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The police use the following time parameters as a guide to indicate the presence of forensic evidence following an assault.

It is however importan
remember that they are only a guide and consideration needs to be given to the individual circumstances of every case individually.

DNA from fingers in vagina - up to 12 hours

DNA from a penis - most likely to obtain a profile from the victim within the first 12 hours
DNA from skin to skin contact (eg on bruises, or from kissing) can be detected up to 2 days. This includes detection of body fluids, cellular material
lubricant. If by chance, the person has not bathed or showered then the Forensic Science service say that the relevant area can be swabbed up to 7 days a
the incident
Fingernail scrapings - 2 days
Oral (saliva and mouth swabs) - 2 days
Lubricant from a condom - up to 30 hours
Anal - up to 3 days
Vaginal - up to 7 days
Fibres of anything put on the head can last up to 7 days
Semen can be detected on clothing despite washing

Generally speaking the sooner the police can collect samples the greater the chance of detecting evidence. All of the above time scales are approxim
and can vary depending on other factors. Forensic evidence sometimes lasts longer than the timescales listed here, so it may still be worth checking.

Timescales for gathering forensic evidence

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