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NSTAR CDi [RSF GAS-FIRED CONDENSING COMBINATION BOILER EATING SYSTEMS AND MAINS FED DOMESTIC HOT WATER THE APPUANCE IS FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS ORLPG. (Cat I2H3P TYPE C13 4.633) NATURAL GAS: WORCESTER GREENSTAR 2500! GC NUMBER 4711-02 WORCESTER GREENSTAR 206Di GC NUMBER 47-31-99 WORCESTER GREENSTAR S5CD! GC NUMBER 47-11-04 WORCESTER GREENSTAR 400DiGC NUMBER 4711-05 LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS: WORCESTER GREENSTAR 25CD: GC NUMBER 47-91-96 WORCESTER GREENSTAR S0CDi GC NUMBER 47-011-97, WORCESTER GREENSTAR 35CD: GO NUMBER 4711-08 WORCESTER GREENSTAR 40CDi GC NUMBER 47-4001 INSTRUCTION MANUAL INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING & SERVICING Genchmark CONTACT INFORMATION INSTALLATION & SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS WORCESTER BOSCH: TECHNICAL: 06705 260241 ‘SERVICE 00487 256206, ‘SPARES: 01905 762571 UTERATURE: 01905 752656 TRAINING: ‘01908 752528 SALES: ‘01905 752640 WEBSITE: wwwworcesterboschcouk WATER TREATMENT; FERNOX 01799 s60611 SENTINEL 0181 420 9595 wun betadearbor.comfeetina FLUE TERMINAL GUARO: TOWER FLUE COMPONENTS. VALERISE TONBRIDGE wo 1Te STORE THE APPLIANCE IN A DRY AREA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION LUFTING AND CARRYING PRECAUTIONS: + Litonlya manageable weight, or ak for hp ‘+ Whan ting the bode, band tha knees, ‘and keep the back staight and fet spat + Donot it and tie a the same tie. + Lita cary the bolar cose tothe body + Weer protective cehing and loves to protect rom any sharp edge PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING INSTALLATION. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE APPLICABLE TO THE WORCESTER BOSCH APPLIANCE MODEL(S) STATED ON THE FRONT COVER OF THIS MANUAL ONLY AND MUST NOT BE USED WITH ANY OTHER MAKE OR MODEL OF APPLIANCE, THE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY IN THE UK ONLY AND MUST BE FOLLOWED EXCEPT FOR ANY STATUTORY OBLIGATION, THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE INSTALLED BY A COMPETENT PERSON. FAILURE TO INSTALL CORRECTLY COULD LEAD TO PROSECUTION. IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT CONTACT WORCESTER BOSCH TECHNICAL HELPLINE, DISTANCE LEARNING AND TRAINING COURSES ARE AVAILABLE FROM WORCESTER BOSCH. PLEASE LEAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS, THE USER GUIDE AND THE COMPLETED. BENCHMARK LOG BOOK OR A CERTIFICATE CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH IS 613, (IRE ONLY) WITH THE USER OR AT THE GAS METER AFTER INSTALLATION OR SERVIC- nc. [ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL: 2 Diameter NG Natural Gas LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas CH Cental Heating DHW Domestic Hot Water IP ages Protection ‘SEDBUK Seasonal Eficieny of Domestic Bola inthe United Kingdom ‘SYMBOLS USED IN THIS MANUAL: cette Tew ena oo, Cental heating & Yo vv ant 6 Gas sve Programmertiner INSTALLATION & ‘SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS. ‘ouuno ancnosoonnacansazancananun QANORCESTER emsameies — peeneep CONTENTS ‘SAFETY & REGULATIONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS INSTALLATION REGULATIONS: APPLIANCE INFORMATION. ‘GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL DATA, LAYOUT & COMPONENTS PRE:NSTALLATION CLEAVING PRNARY TENS ARS SUPPLIES WATER SYSTEMS EPIPEWORR CONDENSATE PPEWORK BOILER LOCATON & CLEARANCES — PLUNNG WANIFOLD FLUE TERMINAL POSITIONS: FLUE OPTIONS INSTALLATION UNPACKING WALL FRAME AND ANCILLARY ITEMS. WALL MOUNTING PLATE /FLUE OPENING: (CHARGING LINK (FILLING LOOP) ‘UNPACKING THE APPUANCE "FITTING THE APPLANCE /BOILER CONNECTIONS FLUE INSTALLATION. (CONDENSATE CONNECTION. _ ELECTRICAL “POSITION OF WIRED COMPONENTS ‘COMMISSIONING PRE-COMMISSIONING CHECKS: FILLING THE SYSTEM STARTING THE APPLANGE, WATER TREATMENT COMMISSIONING. FINISHING COMMISSIONING SERVICING & SPARES INSPECTION AND SERVIGE REPLACEMENT OF FARTS ‘SETTING THE GAS/AIR RATIO ‘SHORT PARTS LST CONVERSION KITS. LPG. CONVERSION FAULT FINDING & DIAGNOSIS. FAULT FINDING: ‘CENTRAL HEATING FUNCTION PREHEAT AND DHW FUNCTION PROTECTION FUNCTION 22 23 24 25 2628 29 a 6 slele none) emer emou 1’ ERD aeEaGaee SAFETY PRECAUTIONS INSTALLATION REGULATIONS IF YOU SMELL Gi 2X DONT SMOKE OR STRIKE MATCHES 2% DONT TURN ELECTRICAL SWITCHES ON OR OFF DO PUT OUT NAKED FLAMES DO OPEN DOORS AND WINDOWS DO KEEP PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE AREA AFFECTED ¥ DO TURN OFF THE CONTROL VAIVE AT THE METER TELEPHONE YOUR GAS COMPANY Gencimerhy |ABenchimark Log Book’ provided by the manufacture fr the instar to complete inching thie CORGI egstaton number to cent tha the bodes hasbeen tale, commissioned and sorvcod according to the manufacturers ncructons IMPORTANT: Tho completed Benchmark Check! willbe requited warranty werk and maybe required by the local Bulking Control nspector, event of any HEALTH & SAFETY ‘The appliance contains no asbestos and no substances have been used in the constuction process that contravene the COSHH Regulations (Contrel ot Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988) COMBUSTIBLE AND CORROSIVE MATERIALS Do not store or use ary combustible mata (paper, thinner, paints ote.) inside or wii the vicinity ofthe appiance Chemically aggressive substances, such as halogenated hydrocarbons containing hone o urine compounds can cade the appliance and invite any waranty FITTING & MODIFICATIONS. Fiting the appliance and any contols tothe appliance may only be cared out by a compstent engineer in accordance with the Gas Safety [installation and Use) equations 1908. Fuo systems must not be modified in any way oer than a docesbed in the iting ineteutions. Any miause or unauthoried modifications tothe appliance, fue or associated componenis and aystoms could invalidate the waranty. The manulacturer copia no abit arising rom any Such action, exclung stators SERVICING ‘Advise the user to have the ayetem serviced annualy by a competent, qualified ‘engineer Guch as Bich Gat or CORGI registered personnel) using proved spares, te lp msintsin tho economy, safety and reliably ofthe apolince IMPORTANT - The service engineer must complete the Service Record in the nchmark section after each service. Gas Safty {instalation & Use) Regulations: All gas appliances must be installed by a competent parson in accordance with th above regulations. Fale to intl appliances conecty cou ead o prosecution The appliance must be insted ia socordance with, and comply to, the curent: Gas Salty Rogulations, IEE Regulations, Building Regulations, Building Standarde (Scotland) (Consolation), Builing Reguiaions (Norther Irland), local water bylaws, Heath & Salty Document 635 (The Electricity at Work Rogulations 1989) and ary other local requrements th Sted: ‘Tho rloant Bish Standard should be flowed, ined: [BS70781: Code of practice for domestic and hot ate upp {856801 : Installation of low preseure gas pw up to 20re (R [855540 stalaton of gas hot water spies for domestic paposes EN:12828: Cantal heating er domes romisos [B95440:1: Fee and venation for gus apt ancos oad heating rt exceeding TOR (nt Fuse {855440:2 : Flues and venation for ga app scot of ated heating not exceeding TORN (et) Ai Sipoy [257600 1 Testmant of water in domestic hot wate coral heating Systm 1S 6708 : alton of gas fred bol of ated ino upto 7OKW (ret) Where no speci inerucon is given, reference hold be ade to the eevant Btn Standard codes of Practice LPG. tlio: ‘An apace using LPG, must ot bo irtaled n a room orinonal pace belowground eel unless cone side ofthe biting is open othe ground “Tirber ame bulge Where th bolero be ted to a tine rec balding the guinea down fn BSS440: Pat 1 and IGE "Gas instalation in Timber Frame Buicngs hod bo adhered. Potable water: Al seas, joints and compounds (mcuding fax land solder) and components used as part of the secondary domestic water eystem must be approved by WRAS, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: INSTALLATION REGULATIONS voxacince YAVORCESTER GENERAL INFORMATION STANDARD PACKAGE! [A+ Wal hung gas fred condensing combi bol for contal heating and domestic ot water 1B Wal mounting pla (C- Hanging bracket D.- Pre-plumbing manifold E- Hardware pack FF» Charging Link Assonbly G- Lterature pack 1H Bottom pane 1+ Tiap/ Syphon Outlet Connection (22mm Paste Pee) ‘SPECIFICATIONS: rewired and pre-plumbed Cavarised steel nner tame Digital conta syst ‘Automatic ignition Dict bumer ignition BBultin ost theemostat (oor protection) Buitin fault nding agnostics Modulating automatic eas valve Combustion aan with speed regulator CH temperature sensor & conto Pum ant-seizue protection Fe gas temperature Inter Condensate rap & syphon HW tow censor & temperature conta Pate type DHW heat exchanger Moduinting exeuating pump (GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL DATA NATURAL AS es oesominon uns | z5co1_soca_s8¢01 cai | asco, anco1 ston id Tat BL Bese est me | as ed aw Bese sae | eae Ta a eee so TT wD Ta a ao Be eae a ae Saas oR a THEO HOTT San ie at ae ATS Te Loss ae es Ta Danas a ae OST a ores a dere a Biss eae as Tis ope ETS ww [wee sa ans [eae Max. rated heat output net SO/30°C ai kw [26 318 318 8 | ee 1888 ~ Max. rated heat output net 80/60°C Kw | 250 300 800 300 | 250 900 900 Min. ratod heat output net 40/30°C ew 86 Co 98 cc Tees ps m7 iW [as 6666 Tos [or er er Yee at 0060S wb mes [or ara (Min, rated heat input net i ka 80 80 cy a8 on oF ot ‘Max. flow temperature =C__[nom.90 nom.80 nem. 80 nom, 00 nem. 90 nom, 80 nom. 20 ‘Max. permissibie operating pressure ber | 30 30 30 30 | ao 30 20 ‘Available pump head at 21°C systern temperature rise = m 2 He 2 2 2 Ey 2 Ga ena rine ro og ‘Natural Gaa G20 wn [20 92 37 46 | ae Pope GaP) ‘oh ail aaoiuvealides fee Five Gas Temp. 60/60°O, rated win loud “c | 7058 76/58 76/58 86/56 | 70/58 76/58 76/58 Fos Ga Top (090°, td ud “S| ras oases some [ ave essa Good aa @ [ce 3606 — 07 | 108 oa 108 vel at min. rated heat output ct % 9.0 20, 90 94 105 105 10.5 NOx- cass 306 HE LEE Hee sore reeceee Ler Ost Conde Ti: ec eee ea eae hci Sot er Tex | woo a so sO ine) e [ooo [ow Ts aa a “General Dato Fp pion fe ee La Ferber unpooe “| ban 0x0 ps0 oan | a0 e00 080 Nominal capecity of eppliance 1 [am a7 375 975 | 875 976 3.75 Tse aa al aie aw 7 [ea “Total bolle weight (it weight) wo | #85 405 485 405 | 485 485 488 SEDOUK [os ons wos wo [ays 008 a aan ecmarereecemencmmnnes SAVORCESTER reeamota Baerga LAYOUT & COMPONENTS: ‘he cagray opposite shows the cont nthe senicng poston and excades the oer ase 1 FLAME VIEWING window 2 IGNITION ELECTRODE AND FLAME SENSE ELECTRODE 9. HEAT EXCHANGER OVERHEAT THERMOSTAT 5 ACCESS POINT FOR CLEANING HEAT EXCHANGER 6 PLATETO PLATE DHW HEAT EXCHANGER 7 PUMP © SYSTEM PRESSURE GAUGE 9 ORANPOINT 30 MAINS COLD WATER 11 CHRETURN 12 CHARGING LNK ASSEMBLY 13. GAS INLET CONNECTION 22 mm COMPRESSION 16 COVER FOR EXTERNAL WIRING CONNECTIONS. 15. CONTROL PANEL IN SERVICE PosiTion 16 ACCESS COVER FOR TRANSFORMER, aPcB 7 DEW OUT 18 CHFLOW 19 TRAP/ SYPHON OUTLET CONNEC: TION (22 mm PLASTIC PIPE) 20 INLET PRESSURE TEST POINT 21 TRAP/ SYPHON 22 GAS VALVE 23 DHW TEMPERATURE SENSOR 26 AIRY GAS ADJUSTMENT SCREW 26 TESTING POINT FOR FAN PRESSURE 26 FAN 27 PRIMARY SENSOR 28 EXPANSION VESSEL 20 REMOVABLE TOP CASE PANEL FOR SERVICING acs ee oseears ne ormen zmaang nooner cosocorcarc isu cues LAYOUT & COMPONENTS 6 PLATE TO PLATE DHW HEAT EXCHANGER. 9. DRAIN POINT 92 SYSTEM PUMP. 36 FLOW TURBINE ‘37 UNUSED PORT 98 AUTO AIRVENT ‘39 FLOW CONNECTION FROM BOILER HEAT EXCHANGER 40 DAW SENSOR ‘41, CH FLOW CONNECTION TO SERVICE VALE 42, DHW OUT CONNECTION 49 COLD WATERIN CONNECTION 44 CHRETURN CONNECTION TO SER- VICE VANE 45 DIVERTER VANE 46 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 487, COMPACT HYDRAULIC MOUNTING ‘SCREW (2}70 BOLER 48. CH TEMPERATURE CONTROL 49, MAINS ON/OFF INDICATOR/OUGNOS- TeUGHT (BLUE 50 DHW TEMPERATURE CONTROL 51 CENTRAL HEATING BOOST BUTTON 52 SERVICE BUTTON. 59 BURNER ON INDICATOR LIGHT (GREEN) MASTER SWITCH ON/OFF HOLIDAY BUTTON ECO BUTTON FAULT RESET BUTTON SYSTEM PRESSURE GAUGE POSITION FOR OPTIONAL, PROGRAMMER DISPLAY Besege 8 nr ete enuresis osWoRCTER FOS emo EOE R exon) — aoaere CLEANING PRIMARY SYSTEMS, KEY ©« ae TUPORTANT: Debris from the system ean] [damage the baller and reduce efticiency Failure to comply withthe guidelines tor the use of water treatment with the apo ance wil alate the appliance warrenty BEFORE CLEANING THE SYSTEM ENSURE THE SYSTEM AND PIPEWORK IS GOOD WORKING ORDER KEEP THE EXISTING BOILER! CIRCULATING PUMP WHERE POSSIBLE ORUSE A POWER FLUSHING MACHINE TO AID THE CLEANSING PROCEDURE BEFORE INSTALLING A NEW BOILER. CLEANING THE PRIMARY SYSTEM 1 Ftthosjstom wih cold wator and check for bea. 2 Open al ean cocks an sain the sytem. 9. Clone dain cook and add a sitable ushing agent a the corect strength for the astam condition in aceedance with the mandate ucts. Ciretate he thing agent before the odor ie rod up 4 Rum the boiaveystom at nomal oprating temperature a5 cected by the manufacturer ‘ofthe tushing agent 5 Drain sed thorougiy fish the sytem 10 remove the feshing agent and debris. AFuoncssre COLEANING PRIMARY SYSTEMS MAINS WATER EXPANSION VESSEL: [A+ Mii expereion vest part No, 7716 102 105, 1 Maine ater iet pipe © Non tin valve 0 Boise MAINS SUPPLIES ELECTRIC SUPPLY: + Supply 280 50He (S00 Tecnica! Data for Pratings) + Cable: PVCineulsted 0:76mm? (24 0.2mm) tempersturs rated to 90°C. + External 3A fo fo 81962, + Tho appliance must be sartas. + Allppos tothe bolermus! be rose bonded. + Wing must comply wth IEE wing regu ‘ons and ary local egulatons which may 299 to fed wing toa stationary ape Gas SUPPLY + Bolers using NG must be connected ta ‘governed moter. + LPG boters must be connected toa relator Instalaion and connestion ofthe gas sup yt the beler must bein aocordance with ‘sean “+ Under no citeuetanoe eho th oi of 2 suppl pipe be eee than that of ho spplanos inet conection. +The meter or regulator and ppowork to tho meter most be hacked, preferaby bythe (922 suppl, to ensure ite in good working ‘order and ea et the gas ow and pres sue requirements in adcon tothe demand from any oir appliance boing Served. This ‘doesnot include the pipework from he metro the bole: WaTER SUPPL Wes Maine Pressure: + Miimum mains water pressure 18 upto 25 bar (Goo tenia! data on page 6) for ‘mazimum perfomance. + Mayumam maine fod wate rostire 10. bat I necessary fa pressure raducing va IMPORTANT: Nonelurn, back flow pre- vention devices (including those assocat- ced with water meters) fited to the mains water supaly can cause a pressure build Lup which could demage the boiler and! other household appliances. + Whore tho maine water supply has & non: rower, back fow prevention va ited, a tin erpansion veel (A) should be com ected f the mains water et pipe 8) between the norretum vale (C} andthe bode (0) 2 shown opposite Use in hrd water areas: Normally theres no need fr water tretment to provent scale formation as the maximum ‘tomporaturo of the DAW heat exchanger Ite by the electronic contol eeu In areas where the temporary water naraness exceeds 200 ppm, consideration may need to be given to the fiting of a scale prevention device In such creumstances, the ace of the local water authoy should be sought Daesees ee ge cmmevamouss peace WATER SYSTEMS & PIPEWORK PLASTIC PIPEWORK: 1 Any plate pipowork must have a pyc ‘bara with 09 mn (rrr) length of ‘oan ose spe connected othe bl Plasto ppework used for underoe heating must bo corrocty consoled witha theeno- ‘abe Bang va ting the lemparture ofthe cre to approx. 50°C, Tha pipework rm the bolero the blending valve must ben copper or steel prtected ‘rom coroson. CONNECTONSINALES: ‘Allester connections tape and ng ‘elves muot bo capable of esting a pres ‘ayo up 10 S bax + Radiator ves should conform to 97767:10 + Allother aos should conform 10 831010 + Thomostaic ator valves (RV) must be sed ona racators within the slaeping _cconmiodeton bu nat the radiator whore the oom thermostat ie sied. This must be ted with wheelhead and ockhild valvos and ft open, + dain cocks requred atthe lowest port ‘onthe ojo. + An airvont is requted atthe highest pont ‘onthe tom 'SHOWERS/SIDETS + It shower head cane immersed in water ‘comes closer than 25 ren from the Yop ‘2dge ofa bath or shower try gpl over level ‘hen an aisipon deve must be fited 0 the shower ose + Biot wth direct hot & cod main water ‘an be used (th he spocoral ofthe local water authority) and must be the over fishing type with shrouded outlets to re vont the fing of hard held sprays. Reet ecieaer genes cousomnce ira ae mee es gee beara enaad Seem Sten eee Some Gccerwuces Seen mi ee ceeaereeee oe } 4 foceee coe ! | tothe applancein the conta heapg eee cote ie See vininoteopsce «Bonotan gene! ios oon, TRI | E < PRE O Se a S CONDENSATE PIPEWORK CONDENSATE PIPEWORK: ‘The condensate pipe mist be amininam of 2mm plastic pipe ‘The condensate pipework mustallat east ‘50 mm per mete towards the outlet and ‘should take the shortest practicable route ‘The pipework must flow one of the options shown epposite nto an internal sorvicesbl- ‘rap (i. 75 mm) such asa sinwashing machine) snd dscharge direct into a vot ‘tack () min. 450 mm above pie invertor ito aguley (0) below ground but above ‘he wate vel Use waterproot pe insulation in exposed positions and for excessive rune of exter al pipowork (over 3 metres). IMPORTANT: Ensure there are no block- es in the pipe run. ig 2 3 4 A B. c. D e iF s H a K PR Internal sink/washing machine rain Internal waste drainage eystem Sol/vent stack External drainage system External condensate absorption point Condensate rm bate Sink 22 mm O plastic condensate pipe Gulley Intnl so and vent tack Serviceable waste rap (75mm mi) 200 nn 100 mm @ aened plastic tubo (Ground level Drainage hloo 60 mm fom base of tubo (12 mm @ at 25 ren carte) facing ancy from bulding Limaetonachippinge {ESSURE RELIEF PIPEWORK. IMPORTANT. The pressure relief valve is @ safety devico forthe boiler and activated ‘may discharge boiling wate or steam through the relief vale drain pie. ‘Care shouldbe taken when siting the out- et pipe so that t does not cause an obstruction or discharge above a window, entrance or other puble access where could cause a hazard, te ‘The presou rai ein pipe (MO) om the boiler shoud be at laa 15 rm rotor _capp2ppe and run dowrwvarde away from any elective oF oor hazard, roars anvtcnal sain o eoakaway Pipe should be frishod wih par and, nar the cute aoe the exer al (a¢ehown) to hap prevent teeing Use waterproo! pipe inaulation exposes postions and for etemal pipework, Outside wat M,O- Dean poe Eternal dain ‘CONDENSATE PIPEWORK erate SERVICING CLEARANCES bed Pee BOILER LOCATION & VENTILATED Sere ‘COMPARTMENT teat : CLEARANCES ‘Tis baler only table or instaling intomaly within a pronerty at & suitable lestion ono & fod gi nar combustbe srace at leat the ‘same sit asthe bollor and capable of suppor ing the baler weight ‘COMPARTMENTS: {Using 100 mem fo kt Follow the requicernonte of BS6708 and $H12mm $5440 Pat 2 end note sig 128 mm fe et ‘+ Minimum eeorancea must bo maintained + An anvess door i required oneal, service and mina the bole and ary ancilary equipment. +i iting te bor into an sng eupboare use a non-combat prfrated mata (rasan hole sizes of 13m) to seperate the bole from the ang space, BOILER CLEARANCES: - The diagram opposite shows tho misimuny space requced tonal and eonoe the bolo. VENTILATION FREE Hg boiler i installed in a compartrnont with COMPARTMENTS ‘clearances lesa than shown in the diagram INSTALLATION CLEARANCES below, ventilation is required. Roer to tables below for ste, ‘Greenstar ODI Vert [Toroamor | Drectto positon | intemal space | eutside High evel | Menu hea | Meum ge rea 122 en*_| area 6h om Tawiava | Minimum fee | Minimum Rem ron 23 cm] area ot om BOILER CLEARANCES - UNVENTILATED COMPARTMENT: ‘Te diagrame (A and B) oppoeite show two options for the minimum space roquted to install and seven tho bode inside an unvent Isle compariont. "This spseo cen be reduced to mm for ene 1 ony ae long as Both the side clearances fd upto the total of both tho sie measure ents shawn oF mre 100nm* 200m" orempiable door 00m" Frnt clearance forsorsce Ain ee BOILER LOCATION & CLEARANCES BATHROOMS: he baler can be installed in 29068 2043.12 rachanical or RFmocharica mers ed the oder canon be instal in ane & See IEE wiring regulations (See Technical Data for P ratings) IMPORTANT: any switch or appliance] contro using 230 V mains eletcty must not be able to be touched by @ person, sing he bath or shower. Electrical switches, fused spur and socket outlets must not be situstod In the bath 00mm radias Eg cee eee Tg meee clones cross dls sy = tal tA Ff mae vera tonsive ton sv apne) 18am ; £ itt Maine Gas Supply 22 nm A PLUMBING MANIFOLD. ‘CONNECTIONS: Heating Sstom: 22 mm oompressionftrgs HW: 15 mm compression tings Ga 22 mm comprossin tinge Uso the fitings supplied in the Hardware pack, PREPLUMBING With the plumbing manifold installed, pipework can be nataled othe vals on tho rmantov. ‘The systom esn be filed (without the bole being connected) using tho charging lnk ascanbly (oe page 23) Te valves can be cloged eaalg the DW ‘and CH systems tobe tested, The boder can be stale tater dete, RUNNING PIPES BEHIND THE BOILER H the baler pipes ate to be rin behind the ‘applenco enero thatthe pipoe pass close to the wall ge shown inthe diagram cpp, ‘ad withthe pips ui, PLUMBING MANIFOLD Minimum dimensions off terminal positions for balanced room sealed flues with fanned draught awa, [TERMINAL POSITION oIstaNcE ners 1° | Dresty bow an opening, bk opaing windows ee | 300mm 8° _| Avior anoreing a ik oping wind 300 rm © | Rote i bk, oprng wide 300 nm | alow guts, slips or ern poe on Bow avs aa 200m F__| exw baconie orcar pr ot lone pi a fom vera din pipe oro p= 500m —___| sen 1 | Aor grunt oo ebony 00m 1 | froma arfac ng torial oon 1__| Fro tina acing te terial 2000 | Fran cso nhc ot or vido te dana) 1200ren | Wertiay toma twin on he same wa 16000 | oz rom ated othe sae wal cone © | froma ren combust othe oo * P| Above unscion win ea ~ FLUE TERMINAL POSITIONS. + Tho ve mast titel an terminated accordance with the recommendation of 1888440 Par 1 +The fue mast nt cause an obtain. + Discharge and any nse oe he fe ou Flas gases havea tendency to pume and in Ccecain weather conditions a white plane of ‘condensation wil be charged from the {ue outlet. Whee this could be a ruiaarce, for ample, noe eecurty lighting an ater rate positon should be found, + Tho sirieltioutot dct and th terminal of the boder must not be elzer han 25m to any combustible mato. Detaled recommendatons on protection of ‘combustible materiale er given n Bs seco A protective temirs guard must be tat ‘he tials 2m ores above a surface to hich people hava access. ‘The guard mast be spaced squat (rit ‘nur 60 mi) sound he fs and Bred to ‘the wall with lated secs. See Contact Infomation nde fron cover 1 In editor the termina should not be noaar than 150mm (lannod draught) oan eporing In the busting fabri formed er he pupoee of accommodating bull elemant such as a indo ame, 2 Net recommended. 2 Ses instructions suppliod wih vertical kts. [oa Hy O 4 boundary : eff] t U W om ALL ay] aa a a aaa Poca rmmemows — Qemanw FLUE OPTIONS 25CDi 'STANDARO FLUE HORIZONTAL MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL START +2 BENDS, ants used athe maximum fo lng fr ‘each configuration of 100 mm and 128 mm © hues. ‘Shaded fue components inticat the stan ‘dud 100 nm @ horizontal fue, (Onl saight Wu sections canbe reduoed in ength and ou +The fie terminal end canbe fied from the Inside or outside ofthe bul, Fring hts are supped withthe Mae exter Qo—ur a Fore :— co 2100 £000 mm + Teagan (opposite) sow the compo: 100 MAX 689mm Ax1 MIN 250 mm Ax 1° 2125 MAX 1070 mm Axt MIN 250mm Ax 1" Regis eating We + Fat 0128-21000 AxL+0x2+ B22 ~~ Fx sien tts Hezonta 128 mm @ and Vertical 100 mm and 125 me fe sae aso wth MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL _—~7|__goparteinetuctions, Contact your upper | START+38END8 Py Wexoener Booch, soz Ooo «+ =) A co —> a Beton 12100-10000 mm Axi4 8x10 + Bx + Fat — a (2125 23000 mm ce gi women. att tb mon 2 ee cin Calculating te te loath: Mosse the tla ue length recuked, noting ‘hat the maximum straight fue length ineluding the ternal i Hoyiaontl 0/100 mm @: 10000 rm eriont! 80/128 mn @: 28000 rm orc! 80/100 mm @: 11800 mm orca! 80/125 mm 2: 23000 ram sere oar pieces es {cla ern see LO (ictus taint) + Pat Baal + Dx2 +601 ‘Then reduce the total straight fue longth for each eva fue bend (acluding the tet by: 2000 mim for 9 MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL +1 BEND VERTICAL FLUE WITH 1900 mm for 45° 200" BENDS: Fu ecension total eng: Ocorr s Horicntl Verio! 6000 mm: 960 en = a 8 Horsntl Vera 80/25 mm 2: 1000 mn Qe | (2100-6000 mm Agt4 Bx94C21 12125-21000 mm Axt4 Ox +041 —— Fue terminal ft onthe: LY Weoriconts 60100 ren O: 800 mm c QD orion! 60/128 mi Q: 1200 ram (0100 700 mm = Vorioal 60100 mm @: 1140 mm (clung trial) orca 80/125 mm 2: 1365 mm Bx9+ Cx2 HEX? (0125-19000 rm (ictcing torial) Bx20+ x2 +EX1 arma iana imaceata ae era aa ocaemiseeunaet aes ‘STANDARD FLUE HORIZONTAL acm, [oe ‘e100 MAX 686mm Ax MIN 250mm Axt* ons MAX 1070"mm Aas MIN 250 mm Ax * * Requtes euting MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL aocors ———ae 2100. 7000 mn Ant 8x8 12128-18500 mm Axt+ Bx18 [MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL START + 1 BEND. Fo coors ate Oe | 12100-7900 mn =r Art+ Oxi Bx9 : + Fat 2128-18500 mm Arte cxte Baris KS +P [MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL + 1 BEND ores ft a re ae =) 2100-6900 mm Axt+ Bx740x1 (8128-16500 men Axl + BxI7+Ox1 FLUE OPTIONS 30CDi MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL, START +2 BENDS. ‘Te cagrane (opposite) show the compo- eats used an the maximum Bue lngth for ‘ach coniigaton of 100 mn snd 128 mm Ofves. ‘Shaded fue components indicat the stan ard 100 men @ hain (Ony stright fo sections canbe reduced in ength and ew ‘The fe terminal end can be tte fom the inside or outside of the bung Fring kts are supa withthe fue exon sion ts. Horzontl 125 mn @ and Vertical 100 mm and 125 mm 0 fe ks ae avalabe with ‘separate instuctions, Contact your upper FaCorA ———) co 2100-5900 mm Ani +Cx2+ Bxo Fe 2125-16500 mm Axi+C194 8x18 + Pet (MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL 1 START + 8 BENDS 2100 co MAX 686 mm Ax 1 £100 4500 mm oan ara AxteCx2t Bx6 ons +x MAX 1070 0mm Ax 1 MIN 260mm Ax” * Roches cuting (2128-14900 mm Arts 0x24 8x15 Fer (MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL | START+8.BENDS MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL goes = 8 ff (2100-2800 mm (100-6500 mm aes +65 + Fat pec retaa 126-1200 a fe . Axt+x8 asin RUEVERTCAL START +1 BEND MASMUMFLUEVERTCAL ww 2 6" B=NDS =e — 7 Qe a eo 28 o100-6500mm 12100-8000 mm Bets ess eee (cling terminal) 2x64 Dx2 + Ext ‘2128-16000 mm Ault Cx14 Bre +Fxt (2125-14000 mm finch trminl) Byte Dx2 Ext (MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL + 1 BEND. VERTICAL FLUE WITH 2X00" BENDS. eos eee ae 100-4800 mn co Ants Bx54+Gx1 eatin ie 198-4000 mn fecudng ein Axt4 8xw4cnt 8x54 Cea +Ex1 (2125-12000 mm ‘cing teins) Brit C2 +E con FLUE OPTIONS 35CDi + The diagrams (opposite show the compo- rents used and the msi fe length for ‘ach configuration of 100 me and 125 ra @ fs. + Shaded fue component indicate the stare ‘dard 109 mm © horizontal ue + Onl aight te seotions can be reduced intength and cat +The fu terinlend oan be ited rom the inside oes f the bik. + Fing kts ar supped with he fe ete Sonkis + Heviontl 125 mmm @ and Vota! 100 mm nd 125 eB tht ro aalble with operate ieiuctons, Contact yur eupalior oF Woreoeta Bosch, a ec oD gcor 9 8 — a ‘Stand hozona uo (100 mm @ shown) ‘Straight fe extension Fue bend, 90° Fun bende, 45° orca terminal (vetia adaptor suppl’ vst termina + Vorieal adaptor (used wit horzontal ‘senna CCaloatng the fe ena Measure the total fue length cequred, noting thatthe mavimum straight fue length including the terminalis Hevizontl 60/100 rm @: 6500 mm Horizont! 80/125 ren: 16000 mm Vertical 60100 mm @: 8000 ren Veron! B0/25 mm 18000 mn Thon roducs the total eraight fue longth for ‘each ona tse bend (exctudng the tut by: 2000 men for 90" 1000 mm for 45° Fue extension tte lengths Horizontal & Verteal 60/100 sn 9: 960 ms Horizontal & Vertcl 80125 mm ®: 1000 mm Fue tein total onthe: Horizont! 80/100 ren : 800 ren Horizontal 80/126 mm @: 1200 rn Vertical 60700 mm Q: 1740 mm Vertis! 80/28 mm 2: 1985 mm a a ae SS exch ee emmanamoune FLUE OPTIONS 38¢Di FLUE OPTIONS 40CDi STANDARD FLUE HORIZONTAL (MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL Sars 2 BENDS LES + Medians pont owe con gocours eco nerd ar rier gr —— Swenson oon a ts an hen ra co ‘+ Shaded flue components indicate the stan- eee eae 100- N/A, dard 100 mm @ horivontat flue, MIN 250mm Ax1* ons + Onl straight tuo sections canbe reduced inength are eu. MAX 1070 men Ax 1 + The fe terminal end can be file om the 2128-10800 men MIN 250mm Axt™ rites aioe inside or outside of the bung, *Reuies cuting woe + Fsng its aro supp wih the fv een sion ts. + Honsontal 125 mm @ and Vertical 100 mm and 125 mm @ fi ts ae avaiable with MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL, MAXMUM FLUE VERTICAL _——* operate intetine. Contact your supplor } START+9BENDS: (r Wovcoster Booch, : & ° A co to oct 7 6 ©100- Wa = | 2100-2600 mm Axis Bx2 ——=5 a 108-12600 nm ors-aso0mm Axt+ 8x12 Axton -A~ Standard ict fe (10 mn © shown) ani + Fe B- Stig te exenson ©. Fun bend 0" D- Fue bends 45° Vora emia cal adaptor upped wi eri) WAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL START +1 BEND MAXIMUM FLUE VERTICAL Fara adaptor (ed wi harzrtd ‘Wms 2x 45° BENDS tein so 4 as .o— ac ”o CCleulting the fhe length Measure the toa fue lng require, ntng Caer er0-2000mm ae that einai a a hg a (ousegtemnan —[ the emia Brat Os? +Ext | Horta 80/00 mm: 2600 wn rete LS caw Lo Sitaram eat ae eis eta ‘ert 60726 men 9: 16000 Bate Ded E81 re en: 18000 mm “Thon ree the ttl etaght fue lng for cach ona bd ecg th tet by: 2000 rmfor 90° MAXIMUM FLUE HORIZONTAL + 1 BEND vermoaL FLUE we 1000 me fe a8* 2x80 BENDS Pavesi tl ogi Pata rl 69700 rn: 989 E antl &Verial 2725 rn: 1000 mv e :.o Fue ternal total enh avisootl 69/100 mm: 200 rem co eviootl 80/125 mn @: 1200 mm Ante Bet 4Gxt 100-1vA Vera! 60/100 rem Q: 180 wen (0125-10500 mm a erica! 807128 man O: 1988 ro Ant + Bx 4Ox1 iat 19128-12000 mn (intuding tema) BxIS+Cx24E81 creamer ae oetceueca: nourovssinencretironrenwmemcnscccumsconcaaceancn ANORCESTER Po UNPACKING WALL FRAME AND ANCILLARY ITEMS LIFTING AND CARRYING PRECAUTIONS: + Uitony a manageable weght, or ak for op. + When fing the Baler, band the knees, nd koop the back stig and fost apart, “+ Dio nat and ita the same ten. + Lit and cary the bate close to the body 1+ Wear protective cothing and gloves io roc rm ay sharp edge. Canon = Wal mounting plate Hanging bracket Prepumbing manleld Hardware pack + Charging Unk Accembly Literature pack Bottom pane “rap / Siphon ute Connection (22mm Paste Pips) + Uppor support (plytyeene) yrotmoomr porta HANDUNG INSTRUCTIONS ‘tis advice that to people are vee to ‘ay tho carton em the van tothe pont of salvo + Once he carton has been dover the {op ofthe carton i pane. sharp ipl rents uted make sue the carton snot perced and that the knplement is used in such away 2 hat it may nt cause person lj, Al sharp objects mast be covered or he blade reacted ater use and put sway nase place > 1. The upper supports now removed with the componente (bottom panel, pre-plum ‘ng mantole, ngs, documentation ast, charging ink, hanging bracket, 2. The bil wal mounting plato can now be pled out. Akon reqremeets for 00! epace instal 1+ The bole shoud bo frst unpacked before ascending lasers ct spac. 1+ Two ets of tap shoud be use. + Two pecple should share he sting of the ber upto the loft hich, where the bofor isentered iat thot space tted and ef ‘on ts Bock tothe lt. ‘Gace the appance i removed tem its pack ‘ing check the content aguinat tho packing ist, Before instaling appliance ensure system has boon cleaned as explained on page 8 areca es eh an ivan souaum UNPACKING WALL FRAME AND ANCILLARY ITEMS, WALL MOUNTING PLATE FLUE OPENING Penne ort Leena SAFETY: Al tlovnt sakely precautions must be urdec- taken, Poteove dotting, footweas, gloves and ‘salty goggles must be wer as appropriate FIXING THE POSITION OF THE WALL MOUNTING PLATE: ‘+ Tho dagram opposte shows the este poston of the Mao and the fing of tho wall ‘mounting plat, the mounting plate and pe lunbing man > Place the wall muting pate age walln the desired pean > Mri ing points through the holes (A, B, () inthe wa mounting plate » Dil he @ hoes for wall mounting pate, wal hanging bracket and pre-lunting manld. > Secare wal mounting plate with hanging bracket wih 9 sorews(eupplln with he bole. Do not uly estan the lower 2 the > Use te orzo losin the wall mounting lato level the hanging bracket, mark te ‘the and cay > Ficandsecute the hanging backs with both scr Fwe ouner Follow tho diagram opposite to mark the ee conta of the fo for rear cut I & 2 forsice outlet (2&3), * Note: increase ths eh by 52mm for every 1000 me of rn length that he uo outlet aay re he bel. > For the 6000 mm © fe make a 128 rn ameter hole Urough the wal using « 2x0 ee ors Fortes using an optional weather calle ‘ted om inside the bviding msko a 160 mm 8 hole. Clear away any tra. FRING THE PRE-PLUMBING MANIFOLD: Mount he pre-plumbig manld on tho 2 lowor soem and eocure the screws. aia ae uncmcrnmaparasacamacmeoranananwes AYORCESTER RE OSENING tavoneun © WORE CHARGING LINK (FILLING LOOP) > Fully cose th song aves on both the DDHW inlet ans CH retum connections > Check thatthe gas and water connections aotght 11 Unscrew the blanking plugs em both the DHW int and CH retun connections. > Place the fiterinste the int side ofthe ‘Charging Link onsuing thatthe filter mesh is inside the inlet, > tthe Charging Link assombly ono the DEW inet and CH tum connections > Do rot inset th Charging Koy ath siege, 412 Enoure hat he Charging Links pushed in ful tothe stop tabs on both ides of the ‘Charging Link > Fittwo I sevens complet wth washers to each of he two connects. NB: Its not poset to cess the thie sorew hole so thi can bolt » Dorotattangt totum ho brass hexagon 43 Ensure that he white plastic Control ‘Serow onthe Charging Lnkie tuned fly ito its closed positon, se dhagram (1) > Open ta icalating valves on bath the DEW. blot and CH roten connactins > Insert te Chrgng Koy ntaly aging tho ‘row on tho oy wih tho “unlock eb! ‘on the Charging Link body. Eneurs thatthe ky ie ingrtes uly an tun to tho “Tock? potion, Chock thatthe ey i ecu, soe agra (13) Toll the esta rm the OHW inet im ‘he white plastic Control Screw onthe ‘Charging Link oth yo poston >» Onca the system has sen fled turn the white Conte! Sow ois closed poston 12nd then remove the Charging Key by ta ing back tos “unlock” poston and with ‘drawing. Store the Charging Key in the op CH Rewn provided on the inside ofthe bottom pnd Connection Blanking Pug : Charging Link DHW Inet Connection porae: M4 Screw ‘Charging Key and Washer Fier PAUORCESTER “n> enerenimernaramnsinnion Pm EDESIEEDE CHARGING LINK (FILLING LOOP) UNPACKING THE APPLIANCE UNPACKING THE APPLIANCE A= Outer carton B- Packaging base C- Prosatne waging D- Appliance out case E-Serowe F-Clp G - Protective packaging > 1. With tho wal ame and anil tome romovod (ee p20 the carton (A) on it back 2. Open tne ert bottom fap and fold under oder, Da not emove th peckaging base 3 Stand carta (A wat baller peg on the packaging base (8). > 4, Remove outer cation (A) and place saely ‘wy fro tha working era. > 5. Remove the protective weapsing (C) > 6 Le the bole ona back, > 7 Remove the packaging bae (8) and ‘place safely away rom the worn aro. REMOVING OUTER CASE > B.Loosen but donot remove the 2 serous (©) curing llr casing athe bottom of the appliance. > 8.Pullupmard orlease the cp (Fon top cof he oder and pul tho caso upwards 10. Remove the outer case Te Remove the protective packaging (6) tromtheeactode acm Donot wee a the ame sherds UROO HEATING anmmnmannnenenmnimnan, QREESTER FITTING THE APPLIANCE De motte et BOILER CONNECTIONS Prunus eeu as re rte ray eens (GAS AND WATER CONNECTIONS: > System pipes may be run verzally upwards behind the bole or below it. See Pumbing Mani Section on page 15. ‘ACH flow (22 mn), BCH run (22 en), © Gas not (22 ne, - DHW out (16 mn) Maine water not (15 re, > 1. Fitoolng washer o sare vaves beter hanging ber IMPORTANT: Before hanging the baller onto the wall mounting pte ensure that the pray ‘sre rele valve connection i athe DOWN poston, This is located onthe righthand sido ‘ofthe wal rama he re > 2,Pullhe extended tebover orward and own unt thre eno futher travel > .tang the bail on tothe hanging back ft The luge pace through the rectangular hol in he boi back pana Tato care roto at the washers on the NOTE: tis recommended that thie iting ‘eperation ie care out by 2 peopl, ‘observing al precautions forthe sae iting of hoary object Do not bythe tp case panel. Thre ao ‘wo haring ales incarpexated inc the inner casing tan ight the lower ec tin athe appliance. > 4. Lower the contol pana nt he service poston by removing the soe 0X) om the Feiining bracket. > 5.Make connections tothe hosting syters > Connect th gos suppl tothe baller gas cee 22 me compression > Connect maine waterin and DH out a IMPORTANT: The pressure rebel connector ‘must be repostined ator the boiler has been ‘correctly meurted othe wall mcurting pate. > 6 Push te lever onthe pressure re! com rector UP unt the stp onthe sie ofthe hans eve the shoulder ofthe metal bracket to secure i place 1 2tmen 18mem 2mm tm Sm FANORCESTER 12 L20ers yimcnsnnnraete cme neva HITTING THE APPLANCE ee eee BONER CONNECTIONS, FLUE INSTALLATION HORIZONTAL FLUE (607100 mm ciarnoter) For vet fues and 80125 mn hoot oes please refer separate Five Ki insrions. NOTE: ease to assambl ove conzonent, ‘spp scone ubicant sing suices. The instutone for the 80700 nn dameter fue «re shaun babu. MEASURING THE FLUE (Standard > Mosaure from the outdo wal tothe cane fina of re fue ture (engt R >» Subirac 82 rm forthe length Lio ge ge amen : the comeot mension othe ue elbow con Seater > The terminal ection shouldbe cut othe linension, however ust not be shorter ‘han 250 rm, > ter cuting the ond mst be square and fre rom burs to prevent damage to the fe sea a Sa ecg Toeeneee, © WORCES Camp \ 23800 be Testi an tn tte semm 960mm 734 em a4 mm Tunet——Extonsion Cut Longin ‘Standard Flue Recited Lenath 1 i | FLUE INSTALLATION MEASURING THE FLUE (Extension Fe Kis): ‘ONLY CUT EXTENDED FLUE LENGTHS > As tte Stand Fue measure frm the ‘outside wat the centre ne ofthe fe tur ret length. Subtract he usable length of to elandard fue (694 mm) om fngth L > Subtract the veblelongth ofthe twret (2mm) from length. » Sublrect 960 mm or esc length ster ‘on rom tha igure ‘Catone oth oorsions to tho rman. > Carte tos squae taking caro rot to don the tbes. > Ramove sry ture xan Length = 2980 men ‘Subtract Standard Fue — 694 men SubtactTuret — — 52mm ‘Subwact FullEenson = 960mm Cat Length = 734mm NOTE: Where extensions are reduce cut length which DOES NOT contain the sea ADDITION OF FL.UE BENDS: ‘waa fu bonds ae being used en allowance of 84mm or bond must be allowed fom the Centre fine of the bend In he exo ahown sing a fue extension (960 mm) with 2 bends sieve afta length af 1148 em Fragen ons gnomermeroninan saa FLUE INSTALLATION Standard Fe Internal Wall Set External Wall Seal Clamp Extension Duet This serew should be fited int or vw ‘easier instalation Fat t beck | Tis screw should be ited lat or FLUE INSTALLATION ASSEMBLING THE FLUE 1 Sie inner cota (8) onto terminal (A) 2 Adena extanion or bonds Posh ia exerslons/bend/terial together and sacure connactions wih ‘camps (0). The slope ofthe erina uve ust face downwards, FITTING THE FLUE. {Fite terminal (A) hsough the Rut opeing inthe wal, exposing te plate outlet section tothe ous ac the out ‘ie colle (Core the notches to sure. 4 Assemble tue to baler using the thee screws (200 below) Note: Sous are a Bodor orn Hue it FITTING THE TURRET: + Fle turet shoud push crecty down and not be twisted into corest poston » Btturt onto appliance and tan with thee sero NOTE: Ths clamping plat fa should boat tho reae ofthe applanoe, ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REMINDERS: 1 Ensure tat al cut length ae aquare anc {ro ron br. +The fv, when assembled, is uly sealed «and components are puted home, + Thee set at an angle ofS or 52mm per addtional tm length of extension used, ce ee emmensonovs — peaenerow CONDENSATE CONNECTION Never terminate or discharge into any open source, including: sink bath, shower, bidet, toilet ee. ote: any extemal condensate pipework of fercestive rune should be protected with ‘weather resistant insulation to help prevent freezing, + Ensure thatthe condensate drains 22 mm diamoter plastic pipe. must al at last 50 mm per mete towards th out + An acapler (Ain 22 mm pipe is contained inthe ting pack Frroncesieg oo unconanuiaunsunannanananana” gongeneat Gomecnon 9 ELECTRICAL Creer Be ee ecu meters Danger of short circult: When connecting] the eables ensure thal no cable pleces fall into the Heatroric, Mote: Maine eupply tothe boiler must bo trough fused duble pole iglsor stated adjacent to the appliance. The istator must Ihave a contact separation ofS mm minima in pote. 2 wos (rer seoee Les, Acco toc concn: ea area erenpaeeaiiee canbntyemmteg ie wce Doon Be aries 1) Che eten sro (en th bask Jf” PRS pate oe ones 2. Ure cal cmp) 4 Cuter ea oy ale Since ate 5. Tmoulerenring oo (0) anclcon eae thea ne cable dao (0 ou ew ee ee Tuna cg se 2 cc Seruveabosnepes cary (m0 ae 6, Mains power 290 V connection (STI: > Separate wis fam cable end and sip to nm {Connoct LIVE wit to ering (L) ‘Connect NEUTRAL wet the teminal{N) [Connact EARTH vieo to tho earth cone: tore) NOTE! Earth cable tbe longer eo tatit pul out ast f sie cables enaggc. 7. Optional extemal fost thermostat connec son aro Cont ost amos spe nett ro » Conet st emos eum we te at &. 230V:com amos andor ema mer ‘sre + Rove ak + Conant oom moda LE ply tormral ts) > Comoot on temesatLNE eu 2 watt H + Connatoom omosat NEUTRAL E weal) 7 ©. Ret conte pane ore > Refit panel and seca with orews cng tho contl pana its upser postion sand a it with ser (A et a eee PAPORCESTER feree toon POSITION OF WIRED COMPONENTS HEAT CELL pump ) "ne om Anne oo as See SONS PRE-COMMISSIONING CHECKS: Pea Cen > 1.Oheck thatthe senice and water pipes are connected to the ooreot postion onthe randold. A- CH ow (220m), 1B CH retom (22mm), Gosint (22mm), 1D DHW out (1m) E-Maie water int (Ime), 2.Chack he as ype spaced onthe den ‘iteation plate (F) maaches hat ofthe gas ‘supp. Tum onthe ain ga sup, chock the ons pipework, connections and rectly ary looks. » 8 Check thatthe prssure reef connector located on the ight hand sie atthe botor the wal Fame, its up poston, A. Chock thatthe condensete pipe has been cannectod io tho adapter IMPORTANT: I the boilers nt to be com- missioned immediately then: after sucess-| uty completing all ofthe checks and any rectification work close the gas and water valves, shutoff the gas supply and elect cally isolate the boiler. ECOMRONNE SHES —_—Smnannmncamnmomnminaens AQOREESTER FILLING THE SYSTEM 1 Enaure al estem and baler dain points ae ocos, 2. Remove the bot pane i fed) {3 Ensure thatthe wht paste conto screw (C)on the charging nko ued tu nto its lose postion 4 Open hooting vv on both the DHW intend CH coun connections 5 neat he charging hey (0) (uted in te ‘toraga poston (E) en tho botom cover of the bode) nia aligning th arrow onthe ‘ay wits the“nloce” eymbol en the charg ing ek be Ens that te key iinet {uly and tum othe ok” postion. Chock that tha ay is cure 6 Tol he system om the DHW inet um tho white plastic contrl screw (C) on the charging Ink to tho flyout poston, 7. Once the system has boon Sled 9 pres: ‘47001 baru the white contol stew (tots closed positon. 8 en allalator,righton when competes and chock th ejtom and correct any looks. +The bole ntogral expansion voeoo ie precharged 100.75 ber equal oa etatic head of 75 metor (22 A] A Schacter ‘ype vabo fied the expansion veel o low for pressure adjustment # required. Wan extra expansion vessel is ited tothe ‘ental heating ran, adjust the same pressure asthe appliance intemal expan ‘sion tank, efor o separate inucions wit the era expansion vessel {8 Brey open the pressure reel vahe to test its operation, 10 Reiltheeystom upto 1 bar. Tun the whe Teat gas suey or eoundness as desorbed inpseser FRIORCESTER Wines oncinonyasrn weaves uno ncaorransac eee fae STARTING THE APPLIANCE IMPORTANT: Never run the appliance when the appliance/system is empty or partially filed. ‘SWITCHING THE APPLIANCE ON/OFF: 11 Tum en mire power pel. > Turn on ary ovtrnal conto. Set tho thomoetai talatos controls ‘matimum tomportre. Set th clock/regrarmer to continuously (ON and the room armostat to maximus temperature 2 A-Oniot button Ono and fut inestor (BLUE) C- Conta heating temperate contol 1D- Bumer indicator (GREEN) E+ Recet bation F- Service button G-DHW temperate cota H- ECO button 1 ystem prossure gauge J-Cover or options! programmer Display E L- Conta eating boost button M- Holiday button N- Automate ae vent > Prsebuton (A) andthe power on inca toe (6) unos BLUE Ate af seconde ecg a how to flow ampere 8.» Tu he CH tenperatr conte (0) 0 asin Tener on ndeatr() Ba tates GREEN when the burr has ores: * Theft time the alance i switched 7, orca venkng hncton sect ‘The heating pup hon ewiches onan of atin, This sequence lass abou 8 ‘ito. The pay shows shows on oration wh tho CH How tamper Te automata vet) mua be open peat wet. the ote un fr 1 mies a mun mating eure il he cadena rap {opi (0) alerates betas “I” the centalhssrg fow tmpraura THis occurs every tne the mais supply tas boon nore. 4p the bode als oh the BLUE power inecater (2) and eet baton (E) wl fh alternately, Te rset proce and hal ho ect button (2) for 2 second. The boo wa be roca sowracncoancs SANORCESTER STARTING THE APPLIANCE rao sen NICS FER RCESTER EOE EET vate af ©] Flushing fae! ©} vite — WATER TREATMENT TMPORTANT: Dobris from the system ean] demege the boller and ceduce efficiency. Feilure to comply with the guidelines for the use of water treatment withthe appl- 2nco wil invalidata the appiance warranty ENSURE THAT THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN CLEANED AS ON PAGE 9 OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS. FLUSHING (Central Heating 1.» Switch of the br. > Opon al an cocks (B) and cain the ‘system (0) whe the appiance isha. 2. » Close dain cake (D) and add a suitable ftushing agont ©) at he core etength or the system condton in cordance ith she smandacture instructions. 8. » Run the hotedeytom at normal operating temperature (Fr the tie ated by the manacturerof the Rushing agont (3) 4. » Drain H) and shoroughy fash th eters to remove he fusing agent and debris INHIBITOR (Cental Heating: 5. » Chock dean cocks are elased and al radiator vals are open (K) before adding & ‘lil inher (or combined inhibitor! ant-heeze if the oytem a expozod ofreez+ ing conditions) to the heating eyter water {Win aeordance wth tho manuicctrore 6. » Fava the bitin ling cop to between 1 ne 2 br using he ling ay 2. » Venta raitrsretighton vont won completo tN), 1, » Repressurine necessary to 1 ar (O » Seta contro asinum(@). > Record the date when the inhibitor was ‘aséed to he stom onthe gusartoo car NOTE: The concentration level of iniior in the eystem should bo checked every 12 -monhs or sooner i system contents lost The adslton of sealing agente to to eystam ater is not recammendled as tie can eavee probloms with doposits lott in the heat exchanger compatible with aluminium. The pH value ofthe system water must be less than 8 or the appliance guarantee will be lnvalidated. Anne oo pole pela WATER TREATMENT COMMISSIONING mode, the boiler ‘the central heating and the domestic| THE COMBUSTION FOR THE APPLIANCE hot water circuits. IS FACTORY SET. sufficient time for this part of the| No ADJUSTMENT IS REQUIRED IF THE ‘commissioning procedure. It will bo| Gas INLET PRESSURE IS CORRECT. necessary to run water through the domestic hot water circuit to ensure that the boiler wil not cycle on low heating demands, CHECKING GAS INLET PRESSURE: ‘The inlet pressure tothe applance must be ‘hacked using the follwing pocedure: SETTING THE BOILER TO MAXIMUM: 1» Press ceria! heating boost button (Lor ton seconds and cot Conta Heating tr peature fo masinur. * Te canal hesting boost button wil him ate continual. MEASURING THE INLET PRESSURE: 2 Slachen tho eerow i the inl rossuro teat point and comect a manometer Measure the prossuro wit he boler running st max. + Check he ga sucoy working pressure st the ga vale lt poi NG. min 16 mbar LPG. 37 mbar Tho gas rate should be moastred at he ‘gas meter for 10 minutos operation at resin, See tachrical deta section a the front of this manus > Enoure inlet preseuresatistactory with other ge epptancos working + Replace contle cover NOTE: Tho bllor 'eclcignd with a iorenti of 20°C ‘axons the hoxtng stom. IMPORTANT: Do not continue. commissioning until the correct {gas inlet pressure is achieved. pressure ie etitactry pra the canta ‘nesting boot button (L) again and the boi ery ctura a nomal peraton. “HfL in the service mode the contet will return to oral operation ater 15 mites. > Re-eal he screw in tho ga int preceure test pont DOMESTIC HOT WATER: Contraling the hot water temperature Toe hot water ermpealue can beet 0 locas between aoprozmate 40°C and 60°C |B - On/aif and faut indicator (BLUE) eo C-Ceninl eating terperirecentot ——_DOMESTICHOT WATER PREHEAT: - Bumerindctr {GREEN} Pea on tien et voter a the tp and is cot y 1 Reset bution a F -Seroe Baten > Presse ECO bln to select ter: Spe eee etree ‘When the ECO button is not illuminated the ECO buten boiler wil bein prechest made (which wil |. Syetem preoure gauge rec the time tae to prakice hot water at tetas) J+ Cover or optional progammer Ke Dispay on 1L- Cental heating boost button When the ECO tuston I luminstd the boter Held ban wit be in Economy mode with pre-heat no longer active COMMISSIONING. sees cmerene, AWorces FINISHING COMMISSIONING ‘The bolior has been factory set, so there _should be no need to adjust any controls REPLACE OUTER CASING: 1 Replace outer casing making sure that he securing poits are prope locatd > Poss he cp (A) downwards to secure casing ont. > Retghin bottom two rows INSTALLING BOTTOM PANEL: 2 The bottom panel ede orto two lee {© oar Sof he boa tae. > Hold the pene up against the undarsiso the blr nd fd towards he rear unt ay engage HANDOVER Complete the Benchark checks > Setup the cenrols an show the oer how to operate al the conta shown in the User Guide. + fine appanceis unused and exposed to freeing conditions; shut off lth maine supplies and eran the estem and bole PAMORCESTER e104 sevens nemcnnsronwostEG8 FOS CMEHEUR EEUEDIEEWEH ERIS HING COMMISSIONING CTT aaa ken enn) recur UCL euP neces terrane ret IMPORTANT: AFTER REPLACEMENT OF ANY COMPONENTS ALWAYS CHECK FOR GAS SOUNDNESS WHERE RELEVANT AND CARRY OUT FUNCTIONAL CHECKS AS DESCRIBED IN COMMISSIONING, ANY O-RING OR GASKET THAT APPEARS DAMAGED MUST BE REPLACED. INSPECTION AND SERVICE. IMPORTANT: Any service work must De carried out by competent registered engi- ears such as British Gas or Corgi reals- tered engineer + To ensue the continued efcient operation cf he appnce it must be checked a regu larintersle + The requony of servicing wil depend upon the particular ntalaton condone end nage. However an anal eervco ree commended + The extent ofthe sonice required by the appliance ie detomined by te operating conditen ofthe applance when tested by ‘uly qualified engineers. INSPECTION 4. Chock that the temine and the fein (9u40, fe, ar clear and uname. 2, Wthe appliance ina compartment 1 cu bose check hat the specified serves pace acund the appianos i ear, {8 Chock allthe joins and comnsction inthe ‘ystom and reake ary that chow agno cf loakago. Rell nd e-proceurce# applica bio ae decerbed in Conmiseioning >» Oporto the applance ad take not of ‘ny regulars. Call up the at faut toed bythe Bosch Hera, Senice Function 0. Refer to Fast Fring for rctieaton procedures. INSPECTION AND SERVICE R emensmove pene INSPECTION AND SERVICE, (COMPONENT ACCESS 1. Removing outer case 44. Remove batt pane! by pula it forward and ft. “14. Undo but do ao romene the 2 cere (securing boter casing at the boom of ‘he apliance 1.2 Pul upwards to relase th cp (B] on top ofthe bode 1.8 Palcato “eres and ronovo 2. Adjusting boiler control to service position 24 Reena sew (X securing contch 22 Gent pul forward url mos to rastinceriee psiten. Primary Heat Exchanger Theresa special accessory kt avaabio spectioaly designed for leaning tho heat trchanger lf requed order? 719001 998, 1 » Check fan preesurs al he tst point net tothe fan using an lector manometer » The bole must be run at macizncut. Pressure willead nogatve and be grater than 2600) 2.7 moar 80CD)- 4 ar 950D)-51 mbar 4000) -5.2 mbar » Pressures measured below thane figures wines thatthe heat exctanger wil reqpire clearing, Vaan WORCESTER So INSPECTION AND SERVICE Setting Boiler to Maximum, NOTE: When running inthe heating boost mode the bor wil operate both the Cental Heating and DHW circuits. This is allow sul ficient tne for seting procedure. Ie wil be necessary trun weter though the DHW circuit o ensure thatthe biter wil not cycle om low heating demands |A-Onvot burton 5 - Ovo and faut incicator (BLUE) {© Conta heating temperature contol 1 - Bumer incioator (GREEN) E- Reset baton F- Service baton G- DHW temperate contol H-ECO button 1+ Syetom possi gauge J+ Cover cr opinal programmer M- Holiday baton 1 » Prete and HOLD cer! heating Boost bation (U for 10 cond and eet Cantal Heating temperature to masa. +The conta hoatngbooet button wi ilu sate continu. +The bel wl tay in the mode for 15 minits unlec te cent hosing boost bultlon is pressed agsin. 2» Pathe cover ctf and connect a mancmar ter to tho an prossure test point After measurement replace test point Pressure wil read ogatve and be grate than 26C01-2.7 mbar 3000-41 mbar 350Di-81 mbar 4000\-8.2 ber + Procewrea measured blow tho gues ‘salina that he heat exchanger wil require searing 1 There isa spacial accessory kt sulle ‘specitcly designed for leaning the beat ttchanger If raquted order 7 719001 996. INSPECTION AND SERVICE aa | ORCESTEN Beat @eep INSPECTION AND SERVICE To Clean the Heat Exchanger + Remove outer case and bane panel and inca the appliance from power. 1. » Remove clearing access cove (8), esa) (©) and meta pat (0) securing i # pre sont 21» Loceen any dopo inthe heat exchanger ‘tom top t9 botom using the Gearing isda 2.2» Clan he heat exchanger tom top to bot tom ug the brush » Raft the clean out coverplatesin reverse ade using anew seal (C} and tighten serous toa txque of aporoxinatcly 5 Nm. PWORCESTER 212015 2mern nemcro ree wicca ae EDI ese INSPECTION AND SERVICE p INSPECTION AND SERVICE To Clean the Burner 1. Remove cover panel (A) by removing the sorewa (8) > Check that he boter ie completly ot fd tom tho gas supe. 2, + Remove the clips (C) and unsorew te wo bots (0). + Unsere and emeve the tao hexagon sores (E) soci the tan, » Sacken fy tho rear securing bot (F + Rema the bumer cover plate (G1) |. + Remove te bumer (Hand clean compo: nents, Do not use wire brush To Check the Diaphragm In Burner Cover 4. > Carol withdraw diaphragm (rom fan intake tube and chock for ealing and ets. > Carel rit dlaphragm (the conect ‘ray rund nt tho fn intako hbo [Nota The flaps ofthe chan () must open upwards. > Re-asconbio buna in ovese order using ‘new seal) > Act guar ratio. Refer o section "Soting the gas ato To Clean the Condensate Trap ‘ty Pull condensate pipe out of the adartes, {52+ Remove tap fiom bail. > Clean rap ed check thatthe connection tothe heat exchangers cleo. > Fil the condensate tap with appro rately 174 lire f wator and rftinroverae ondon ee omen eoee Oe amald Ceca REPLACEMENT OF PARTS: eau CRE CLanS Eta IMPORTANT: AFTER REPLACEMENT OF [ANY COMPONENTS ALWAYS CHECK FOR GAS SOUNDNESS WHERE RELEVANT [AND CARRY OUT FUNCTIONAL CHECKS AS DESCRIBED IN COMMISSIONING, [ANY O-RING OR GASKET THAT APPEARS DAMAGED MUST BE REPLACED. 1. Removing outer case 1.» Remove boom pane by paling forward and oft. 1 Loosen but donot remove he 2 serene (0) securing boar casing athe boton of the appliance. 1.2» Put upwards to rlease tho clip (8) top ofthe bar {ae Pull case forward and remove. 2. Moving boiler control to service position 2A» Remove soxow (Xoseutng conta 226 Gently pul forward 9. Primary sensor > ross elining lp on plastic mauling tnd pall uprards unt lear of pocket in heat exchenge. > Separate seasortom connector, coat new seacor wih het conductive paste and ropiac. Overheat thermostat > Remove two electiel connectors fom thermostat > Unscrew the seae 5. Flue limit thermostat » Remove eecreal conection > Unsorew thermostat fom fn. 6. Expansion Vessel » Drain the appliance 181» emovo locking serow (0). {82s Unde the union conection (E tthe bot {om ofthe expansion vse. » Remove expansion vassal tm boll. » Set the pressre ofthe new voselto Hat roqpies by he sytem. Aaa ea ermaneenioury REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 11 Undo top gas connection (B) 1 ga va. 1» Undo bottom goa connocton (C} 1 ga8 vale, 72> Undo two securing srows (D} on tho Uundorside of casing. » Pulvalve up and forward outa boll. Dieconnoet letra! connections Replace va wth new seals and chock {ex gas soundnose. ‘Note: Theva wil ruleset, flow pro- cedure "Seting the gasar ratio in tho gas 8. Siphon 1 Pu condensate pipe ou! othe adante, 82+ Remove treo fom bolle. » Clean rap and check that the conection to tho heat exchangoria low. > Filho condenest tap with appro: smatly 14 le ct water and ftin reverse ode eR ceunt os Bite nana SNE RTI LOD Arroncesten REPLACEMENT OF PARTS ‘Access to boller contro! components » Remove 3 screws (A) and move cover rom contro . PCB fuse > Remove se (8) fom the POB and replace, > Theroio a spare tse inne into he |. Transformer / PCB. » Disconnect el tect! cnmactions from he contol » Romove 5 eorewe ()etaning the rox pan of tho contol and remove pare PAIORCESTER 101014 sevcre ness roxworee borer crete eR seaes arcu 9 Somheru eran nan REPLACEMENT OF PARTS IMPORTANT: AFTER REASSEMBLY THE COMBUSTION MUST BE CHECKED USING THE PROCE- DURE IN THE SECTION “SETTING THE GAS AIR RATIO". MEASURE- MENT AND SETTING (IF NECES- SARY) OF THE GAS RATIO MUST NOT BE ATTEMPTED UNLESS THE PERSON IS EQUIPPED WITH A COMBUSTION ANALYSER CON- FORMING TO BS 7927 AND IS COM- PETENT IN ITS USE. 12, Fan assembly + Remove electrical comectx from fan > Remove condansate tap (eee page 42). 121. Undo the union eonnocton (8. > Remove we lip (B) rom at/gas austen assombiy (6) hen pull gas pe down. 122 > Unscrew two sora (O) 123. + Remove fan tom beter 124 + Remove tee serous ining the sielgas adjustment assembly (6) > Reasaerble with ew fan assuring that sear comecty ited B 13, Electrode assembly » Disconnect spark electrodes and fame + Remove two screws (P. > Ramove aprkilame secrede aso by (G) rom hoat exchange Reet AgeueNT OF mara seunemwcnnenenoetovecarnamannmnnosincontt Ariorci REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 14, Alt/gas manifold 141+ Remove cover panel) by romaning tha serows (@) » Check that he bodes completly io: lated rom he gas soppy. 142. » Remove te clips (©) and unscrew the ‘wo bolt (0). > Unscrew and erove the to hexagon screws () securing the fon. » Secken fly tho ear securing bot (F. 143» Remove aidoss manifold () 144 Open a/gns manifold ( > Careuly witha daphragr fort fanintae tube and check or nding end pts, 15. Burner > Ramove the bua (H). > Replace new burner ia caret posi iE iE > Ensure hat @ now sal (is ued, Cg TT 9 once REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 16. Heat exchanger > Isat low anc return vas and rin ‘he Boer. + Remove condeneate tap [ooo page 42). > Remove fan assembly (000 page 40) 181.» Romove plate nut (A) rom he base ot thoinnor casing 162» Remove rtm pip at the botom of eat exchange 163» Remove serew tthe top of he heat ‘exchanger (C), > Unscrew the tow pipe (0). 164 + Undo fae connscton (fom samp (P. > Pal fue pipe up. + Remove the hea! exchange REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 17, Diverter valve motor > Ereura the appliance sin sowie rode (rel no need to din he spplance) » Disconnect the electrical connestor ‘tom the cveter valve moto. ATA» Paltho motor asterbly (A) toward you. The assembly wise fee rem the vale > To refit folow the above in covers Note: Incase cf probleme when eting tha motor Comect the eecical con ecto tothe tor and itch ta appl fanee on, Then the motor goes othe mile positon and you can rot wit out atic 18. Diverter valve » Eraure the appliance has ben uly drained. > Disconnect the electrical comer fra the verter valve motos. > Und tho vo sens aldng the vae tothe plastic heusing ABA» Withseow the valve (8) and lan the ‘rive chamber nceeeery. > Torefit, flow the stove in rovree. Ensure ary seas that have beon cis turbad ae renewed, 18. Auto air vent » reure the appliance has boon uly rai. 181» Use ascrewcrvr or sini orotate the a vent anticlockwise, 182» Litthe avert (©) ou of the housing od remove > Torefit, flow the above inroverse. 20, DHW temperature sensor > Enour the dorenio hot water cout ie fly éranod. > Disconnect the electrical connection ‘rom the sane. > wirraw neeping cp. » wit the sensor (0) tom the rowing > Ta ef, flow the above in reverse Aaa oe REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 21. Pump head > Ensure the appliance has been fly iced, > Disconnect the electrical connection ‘ro the batten othe pe. 241» Remove the fur Alon bt (A) secur 'g tho pump at each comer. 212» Gonty pulthe pun towards you are > Tori, flow the above in roverse 22, Pressure gauge > Ensue the appliance has ben fly dain. > Withdraw the sping clip fom the pres ‘sre sensing oad housing > Unde the nut onthe cer ofthe pres sure gauge > Romore te posture sesing head and pressure gauge copilary from the housing + Tore, follow he abovo in rover. DO NOT omit the wachor em the capi- ‘ry when iting a replacement gnuge 23, Flow sensor, flow restrictor housing and filter > Eneuc the domestic hot water ccat ‘ly dined > Disconne the ected connection to the turin, > Remove to spring clip rom the hous ing and move the brass pipe to ons so. 231» Withdraw the low senor ae tite ‘ro th housing > Using tho carrie tag. withdraw the ‘tow restr hoving. tha equator rousing hee become stuck, pal af ong nosed por may be used 0 grip the ening, To rl, follow the above in eveae Eeure any stat have boon d= ‘utbed are renewed 24, Flow regulator > Remove te tow resritorhousng (00 Romoving the fow sonsoy, low regulator and 243» Using a emal Allon kayo sar, push ‘he fou retitorcarridge out ots ovsing > To rf, follow the above in verse Ena any aa that have been + ‘urbed are renew 25, Drain tap > Ensue tho apaliance has been fly dain. 254» Rotate the dain tp uly ancockwiae, 252.» Withdraw he dn tap fom ts howtng. > Toft, flow the above in everae Ensure any seals that have been s- ‘urbed aro renew. os coum mnnoscoanemenmacaices ANORCESTER tmcranean WORE REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 28. Hydraulic Block » Ensue the appliance has been fly rane. > Discannec the electrical connections {o the NTO, Tubias and pum. > Undo the nuts securing the copper ‘watr pea othe mano her ie a0 need te rove the geo pip). + Release the spring eps socring ‘these water pipos to tho plete housing ‘spd rmova the pip. > Rolesto the spring clip sacuting the ‘expansion voce pet the plac housing and remove tho pips > Undo the aut scaring the prossuro ‘ge to As bracket and eave the ‘ape. > Release the locking dovices hat ‘sour the two copper water pies lead ing tothe combustion chamber by sunezing the two tabs logeter an fotang artilockvise (wewed fom above). 2251 > Undo the two core securing tha hydra lock tthe chassis oat ‘op lotutep right ofthe housing). 282. Lit the elt hand side ofthe block ‘ght, thon manoouwo the block ct, ‘aring with the night rand sd. > Take care not io sag the Ramee oF roseure gauge racket [NOTE: the block wit il cozan a ema amount of water, which il spi he ck tte, To reflow the above in everso Eneure any seals that have boon ds- ‘urbed are renewed. Block B14» Romoro th eping clip rom the Prateure reli va housing 222» Witheaw the prossure roiase valve (A) tom ts heusing >To rat olow tho above in rverse eure any seas that have boon ds turbed are ronewee Sasa cesta eae ee WORCERTER oe REPLACEMENT OF PARTS 28. Plastic protection device > Eraura the syst is tly drain. » Disconnect al pines connected tothe pump housing, > Remove the soctical conection to the pomp, > Witréraw tho mat ofp tothe Fgh of tho pump head to reosee the pump, housing, » Sie the dovco to tho let and then witha trom the spelen 281.» Removo the spring ep trom se rl vale housing, 282. » Wihckaw te pressure rel valvo (A) > Torelit, flow the above i reverse Ensure ary seals that have boon dis tubed ace renened. pres 29. DHW Heat exchanger > Remove he Hydrol Bock fom tho oder (Soe Removing the Hydrate Boe 291.» Undo the two screws (B) securing the Plastic heusrgs tothe hot exchanger, 1282. + Remon tha hes exchanger » To eft, fow the above ovese Eure any seas that have been dis- turbed are renewed. PesLccveer cee ‘newts eco CTE obo EP con R ermmrumoven gan teow Ser E SETTING THE GASVAIR RATIO 5, Setting the CO, Note: Wor running i the aowico modo, tho Dolor wil operate Both the conta heating & HW circuits. Tha i oa euton time for the aating procedure, wil be necsesary to rn water though the DHW ezoult to ensure that the Boller wll not cycle on low heating cman St» Gonnact mancmatr 1 el pressure point onthe gas va + Toast he Cg it wil be nocossary to {it operate the bode tina output > Press and hol! down the conta heating boost buton (A for 10 seconds ulti: ate, ‘52s Turn conta heating corel o asin; the bole wil hen go to maximum output Note The contol wil reeume normal opora ton afer 15 minutos ori the conta heating boost buton ie pronsed fr over a sas. 153 Using flat blade eraser sot tho {Cg va adjuster (8) using table below. Noto: COg shouts be measured 10 minutes shar fig he pence, Gastype | COgseting | 60y sotina maximum —_| minimum ‘Greenstar 25604, 3060 and 36CDI Natural gas] 9.696 x02 | 80% sa 1G | 0n% =a] 5% ms ‘Greenstar 40CDh Waturaigas| 0.7% nz | Oi 6 woe > Check CO isle than 200 ppm. » Measure tho lot prossure; shoul be 2 ‘minimum of 18 moa or natural ge an 37 mos for LPG. ‘4 Set he central heating conto mine ‘mur, This wil make the blr got min mur poss, ‘55s Meare the COpiit should now be tte figure for minirum output W not act (C) cn tho ges vivo unt cart > Retin to maximum and echock he (60q.eorect press ane hal down the ental hating boost buon for 2 second; the baton wal cesee to boifurinated and tha bue power indoetor wil be pormanenty oinat, » Remove manometer and real ilt pres sure pont on gas va. > Ftnow plastic coalng cover ont ott acjster (8 > Ft white cover over vale asst (0) arc secure with blac secur ta, > Remove red arrow trom data plate and ft ew one in corectposion for a8 We. > Reassombie and rebar case. > Re-cennect mains elcticl evpply nd chook bode operation a stated in tho com isconng vecton. > now label kom bit over existing bet on the applanco bitom pans Aaa oo WORCESTER sons" SHORT PARTS LIST Fan 26/30/35 CDi Combi WES Part Na 8 717 2044890 GCN HReS9e Fen 49 601 Combi WHS Pura 8 717 204 5290 GCNa TOBE CONFIRMED Bummer WHS Part Na 9 710006 @580 GCNo 27200 Gas vale WHS Par Na 8 716107 0590 CNa H26890 Control board Was Penta @748 900 5960 Gena Haa48e Temperature tit sensor WHS Por Na. 8772 063 6580 Gcha Hoa201 Electrodes WHS Puta 8718 107 0690 GCNa HaRaSe Flow reg. Type Esttre orange WHS Par No. 8716161 1430 GCNa 324628 Flow reg. Type titre brown WHS PartNo” 8716 107 048.0 GCNo” H22a60 Flow reg. Type tltrered WHS PartNo 8 716 141 061 0 GCN 305767 Flow reg. Typo E titre r060 Wns PartNo 8716 107 887 0 GCNe Hazaer Preseure rae valve OHW WS Pan No 8717 40t 0290 SCN 02526 Pump assembly WHS par No, 8716 108 9540 GCNa | Ha2469 Pressure aouat ‘Ws Per lo 8717 208107 0 Gone Hoa 828 Fiow sensor WHS Sar No, 87161072230 GCNa OZ 829 DHW temperature sensor WHS PartNo 8 714500 061 0 GCNa HO2838. Heat exchanger 16 pate WHS Parla 8 716 106 685.0 GCNo HOZsat Heat exchanger 20 plate WHS Por No. 8716 1082120 Cio Hazass Diverter valve assembly WHS Pot No. 8 716 108-045 0 GCN Ho2833 Diverter valve motor WS Paria. 8 748 108 847 0 Gch HoZsse CContral sonsor primary WHS Por No.” 8714500 087 0 ccna 74536 cuORT eae Ler enue. croasoe daceneseceo cases eaters R ermerameuns aera LPG. CONVERSION TSOLATE MAINS ELECTRICAL ‘SUPPLY AND REMOVE OUTER CASE AS SHOWN IN THE INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING & SERVICING. INSTRUCTIONS, Important: Te appiance shal ct be nstalod Je a oom of internal space bolaw ground Tovel when iis intonded for use with LPG (propane - G31). The doos not preclude the installation into room or space which 6 a ‘Deseret on onesie ofthe buding but open to round on he oppo sido. Instattation Regulations Inadaltion to those specified in the main booklet the folowing standard applies winen Converting 19 an LPG appliance: BS 5862 Domestic Propane Gas Burning Instaitions. _Aleonversions vil require the ar gas ratio to bbe set correctly for the gas used. The procedure for salting the elt gas ratio Is st {he rear of those Instruction. 1, Moving boiler control to service position > Remote bole case, 35 describes on page 92. “11+ Romove acrow (x) fom retaining bracket, 412+ Lower conte! panel eto sence postion, 2. Code plug 2» Remove 3 sows (0) retaining plastic ‘over at rearof cota bax and remove. 22m Replace code plo (E] wth new ono up- ‘lad with conversion et > Replace pesto covs > Pace contol ia nema poston and THE GAS 7 AIR RATIO MUST BE RESET AFTER CONVERSION. THE PROCEDURE GAN BE FOUND IN ‘THE REPLACEMENT PARTS SECTION OF THIS MANUAL. Frroncesran nnn ence ronnoa prema arcana ni ewe Gu LPG. CONVERSION FAULT FINDING NOTE: Thi fut cing information i or gucance only, Wereseter Bosch cannot be held responsible for costa incur by persone not doomed 19 be competent ‘Ts eacrenic control este for his boler mcorporats a tuo contra incor. This normaly coins the permanent main supply but, by ashing lng atau, proses de tothe causa a ate, “This faut incng system sesumos thatthe appence hae baen operating normaly nl the tine of fae (i. not st instalation er). PRELIMINARY CHECKS: Preliminary electrical system checks aro the tat elactical checks to be carted out during a fending procedure ‘On completion ofthe Service/Faut-Finding task which has required the breaking and remaking of elctcl connections, check (@)EARTH CONTINUITY, ) SHORT CIRCUIT CHECK, (] POLARITY and (d) RESISTANCE TO EARTH, Display code’ | Description. = at Pomp has nn dy ‘Chock sytem pressure, add watr ar blood eystom os necessary. AT Hot wale NTC sensor defective, ‘Check hot water NTC sensor and connecting lad for ceut brecka/short cect, bt ‘Code plug not detected Ingort code plug comecly, tot and eplce necessary ce Fan oped to low. ‘Check fan load and connector, and fan; raplace ae necoeay. 2 (CH flow NIC sensor defective (Check CH low NIC sensor and connecting led. 9 ‘Ssoty tomp. ister CH fow has Wipped. ‘Ghack ayetem pressure, check eafety tmp. lier, check pump operation, check ise pcb, Bled spp EA Fame not detected, Ia gue cock turned on? Ohock gas eupey pressure, power eupply, igniter electrode and lead, ionisation soneing elecirodo and lose ue duct and CO lave FO. Invral er ‘Chock electrical connector contats, programmer Fer aco module ignition leads are rot lense; replace pb necessary. F7 ams dotocted eventhough appliance ewiched of, | Chock slociodo aesombly, ry peb, Fue clear? FA Fame detooted ater ga shat of ‘Check gas valve and wing to gs vee. Cleen conden _aton tap and check slctrode assembiy Flue car? 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