tersebut, kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas dapat diuraikan maknanya menjadi
berikut :
a. I don't marry Rania that I am not happy.
b. Jack doesn't become rich that he will not marry her.
c. It doesn't snow next July, what do you do?


1. Susunan
If + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3 + O
Contoh :
a. If I had seen Diana, I would have told her.
(Jika saya bertemu Diana, saya akan mengatakan padanya.)
b. If it had rained yesterday, would you have stayed at home?
(Jika kemarin hujan, akankah kamu tinggal di rumah?)
c. If Shinta had been free yesterday, I would have invited her.)
(Jika Shinta libur kemarin, saya akan mengundangnya.)
2. Makna
Apa yang dikatakan dalam induk kalimat tidak pernah terjadi karena kalimat syarat yang
dikatakan dalam anak kalimat tidak pernah terpenuhi. Karena dinyatakan dalam bentuk Past
Tense, kalimat ini disebut sebagai Unreal Past. Tenses untuk makna kalimatnya juga berubah :
S + didnt + V1 + that + S + would not + V1 + O
Dalam pola susunan tersebut, kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas dapat diuraikan maknanya menjadi
berikut :
a. I didn't see Diana that I would not tell her.
b. It didn't rain yesterday did you stay at home?
c. Shinta wasn't free yesterday that I would not invite her.


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