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Environmental Problems 2

Acid rains

Harmful chemicals are released into the air and Government should force power stations
mix with the water in clouds. Acid rain causes to reduce the amount of poison that is
great damage to the animals and plant life.
released to the atmosphere.

Too much rubbish

Local authorities must encourage people

to recycle litter.
The streets are full of litter. It spreads the

People have to use litter bins instead of

dropping litter.

We must take special care of wild nature.

Animals are in

Many birds and animals on the Earth are

disappearing. Some of them are in dander of
extinction. People hunt and kill many species
in order to get fur and skin. Many wild animals
and plants die because they dont have good
food to eat, water to drink and place to live.

Hunting must be banned and controlled

by government.
People should organize more natural
parks and zoos to save flora and fauna.
Cosmetic companies must stop testing
their products on animals.
Supporting groups such as Greenpeace
would help to be sure that our planet will
be clean for future generations.
We must not miss the opportunity to help

Human population

It refers to change of the population in size. It

International organizations must watch
can be both negative and positive. Nowadays it the rate of birth and death in order to
has become a burning problem because the
control it.
world population is growing very fast.
Birth rate - death rate = rate of natural growth

Global worming
The temperature is rising. Due to that, the
polar ice is melting.

Its good to set up an international space

laboratory to control the state of

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