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Keidi Boatfield

CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology

Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web
Pg. 178 #4 = Prepare an outline about use of the Internet by students and teachers to discuss
during a faculty meeting. Identify aspects of your states school laws that are related to issues
presented in this case.

Ohio Revised
Intimidation and

Technology and the

21st Century

Talking Points

State Laws
District Policy

Per Section 3313.666 of the Ohio Revised Code, the board

of education of each city, local, exempted village and joint
vocational school district shall establish a policy
prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying. The
policy shall be developed in consultation with parents,
school employees, school volunteers, students and
community members.

ORC 3313.666

1. Technology has fundamentally altered the ways in which

information is accessed, communicated, and transferred in
society. As a result, educators are continually adapting their
means and methods of instruction, and the way they
approach student learning, to incorporate the vast, diverse,
and unique resources available through the Internet.

Policy 7540

2. Students are provided with Education Technology so that

they can acquire the skills and knowledge to learn
effectively and live productively in a digital world.
Staff Expectations
and Educational

1. Staff members shall provide instruction for their students

regarding the appropriate use of technology and online
safety and security
2. The Board expects that staff members will provide
guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use
of the Education Technology. Such training shall include,
but not be limited to, education concerning appropriate
online behavior, including interacting with other
individuals on social networking websites and in chat
rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.
3. Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education
about the following:
a. safety and security while using e-mail, chat
rooms, social media, and other forms of
direct electronic communications

Policy 7540.03

Keidi Boatfield
CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology
Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web
b. the dangers inherent with the online
disclosure of personally identifiable
c. the consequences of unauthorized access
(e.g., "hacking", "harvesting", "digital
piracy", etc.), cyberbullying and other
unlawful or inappropriate activities by
students online, and
d. unauthorized disclosure, use, and
dissemination of personal information
regarding minors
4. Staff are expected to utilize Education Technology in
order to promote educational excellence in our schools by
providing students with the opportunity to develop the
resource sharing, innovation, and communication skills
and tools that are essential to both life and work. The Board
encourages the faculty to develop the appropriate skills
necessary to effectively access, analyze, evaluate, and utilize
these resources in enriching educational activities.

Policy 7540.04

5. School personnel may find opportunities to educate

students about harassment, intimidation and bullying and
help eliminate such prohibited behaviors through class
discussions, counseling, and reinforcement of socially
appropriate behavior.

ORC Section 7.1.2

6. School personnel may make informal complaints of

conduct that they consider to be harassment, intimidation
and/or bullying by verbal report to a teacher, school
administrator, or other school personnel.

ORC Section 6.2.1

Expectations and

1. Parents of minors are responsible for setting and

conveying the standards that their children should follow
when using the Internet.

Policy 7540.03

Devices (PCD)

1. Students may not use a PCD in any way that might

reasonably create in the mind of another person an
impression of being threatened, humiliated, harassed,
embarrassed or intimidated. Violation of these
prohibitions shall result in disciplinary action.
Furthermore, such actions will be reported to local law
enforcement and child services as required by law.

Policy 5517.01

Keidi Boatfield
CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology
Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web
2. Students shall have no expectation of confidentiality with
respect to their use of PCDs on school premises/property.

Policy 5136

3. Using a PCD to capture, record and/or transmit audio

and/or pictures/video of an individual without proper
consent is considered an invasion of privacy and is not
permitted. Students who violate this provision and/or use a
PCD to violate the privacy rights of another person may
have their PCD confiscated and held until the end of the
school day and may be directed to delete the audio and/or
picture/video file with the consent of the parent/guardian.
If the violation involves potentially illegal activity the
confiscated-PCD may be turned-over to law enforcement.

Social Media

A students personal or private use of social media, such as

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, blogs, etc., may have
unintended consequences. While the board respects its
students First Amendment rights, those rights do not
include permission to engage in threatening or other
destructive on-line behavior, such as cyberbullying, or any
other online activity that causes, or could potentially cause
a substantial disruption to the school environment. This
warning includes a students online conduct that occurs off
school property including from the students private
computer. Students who engage in such behavior will be
subject to discipline under the Code of Student Behavior.

Policy 7540.01

Students shall not access social media for personal use

from the Districts network, but shall be permitted to access
social media for educational use in accordance with their
teachers approved plan for such use with review by the
districts technology committee.
Acceptable Use and

Procedures for
Violations of HIB

1. All Internet users (and their parents if they are minors)

are required to sign a written agreement to abide by the
terms and conditions of this policy and its accompanying

Policy 7540.03

1. A disciplinary procedure for any student guilty of

harassment, intimidation, or bullying, which shall not
infringe on any students rights under the first amendment
to the Constitution of the United States.

Section 2.2.7

See Student and Parent

Computer Usage
Agreement listed below

Keidi Boatfield
CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology
Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web
2. ...expressly providing for the possibility of suspension of
a student found responsible for harassment, intimidation,
or bullying by an electronic act.
a. Electronic act" means an act committed through
the use of a cellular telephone, computer, pager,
personal communication device, or other electronic
communication device.
3. Students who have been determined to have engaged in
prohibited behaviors are subject to disciplinary action
(detention, in and out-of-school suspension or expulsion),
which may include suspension or expulsion from school.
The districts commitment to addressing such prohibited
behaviors, however, involves a multifaceted approach,
which includes education and the promotion of a school
atmosphere in which harassment, intimidation or bullying
will not be tolerated by students, faculty or school

Section 2.2.1


ORC Sections 2.3 &

Keidi Boatfield
CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology
Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web

Student & Parent Computer Usage Agreement

The following items reiterate the important points covered in the APS
Laptop/Chromebook Handbook. Review/initial each statement as
agreement and understanding of your part in the program.
I understand I am expected to complete assignments online even if I do not have an
APS assigned device working and in my possession.
I understand that I have received 1 Chromebook, 1 Chromebook charger, and 1
protective case.
I understand that I am responsible for taking care of the Chromebook and accessories,
including proper cleaning, avoiding hot and cold temperatures, and keeping the
Chromebook in the provided sleeve.
I will not leave my Chromebook unattended unless it is locked in a secure place. My
parent/guardian may be fully responsible for the cost of replacement should my
Chromebook become lost or stolen.
I understand that I (or parents) may be fully responsible for the cost of
repair/replacement of damages that occur to the Chromebook issued to me or
damages I am responsible for on another persons Chromebook.
I will read and follow the handbook, policies, and adhere to notices and messages
from the technology department and administration (instructions, changes in
settings, backing up files, accounts, etc.)
I understand that my parents will supervise my use of the school-issued Chromebook
at home.
I understand that I am assigned a specific Chromebook and will not share it with
anyone else.
I will follow teacher instructions regarding the equipment. I am expected to bring the
equipment to class fully charged and ready for use as directed by the. My
parent/guardian and I understand that I must not use the equipment when prohibited
by District staff, such as during closed book tests. I must promptly comply with
District staff directives to cease using, turn off, or put away the device. Failure to do so
may lead to discipline and/or confiscation of the equipment.
I will use the Chromebook for educational purposes and in accordance with the APS
Laptop/ Chromebook Handbook and other applicable APS policies, including, but not
limited to, the APS Student/Parent Acceptable Use Policy. I will use academically
appropriate applications.
I will not attempt to alter the profiles or settings, access setup, or use any software,
utilities, applications, or other means to change the settings, or access Internet sites
or content blocked by filters.



Keidi Boatfield
CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology
Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web
I will not download and/or install any programs, files, or games from the Internet or
other sources onto any district owned technology. This includes the intentional
introduction of computer viruses and other malicious software
I will only use the Chromebook camera capabilities for academic purposes, with
consent of the participants, their knowledge of the medias intended use, and staff
I will report any problems with my Chromebook to a teacher or staff member in a
timely manner. The APS technology department is the sole agent for all tech support,
repairs or warranty claims for APS Chromebooks. Other repairs (store or technology
service) are not permitted.
I will return all equipment to the District immediately upon request. The equipment
must be returned immediately upon withdrawal from the District.
I understand that the District owns the Chromebook and has the right to
collect/inspect the Chromebook at any time. I have no expectation of privacy on the
Chromebook and/or content contained therein.
I will not write on, apply stickers to, or otherwise deface the Chromebook assigned to
I understand that the device assigned to me is to be used only for educational
purposes. It is not to be used for personal use.
I will not carry anything in my Chromebook case other than the Chromebook and
While off campus, I will abide by APS policies and agreement with respect to use of
the Chromebook, including but not limited to the APS Chromebook Handbook, this
Laptop/ Chromebook Usage Agreement, and the Student Parent Acceptable Use
Policy. I understand that my activity may be monitored.
I will turn in the Chromebook and accessories on or before the designated day.
A students personal or private use of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter,
MySpace, blogs, etc., may have unintended consequences. While the board respects
its students First Amendment rights, those rights do not include permission to
engage in threatening or other destructive online behavior, such as cyberbullying, or
any other online activity that causes or could potentially cause a substantial
disruption to the school environment. This warning includes a students online
conduct that occurs off school property including from the students private
computer. Students who engage in such behavior will be subject to discipline under
the Code of Student Behavior.
I have been provided a copy of, and agree to follow, the Akron Public Schools
Acceptable Use Policy.

Keidi Boatfield
CEL 606: Global Connections Through Technology
Case Study #23: Internet Use Violation: Threats Over the World Wide Web
We have read the APS Chromebook Handbook and the Student Parent Acceptable Use Policy and agree to the
stated conditions. Questions or accommodations regarding the Chromebooks should be directed to building
principal, XXX
Student Name (print) _________________________________________
Student Signature____________________________________________ Date
Parent Name (print) __________________________________________
Parent Signature_____________________________________________ Date

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