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CONGRESS ‘The United States Senate in The 114th Congress Submitted in 24 Session November 14, 2016 TITLE Emergency IMPEACHMENT OF A CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE DEFACTO PRESIDENT Petition I. to Impeach Barack Hussein Obama Petition II. To Impeach Barack Hussein Obama PURPOSE & JURISDICTION: co} E ON RULES & ADMINISTRATION 1.4 CORRUPT PRACTICES 1.D CREDENTIALS AND QUALIFICATION, CONTESTED ELECTIONS AND ACCEPTANCE OF INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES. 1.E. FEDERAL ELECTIONS GENERALLY, INCLUDING THE ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: 11. Presidential Succession Ranking: R Chairman Senator Roy Blunt MO. D. Charles E. Schumer, NY R- Lamar Alexander, TN D- Dianne Feinstein , CA R-Mitch McConnell, KY D- Richard J. Durbin, IL R: Thad Cochran, MS. D- Tom Udall, NM PETITION STATEMENT Petition I. Article II. Section I, Clause 5 [No person except a natural born Citizen] [shall be eligible to the Office of the President] This Petition directs this body of Congress to consider that a {natural born Citizen] is a person [Born in the United States to U.S. Citizen Parents]- Born specific to one of the 50 States of the Union where the U.S. Constitution is of full effect of Civil Rights to U.S. Citizens and not to consider Embassies, Territories, or Military Bases under different rules, laws, and orders as the Office of the President is an Office of the People of the United States of America under the Vote of the Electoral College. Reference Electoral College: Article II. Section 1 and in the 12‘ Amendment. That [Parents] include both a U.S. Citizen mother and a U.S. Citizen father as qualifiers and that no parent who is a [foreign alien] may pass to their child any USS. Citizenship at the time of Birth, and that foreign citizenship in the Office of the President is strictly prohibited. ‘That Congress cannot pass Laws to abridge or construct with it’s powers to Adopt Citizens through [Naturalization Powers] given to that body by the People through the Constitution in Article I. Section 8, Clause 4. ‘That precedent case law of the United States Constitution through the history of the United States Supreme Court most affiliated with [natural born Citizen] in Minor v. Happersett has set [without a doubt], (and we should not leave the Office of the President in doubt as the Safety and Security of a Nation is dependent upon assurances not leaving doubt to the highest office controlling as C.ILC America’s Military, Nuclear Codes, and Top Secrets,) [that those born in the Country to its Citizens are the [natural born Citizens] and to the others there have been doubts] ‘That Congress's [naturalization Acts] included also in Title 8 NATIONALS & CITIZENS AT BIRTH §1401 (a-h) are in fact descriptions and circumstances of [Citizens] and not [natural born Citizens]. These cannot usurp [natural born Citizen]. ‘That Congress has had members of its body since 2003 attempt to pass by proposal and petition eight modifications of the qualifications for the Office of President, and these were all soundly defeated. That Congress through its elected Offices of the Senate and House are representatives of The People of the United States and thus the failed eight attempts, and considerations of the Judiciary Committee in 2000 are in fact and represent a Legislative Mandate of “The People’s Will”. That in the 2016 Election the People have chosen a person in Republican Donald J. ‘Trump who has never before held Federal Office of this body, or the House, or any State Office, and that is not a precondition for holding the Office of the President, but being a [natural born Citizen] is indeed a strict qualification surviving 240 years exempting those who were Revolutionary Patriot [Citizens] at the time of the Adoption of the Constitution, which at the time came under the Jurisdiction of the U.S. Constitution never before existing. ‘That Barack Hussein Obama by his hand delivered his Long Form Birth Certificate to the Press Core in April 2011 admitted by that certified authenticated State of Hawaii Official Document, his father was an [alien] to the United States of America, and this is prohibited in the Office of the President. ‘That a fractured allegiance is of the greatest concern in the Office of the President due to the requirements of the Office as Commander in Chief unlike any other office of the Federal Government exempting Vice President noticed in the 2,000 Judicial Committee. That because of this failure, Barack Hussein Obama, is Constitutionally Unqualified for the Office of the President and Congress should impeach such as a [Disability or Defacto President] in consideration of the safety and national security of the Nation. As evidence: That actions within the chief foreign diplomat to Foreign Nations (including enemies of the United States), in the Secretary of State Office were indeed usurped by an avoidance of FOIA without any oversite required by law, and the compromise of many Top Secret documents as recognized by the FBI Director to Congress in fact took place. That this compromise was noticed by the communications of the Office of the President to the Secretary of State by the use of a pseudonym. That in the transition time of the President Elect and the Defacto President hostilities based on the Election Results indeed could arise giving cause and placing more Top Secret Information in the hands of the United States Enemies and compromising the National Security of the Country all based in the original lapse of a Constitutional Qualification for the Office of the President. This can and should be stopped by the authority of the Congress in the interest supporting the United States Constitution by revoking the security pass of the Defacto President Barack Hussein Obama and an Interim President should and can be recognized by The Senate. The Judicial Branch has the duty to uphold Legislative Mandates but has failed in this matter though standing was fulfilled in Judy v. Obama SCOTUS Case No 12 5276 and 14-9396 the Court has officially considered [closed] based on a lack of printing cost and court fees unlawful to the circumstances provided to that Court. Petition IT. [Article I. Section I, Clause 5 [or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution] (shall be eligible to the Office of the President] Recognizing that [Citizen] is the requirement in the U.S. Constitution for the Office of U.S. Representative Article I Section 2 Clause 2; U.S. Senator. Article I. Section 3, Clause 3. ‘Also recognizing that [Citizen] was the qualification afforded to those Revolutionary Patriots who wore central as founders and framers of the United States of America or new Nation as specifically recognized in the U.S. Constitution's qualification for the Office of the President as [at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution] which serves asa Jurisdiction of Law. ‘That it would have been impossible to have [natural born Citizens] of a new Nation at the time of the Adoption of the Constitution as the Jurisdiction of Law was newly created. ‘That the 14 Amendment considering making those [born in the United States] [Citizens] did not supersede the Qualifications for the Office of the President, and thus [Parents] and the [inherited parental citizenship] are the only other equation to direct meaning or additional meaning to the term [natural born Citizen] ‘That if only one U.S. Parent were considered the qualification a disrespect of the foreign parent would be noticed as well as a dysfunctional [naturalization] process wherein Congress has articulated having one parent who is a U.S. [Citizen] is all that is necessary in a [naturalization articulation] of an adopted [Citizen] in Law. ‘That construction laws prohibit Congress as well as the Courts from dysfunctional interpretation as unrepresented Law usurped from the authority of the Republic's Constitution as well The People’s Representatives with disregard to the Amendment processes outlined therein. ‘That Barack Hussein Obama was never a [Citizen] at the time of the Adoption of the Constitution and thus must necessarily be qualified as a [natural born Citizenl, which he is not lawfully qualified as, and thus must be impeached as an Defacto President or removed as a Disability per Amendment 14, Section 3, as he was once a USS. Senator. ‘That failure for Congress to ACT in the week of November 14* through the 18%, 2016 poses a National Security Threat to the Nation and thus this Constitutes an Emergency Petition for the welfare of United States Citizens. TAG: ELECTION/CAMPAIGN FINANCE Senator Sponsor. Co:Sponsor 1 Co-Sponsor 2 Co-Sponsor 3 PETITION MANAGER Cody Robert Judy -U.S. Presidential Candidate Signature: ‘The only Presidential Candidate in the United States of America with a Bi-Partisan Federal Court Record standing for the Qualification of [natural born Citizen] for the Office of President. Citing: Judy v. McCain and Judy v. Obama Federal Court Records. Write-in 2008 — Democrat 2012 - Democrat 2016 WEB SITE: FACEBOOK: CodyRobertJudyforPresident2016 ‘Twitter: @CodyRobertJudy2016 YouTube: Cody Robert Judy Ph: 801-497-6655, Address: 3031 South Ogden Ave., Ogden, Utah 84401 U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Judy v. Obama 12-5276 & 14-9396

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