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Ethan Torres


14th November 2016

Lidia Silveira

Dear Ms. Silveira,

Our project is about giving back to the seniors and helping them enjoy the
rest of theirs lives as much as they can. We understand that their outside
activity is limited, but we plan on still having fun activities planned to do with
the seniors with respects to what they are allowed to do. We would also like
to be able to listen to the seniors and see how they feel about the care they
are receiving from the nursing home. We would also like to see if we could
improve their care if they feel that their care is not satisfactory. What we
have done so far is found our mentor which would be you, thank you. We
have planned out on how we would like our project to be done, but anything
could happen and plans could change. We have our pitch ready if youd like
to see it just let us know and we will show you right away. We hope you will
enjoy this project as much as we will. Have a great day.


Ethan Torres

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