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From its very inception, MKO advocated an armed struggle policy and

eclectic Islamic-Marxist ideology to further its political struggle

A Case Study of the Terrorist Cult of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO,



Since its formation in 1965, Sazeman-e Mojahedin-e Khalq-e Iran (People's

Mojahedin Organization of Iran), generally known as MKO, has been
referred to with different, mostly repugnant, epithets. In the course of its
four-decade long history, and at critical junctures, MKO has recurrently
been identified as a political anti-monarchical and anti-imperialist
movement, Marxisist-Islamists, extremist revolutionaries, hypocrites,
mercenaries of Saddam, and a blacklisted terrorist organization. Now, the
ex-members, the Iranian expatriates and the people who develop an
analytical study of the group say it has been transformed into a cult. Many
call it the cult of Rajavi, some prefer to name it the cult of Mojahedin,
but the terrorist cult of Mojahedin seems to be the most notorious
epithet attributed to MKO.

It was in no way an overnight metamorphosis. The Islamic Revolution in

Iran ended the monarchical reign and influential permeation of
imperialism in every aspects of the countrys political, economic, military,
and social institutions. It was the want of MKO since it was the uppermost
achievement for which the early founders had initiated the struggle. The
post-revolution events proved that the group was not sincere in its claims
for struggle. Massoud Rajavi, an early member of MKOs Central
Committee, expropriated the groups leadership, after he and many other
members were released from prison by uprising people, to conduct it to
the precipice of a terrorist cult.

From its very inception, MKO advocated an armed struggle policy and
eclectic Islamic-Marxist ideology to further its political struggle. Later on,
it proved to be not the least bound to its own adopted eclecticism but
greatly hailing a philosophy of ends justify the means". Violence was the
opt means to achieve the end of assuming the power. Expelled form Iran
after the revolution for its public, bloody rebellions, the group vowed as an
archenemy of Iranian people and has so far been orchestrating and
conducting terror and violence against the nation and targeting Iranians,
personalities as well as civilians. Its ideological drift and political
misconduct led it afield of a conventional political group and the world
came to develop an idea of recognizing it not only a terrorist group but
also a highly destructive cult evolving its own mind control techniques and
sharing common properties with other dangerous cults.

MKO defined as a terrorist group

In todays modern world, some political organizations with both rightist

and leftist objectives, nationalistic ethnic groups, and revolutionaries (not
speaking of criminal gangs) use the method of terror, violence, and
intimidation against governments, publics, or individuals to attain a
political objective. While no universally accepted definition of terrorism is
yet arrived at, the UN's "academic consensus definition," written by
terrorism expert A.P. Schmid and widely used by social scientists, runs:

Terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action,

employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for
idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby in contrast to
assassination the direct targets of violence are not the main
targets. The immediate human victims of violence are generally
chosen randomly (targets of opportunity) or selectively
(representative or symbolic targets) from a target population, and
serve as message generators. Threat- and violence-based
communication processes between terrorist (organization),
(imperiled) victims, and main targets are used to manipulate the
main target (audience(s)), turning it into a target of terror, a target of
demands, or a target of attention, depending on whether intimidation,
coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought," (Schmid, 1988). [1]

The US and the European Union have also developed their own definition
of terrorism, but the most outstanding parameters in all these definitions
are the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or properties to
intimidate or coerce a government to achieve political or social objectives.
Terrorism thus denoting a lack of legitimacy and morality, it is crucial for
many terrorist groups, especially if struggling in exile for political ends,
not to be labeled a terrorist group under the anti-terrorist laws of the
countries that ban the activities of terrorists and impose limitations.

The post revolution Iran was the scene of many terrorist operations and
assassinations perpetrated by dissident groups. The first wave of these
assassinations was committed by the group of Forqan*. Forqan group
shook the newly established government by assassinating General Qarani,
Mahdi Iraqi and his son, Dr. Mofateh, and Morteza Mottahari. At the time
MKO, seemingly siding with the revolution, took no clear position against
the assassinations and their issued announcements were cunningly
ambiguous; the group was careful not to provoke the either side. It well
depicted its inborn outlook on the issue of terrorism that advocated its

In the post-revolution power struggle and Rajavis bid for power, MKO
were actually repudiated to have any share in the governing structure of
the Islamic Republic. MKOs function on 20 June 1981, mass
demonstrations in Tehran and many other Iranian provincial towns, that
led it to make a fundamental shift in its strategy and tactic to initiate an
armed move against the Islamic Republic, steered the country to the
verge of a chaotic atmosphere. From the 20 June (the start of the armed
march) to Feb. 1982 (killing of 20 members of Mojahedin including Musa
Khyabani, MKO commander inside Iran after Rajavis escape to France,
and Ashraf Rabiee, Rajavis first wife), MKO expanded a wave of terror by
launching armed operations, carrying out daily attacks against civilians,
assassinating officials, and blasting the state-owned edifices and public

The most shocking instances of these atrocious, terrorist activities were

detonating a bomb in Jomhouri Eslami Party in Tehran, killing almost one
hundred people including Ayatollah Beheshti, one of the founders of the
Islamic Republic and the closest person to Ayatollah Khomeini, and then
bombing a meeting of the countrys National Security Council killing the
new president Ali Raja'i and his new Prime Minister, Mohammad Javad
Bahonar. MKO then went on to commit a series of suicide and public
bombings, including the killing of Ayatollah Dast-Gheib, an eminent
clergyman and theorist close to Ayatollah Khomeini.

In June 1986, Rajavi acted in collusion with Saddam and moved MKOs
bases to Iraq with the impression of availing an opportunity, granted by
Iraq-Iran tension, near the Iranian borders to fulfill the plan of
overthrowing the Islamic Republic. Forming a liberation army equipped
and financed by Saddam, the hot MKO fanned the flames of war and
exceeded in hostile attitudes towards Iranians by launching military
aggressions against Iranian border-lined cities. One should never forget
that war of cities, Iraqis new tactic to shell Iranians far and near cities by
long-range missiles, started soon after MKOs move to Iraq. Rajavi took it
for granted that war of cities could disturb Iranians internal security that
might consequently raise tension between the nation and the

The Western countries, well aware of MKOs atrocities against Iranian

people, had totally closed their eyes on MKOs terrorist feats. In 1992,
MKO agents active in Western countries launched arson attacks on Iranian
embassies in thirteen Western countries and, thus, concerns began to
grow about the emergence of a terrorist phenomenon that could
jeopardize the national security of the countries where MKO members
were painlessly acting.

The first step was taken by the US government. In an unclassified report

on the People's Mojahedin of Iran prepared by the US Department of
State at the request of the Congress, it is clearly stated that The U.S,
Government has been monitoring the group's activities since the
1970s. The report reveals precise details on terrorist activities of MKO in
the career of its political struggle:

As part of that struggle, they assassinated at least six American

citizens, supported the takeover of the U.S. embassy, and opposed
the release of American hostages. In the post-revolutionary political
chaos, however, the Mojahedin lost political power to Iran's Islamic
clergy. They then applied their dedication to armed struggle and the
use of propaganda against the new Iranian government, launching a
violent and polemical cycle of attack and reprisal. [2]

The move was completed in October 1997, when Secretary of State

Madeleine K. Albright, designated the Mojahedin as a terrorist
organization according to the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty
Act of 1997. The United Kingdom, the European Union, Canada, and
Australia were the next to designate MKO as a terrorist group. MKOs
offices were closed down in the aforementioned countries, yet the
sympathizer are active under the disguise of pro-democratic, peace-
loving, student and women associations and communities.

At the present, wearing a pro-democratic mask and trying to highlight

Irans peaceful nuclear activities as a threat against global peace, MKO
political wings active in the Western countries are lobbying in the
parliaments and political parties to persuade them press their
governments to de-proscribe MKO and remove the attached terrorist tag.
None of the countries have so far assented to de-proscribe MKO.

MKO defined as a cult

The original meaning of the term cult, derived from the French word
"culte", comes from Latin noun "cultus" which is related to the Latin verb
"colere" meaning "to worship or give reverence to a deity". The term has
originally a positive, religious connotation but in recent years, it has
turned to be a widely used popular term, usually connoting some group
that is at least unfamiliar and perhaps even disliked or feared. This latter
use of the term has gained such credence and momentum that it has
virtually swallowed up the more neutral historical meaning. The term can
be defined either sociologically, concerned with behavior, or
theologically, concerned with doctrine. Sociological definition Include
consideration of such factors as authoritarian leadership patterns, loyalty
and commitment mechanisms, lifestyle characteristics, [and] conformity
patterns (including the use of various sanctions in connection with those
members who deviate). [3]

Authoritarian leadership is the most domineering characteristics of a cult

leader and most ex-members of a cult enumerate the hallmarks of a cult
leader as follow:

- single authority
- questionable credentials
- requirement for unconditional trust
- they always claim to be in unique direct contact with God
- sexual misconduct
- grandiose promises
- they demand major ongoing financial contributions from members
- they claim that evil sinister forces attempt to subvert them [4]

Besides these characteristics of a cult leader, a cult, regarded destructive,

has its own characteristics. Dr. Robert Jay Lifton's criteria for a destructive
cult run as follow:

1. Authoritarian pyramid structure with authority at the top

2. Charismatic or messianic leader(s) (Messianic meaning they either say

they are God or that they alone can interpret the scriptures the way God

3. Deception in recruitment and/or fund raising

4. Isolation from society -- not necessarily physical isolation, but this can
be psychological isolation.

5. Use of mind control (Mileu Control, Mystical Manipulation, Demand for

Purity, Confession, Sacred Science, Loading the Language, Doctrine Over
Person, Dispensing of Existence) [5]

MKO portraits two completely different images; its relation with the world
outside and its internal structure. Duped by its heavy propaganda blitz,
most people in Western countries, unaware of its terrorist nature, take it
for a revolutionary, freedom-seeker, and pro-democratic organization. The
groups internal structure, totally concealed from the eyes of the
outsiders, nearly shares all of the characteristics of a destructive cult with
added emphasis on the authoritarian pyramid structure and mind control
techniques. Massoud Rajavi, the long self-appointed leader, is known to be
the mastermind of MKO. Released from Shahs prison after revolution,
Rajavi took up the responsibility of acting as the organizations
spokesman that awarded him an opportunity to develop authority both
within the organisation and in the public's perception.

How did the Mujahideen become a cult? The principal lever for the
transformation of the organization from a mass movement to a cult was
Rajavis ideological revolution in January 1985. The first phase of this
revolution basically involved Masoud Rajavi marrying Maryam Qajar
Azdanlou, the wife of Mehdi Abrishamchi, Rajavis most trusted lieutenant.
The marriage was an overt violation of Islamic marriage rituals and a
majority of ranking members saw the whole affair as an ugly and bizarre
form of cuckoldry. The event, more regarded as an internal coup data,
promoted the husband to the rank of a guru and the wife to the rank of
the joint leader of the organization. Massoud Rajavi indoctrinated the
ideological revolution as a purging process saying Those Mojahedin
members who pass through this furnace, are more steadfastness, more
steel like person, and have more future in the resisting [6]

Masoud Rajavi was exalted as a charisma and some subservient

considered the historic achievement as an outcome of an ideological
genius in Massoud Rajavi. Bijan Niyabati, a devoted a partisan, in adoring
Massoud Rajavis personal charisma states:

In the front of revolution and progressiveness, you would not find two
people with the same political and organizational potentialities of
Massoud Rajavi among all the opposition. [7]

Niyabati abruptly changes the position of Rajavi from a leader to that of a

religious, Shiit imam:

The main core of Mojahedins ideological revolution was to solve the

issue of leadership. It could put an end to a problem known to be the
Achilles' heel in most contemporary revolutions and movements; only
a stabilized theory of imamate inside the organization could lead the
new revolution. [8]

Many of his messages imply that he has a close relationship with Imam
Zaman (the last and still awaited Imam in Shiite Islam) and therefore he
has direct contact with God. Under Rajavis instructions as an ideological
leader, members began to give up Islamic practices and rituals because,
as stated by their chosen ideological leader, they were no longer
individually responsible; they were only responsible to Rajavi and he was
responsible to God. Later on, especial prayer texts were devised to praise
him and his wife, Maryam.

The ideological metamorphosis opened a new gate onto a path where, in

the first place, the rationality and even the social-political understanding
of individuals were targeted. In other words, individuals would be
transmuted into obedient and subjugated creatures serving the wills of
the ideological leader. The whole idea can be concluded as:

That is clear that such process could pursue in no rational route. The
dominant element in the process is love and emotion that bypass
logic and reason. The means are not those of polemics and
persuasions but self-devotion. That is the point where Massoud
claims Mojahedins heart. [9]

A wave of advertising total devotion to the ideological leader began to be

imposed on the minds of the insiders to indoctrinate that the ideological
leader had an ideological vision which was broader and more universal
than understanding and vision of an ordinary follower. He could see things
and think in a way that seemed illogical and irrational at the time but
proved to be correct at the end. Hence the followers had to follow the
leader not on the basis of understanding, but on the base of total trust.

The second phase of the full transition to the status of a cult started after
the Iran-Iraq cease-fire in 1988. Rajavi launched thousands of his warriors
on ''Operation Eternal Light'' across the border to capture Iranian territory.
It was a total military failure. The operation before anything was a
resolution of Rajavis own volition, a proven suicide operation excluding
the leader himself. The failure proved to be a victory for Rajavi; the made
amendments to the ideological revolution after the operation guaranteed
his position as a hallowed figure with the sole authority to question
anybody while the members were not in the least permitted to violate the
leaders sacramental sphere. To create a compelling control atop, all the
individual attachments and values had to be detached. The detachment
did not include physical spectrum, but above that, psychological scopes.

In a general meeting, Rajavi announced that as the ideological leader, he

had issued the divorce of all the members from their spouses and asked
all to hand over their marriage rings. The physically divorce of spouses
and, consequently, children was the first taken steps; the world outside
with all its attractions and emotional attachments had to be cleaned of
the mind and devalued. One had to replace them with an alternative that
was no one but Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.

Anne Singleton, a separated member of MKO in her book so describes

manipulation of the members within the cult:

The psychological manipulation of members springs from Rajavi's

avid interest in using psychology as a means of controlling people.
He has read voraciously from the time that he left prison, books on
politics, psychology and history etc. His ideology is a mishmash of all
these books, and not a single part of it derives from original thinking.
Rajavi uses psychological manipulation to control people. The
massuls [responsible ranks] are instructed to behave in particular
ways towards individuals according to what is required of them or in
response to a problem they might have. On a simple level, the
warmth and affection shown to newcomers is a basic method of
attracting them, fulfilling a basic need, which they lack. The person is
told - and this is the ideological element - that if they look for love
and affection outside Maryam they will become corrupt and 'nothing',
they will be condemned to a life of obscurity, drudgery and
meaninglessness. A picture of ordinary married life is portrayed as a
hellish prison for both sexes. Children are the ultimate burden,
removing the person further and further from the glorious joy and
happiness that could be theirs if they give all their love to Maryam.
She will return their love a hundred fold, and only inside the
Mojahedin will they be able to fulfil their true potential as a human
being. [10]

During the first Gulf War and the US attack to Iraq, MKO leaders enforced
separation of the members children residing in Iraq-based camps. The
children, about 800 including little babies, were sent to different Western
countries for some purposes. First they could be abused as potential
fundraising instruments to collect large amounts of charity money on
pretext of Iranian homeless children. On the other hand, the children
could be trained as the next generation of MKO soldiers. Nadereh Afshari,
an ex-member of MKO and who was posted in Germany and was
responsible for receiving children during the gulf war, has revealed that
when the German government tried to absorb Mojahedin children into
their education system, the organization refused. Many of these children
were sent to Mojahedin-run schools, particularly in France. She has
elaborated that Rajavi ''saw these kids as the next generation's soldiers.
They wanted to brainwash them and control them. Every morning and
night, the kids, beginning as young as 1 and 2, had to stand before a
poster of Massoud and Maryam, salute them and shout praises to them.

In June 2003, people in some Western cities were shocked to witness one
of the most appalling cult potentialities of MKO. On 17 June 2003 more
than 1.200 France police and gendarmerie forces raided 13 MKO-run
offices in Paris districts and arrested 164 suspected Mojahedin cadres as
well as Maryam Rajavi on charges of terrorist activities. In the next few
days, to carry out premeditated missions, a number of the groups
members immolated themselves in public to protest Maryam Rajavis
arrest. According to reports issued by the group itself, 16 people
attempted to set themselves alight in three days in Paris, Berne, Rome,
London, Ottawa, Athens and Nicosia. The human tragedy ended with two
deaths; two women, Sediqeh Mojaveri, 44-year-old, and Neda Hassani, 19-
year-old, died because of the self-immolation injuries. [12]

Besides old members joining the organization for political causes, a large
number of the members are the young Iranian people who have been
deceived to join the group. These young, unaware recruits fall into the
trap of the middlemen who by false promises of good job, high salary and
residence in Western countries paralyze their rational minds and send
them to MKOs camps in Iraq. Undergoing brainwashing methods in the
camps, they rarely dream to return to Iran because they are unnerved and
intimidated by the threats of being tried and even executed for having
connection and cooperating with a counter-revolutionary group.

The members who try to leave the MKO or criticize it in any form have to
pay a very heavy price. In a 28-page report released by Human Rights
Watch in May 2005 entitled No Exit: Human Rights Abuses Inside the
MKO Camps, shocking details about inhuman behaviors and control of
the insiders of MKO was published for the world. The facts revealed how
dissident members were tortured, beaten and held in solitary confinement
for years at military camps in Iraq after they criticized the groups policies
and undemocratic practices, or indicated that they planned to leave the
organization. The report is based on the direct testimonies of a dozen
former MKO members, including five who were turned over to Iraqi
security forces and held in notorious Abu Ghoraib prison under Saddams

A common, routine procedure in MKO is self criticizing and confession

sessions. The members have to write detailed daily reports of activities,
their previous nights dreams, their thoughts, and even love and
emotional daydreams. In some cases, they are forced to read their reports
before other members and suffer humiliation. Ali Qachqaoui, a separated
member, reveals: They remote controlled us, like robots. They told us, 'If
you have sexual fantasies, even a dream, you must report it in writing in
order to exorcise it'. In a speech repeatedly broadcast in video, Maryam
Rajavi told the Mojahedin: '80% of your energy should be used in the fight
against your sexual instincts'. Many of the organization's officers, who
protested against this sudden authoritarian and sectarian change of
course, paid a heavy price for their insubordination. They were humiliated,
tortured and imprisoned. [13]

As a closed cult, the members receive any information through a biased

channel. No form of news and information, movies and even the groups
own TV productions is presented unless reviewed and censured
beforehand. Even the members active in Western countries are severely
prohibited to have direct access to the media and have to attend
periodical controlling meetings, write reports, and listen to direct or
televised addresses of the high ranking members and leaders.

MKO has long been using a lexicon of its own. The terms they use inside
the organization have their own connotations different with those used
outside. The followings are examples of a more than 1200 terms lexicon

- Alternative: meaning MKO as the sole alternative for Irans current

ruling power
- To become H: used when demoting a rank
- Organizational marriage: forced inter-organizational marriages
ordered by leaders
- Food echelon: a food menu that qualitatively and quantitatively is
prepared according to hierarchical posts
- Ideological pride: Massoud and Maryams marriage known to be a
glorious hallmark of the organization
- Active: a member who well accomplishes the issued orders
- Ring of connection: meaning Maryam Rajavi. Members are not
capable to unite with Massoud unless through Maryam
- The host: meaning Iraq
- The guesthouse: the jail where protesting members and quitters
were held
- . And more

To determine how dangerous MKO cult might be, the Advanced Bonewits'
Cult Danger Evaluation Frame can be a good help. As Bonewits
explains, The purpose of this evaluation tool is to help both amateur
and professional observers, including current or would-be members,
of various organizations (including religious, occult, psychological or
political groups) to determine just how dangerous a given group is
liable to be, in comparison with other groups, to the physical and
mental health of its members and of other people subject to its
influence. [14]

The Advanced Bonewits' Cult Danger Evaluation Frame

Factors: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Low High
internal political power exercised
by leader(s) over members. 1. _________________________

2. WISDOM CLAIMED by leader(s);

amount of infallibility declared
or implied about decisions or doc-
trinal/scriptural interpretations. 2. __________________________

3. WISDOM CREDITED to leader(s)

by members; amount of trust in
decisions or doctrinal/scriptural
interpretations made by leader(s). 3. _________________________

4. DOGMA: Rigidity of reality con-

cepts taught; amount of doctrinal
inflexibility or "fundamentalism." 4. __________________________
5. RECRUITING: Emphasis put on
attracting new members; amount
of proselytizing. 5. __________________________

6. FRONT GROUPS: Number of subsid-

iary groups using different names
from that of main group. 6. _________________________

7. WEALTH: Amount of money and/or

property desired or obtained by group;
emphasis on members' donations;
economic lifestyle of leader(s)
compared to ordinary members. 7. ________________________


external political influence
desired or obtained; emphasis on
directing members' secular votes. 8. ________________________


by leader(s); amount of control
exercised over sexuality of members;
advancement dependent upon sexual
favors or specific lifestyle. 9. _________________________

10. CENSORSHIP: Amount of control

over members' access to outside
opinions on group, its doctrines
or leader(s). 10. ________________________

11. DROPOUT CONTROL: Intensity of

efforts directed at preventing or
returning dropouts. 11. _________________________

12. VIOLENCE: amount of approval when

used by or for the group, its
doctrines or leader(s). 12. _________________________

13. PARANOIA: amount of fear con-

cerning real or imagined enemies;
perceived power of opponents;
prevalence of conspiracy theories. 13. _________________________

14. GRIMNESS: Amount of disapproval

concerning jokes about the group,
its doctrines or its leader(s). 14. _________________________

15. SURRENDER OF WILL: Amount of

emphasis on members not having to
be responsible for personal deci-
sions; degree of individual dis-
empowerment created by the group,
its doctrines or its leader(s). 15. __________________________

16. HYPOCRISY: amount of approval for

other actions (not included above)
which the group officially considers
immoral or unethical, when done by or
for the group, its doctrines or
leader(s); willingness to violate
group's declared principles for
political, psychological, economic,
or other gain. 16. ___________________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Low High

A precise evaluation of MKO well crystallizes it as one of the most

destructive and visible examples of a group intermingling the
characteristics of a terrorist group and a cult to be nominated a terrorist
cult. A terrorist cult poses a greater danger because of the growing use of
mind control and cult control techniques. Most terrorist organizations
actively study and use mind control and cult control techniques to
indoctrinate members into committing the horrific acts of terrorism that
shock our senses. The real cause of much of today's terrorism is not what
the terrorists themselves advertise and claim in their publicly stated
agendas and rationalized causes. The real cause of acts of terrorism is
how these agendas and ideas were implanted into the minds of the
members with mind control and cult control techniques by their handlers.
The responsibility lies on the shoulders of the responsible minds and elites
of a society to illuminate the nave minds and depict a clear-cut image of
a destructive cult to stop any further jeopardizing the young generations


* Forqan was an extremist religious-militia group established in 1977 by

Akbar Godarzi, a part-time seminary student. He masterminded a number
of assassinations after the victory of Islamic Revolution according to his
interpretations of Islamic sources; he was 25 at time of his arrest.

[2]. The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran; Library of Congress. Doc.

call no.: M-U 42953-1 no.92-824F)

[3]. A Guide to Cults and New Religions; ed. Ronald Enroth, Downers
Grove, Ill, InterVarsity 1983, p14.



[6].\ideological\Chapter Five.htm

[7]. Bijan Niyabati interview with Zari Isfahani,

[8]. Niyabati Bijan; A distinct look at Mojahedins internal revolution,

slightly from inside, slightly from outside, 113.

[9]. Ibid.

[10]. Singleton Anne; Saddam's Private Army, Iran-Interlink, 2003.

[11].\The Cult of Rajavi.htm


[13].\books\The People's Mojahedin of Iran: A struggle

for what?


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