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Storyboarding Quick Start Guide

Use this Quick Start Guide to make amazing storyboards right away! Lets get started.

Drag and Drop

Press and hold the mouse button
over an image and move the mouse
to where you want the image. When
you are ready to drop, just let go
of the mouse button.
Characters and items have set
starting sizes, but you can
manipulate them to get the images
to your desired size, orientation,
and position.

Storyboard and Cell Layouts

Storyboard That oers dierent layout options for your cells and storyboards. The cells are the boxes
where you can put in images and text. You have the option to add titles and/or description boxes to the cells.
There are six storyboard layout options:
traditional storyboard, T-Chart, grid,
spider map, Frayer Model, and timeline.
Changing the layout for the storyboard
and/or cells can drastically change the
eect of your project. Choose the format
that works best for you!

Storyboarding Quick Start Guide

Save Your Storyboard
Click on the save button. A dialog
box will pop up with space for a title
and description of your
storyboard. You must enter a title,
but the description is optional.
After you click Save Storyboard, the
title will appear at the top of your
new storyboard along with the
creators user name (you) and the
last time the storyboard
was updated.

Print Your Storyboard

Now that you have made an incredible
project, it is time to print it out and
put it on your refrigerator!
Press the Print button on the view
page, and make a choice. There are
many options to satisfy a diverse
range of needs!

You can have the entire storyboard

on one page, with or without the
description text, or you can print a
specic number of cells. If you select
a specic number of cells, some print
layouts give you lines for note-taking
or answers.
Once you have decided on a print
option, follow the directions of your

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