EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template Math Time

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

Math Time
Marjorie Rhinehart
Second grade math

Common Core Standards:


Lesson Summary:
In this lesson, students will be learning about the base-ten system. This lesson focuses on counting in the 10s.
They also will be continuing to work on the 5s as well. They will also be comparing these two different
counting systems and discussing them in groups.
Estimated Duration:
Each section will be 45-55 minutes and there are a total of five sections.
My approach is to have students starting off with the addition factors of 10 to be able to have them understand

ways to build up to 10. My approach to this is to have them do an online game to get them interested in 10s.
Some of the challenges might be that some of the students dont learn well with online games, so I will have
worksheets for them to work on to be able to grab their interest.

Instructional Procedures: (This will be one of the most detailed sections of this assignment).

Day 1:
First 5-10 minutes: Review what we went over last week and introduce the next section of counting. Students
will talk in small groups of what they learned. We will then regroup and talk about the online game we are
going to play to learn about 10s.
20-30 minutes: Students will then either go to the computer station or grab an ipad and play the math game.
Or, if students are not interested in playing the game, I will hand them a worksheet to work on. I will be
observing the class or helping out a struggling student with the last section to review.
30-35 minutes- Students will then return to their tables and write in their journals how the game or the
worksheet went for them.
35-45 minutes- Students will return to the rug to then watch a video about 10s.
Online Game:


* Pause when the missing number is and work on it with the class.

Day 2:
First 5-10 Minutes: Students will discuss what we talked about yesterday in small groups. Then I will
introduce the game we are going to be doing online. I will be observing each group and making sure that they
are staying on topic.
10-30 minutes: Students will then move to their computer stations or grab an ipad and work on the game. I wil
be walking around the classroom to observe how the students are doing.
30-35 minutes: Students will then move to their tables and write down what they learned in their journals. I
will be setting up the activity on the rug.
35-45 minutes: Students will then move to the carpet area and we will do an activity on 10s. I will also be
observing the class.

Visually Similar Results Button

Day 3:
First 5-10 minutes: Students will discuss and review the activities from yesterday. We will then learn a song
about 10s
10-30 minutes: Students will then move to their computer stations and play the math game or grab a math
worksheet and complete it at their tables. I will be walking around the classroom and helping students if they
have questions.
30-40 minutes: Students will then return to their tables and write about what they did in their journals.
40-45 minutes: Students will then return to the rug and we will discuss what we will continue to do the next

Day 4:
First 5-10 minutes: Students will discuss the activity from yesterday and work together to figure out what the
activity will be today.
10-30 minutes: Students will then move to either the computer station, the drama station, or to their tables to
complete the activity. I will again be walking around to make sure that the students are staying on topic and
answering questions if they need help.
30-40 minutes: Students will then return to their tables and write about the activities today in their journals.
40-45 minutes: Students will then return to the rug and we will discuss the activity tomorrow.
Day 5:
First 10- 20 minutes: Students will sit quietly in their rug spots as I read one or two books about counting in
20-45 minutes: We will watch an episode of magic school bus to successfully completing the math section!

One of my strategies is to use the information that I obtained from the last math section on counting in 5s and
broadening my ideas to get the students hooked on the lesson and to get them excited to learn. There are many
things from the last section that worked really well and some that did not work very well. The preassessment
will be a worksheet that will show me whether or not the students are behind, right where they should be, and
or ahead of the class. For the students who are behind, the first thing would to find what they didnt understand
from the last section and reviewing that before moving onto the next section. But, if the student is still having
a hard time understanding the lesson, I will work with them one-on-one to help them.
Scoring Guidelines:
The scoring guideline for this section will be a checklist. Each student will need to be able to complete
all 5 worksheets, all the online activities, and to write in their journals about the lesson. I will be able to
see the students complete their online games and collect their worksheets and journals.

The post-assessment will be that the students will find a craft online and create it and bring it to class. If the
creativity and the concept of the lesson is there, then they will pass or fail.
Scoring Guidelines:
It will be pass or fail.

Differentiated Instructional Support

I will have separate worksheets that are a little simpler for struggling students and more advanced worksheets
for the more accelerated students.

This section will be focusing on counting in the 10s. By the end of the week, you should be able to count in

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students will have worksheets to take home and the assignment of creating your own activity

Interdisciplinary Connections
Two of the other content areas are reading and math. For the reading, students will be rotating in between the
computer and the worksheets. Also, I will be reading books to them and they also have the option to read some
books based on math.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers
I will have an ipad to keep track of the students progress of the online games, and to
walk around to help them if needed. I will also have a clipboard to check off and
comment how students are doing. I will also have the extra worksheets for the
accelerated students if they finish their worksheet or game early.

For students
Students will need their journals and a pencil to write with. There are computers and
iPads in my classroom already.

Key Vocabulary

Additional Notes

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