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New Genre Essay Revision

Rough Draft Due: December 5th

Final Draft Due: With the end of semester portfolio
For this last major assignment, I want you to take a piece that you have written this
semester and to revise it for a different genre and or medium. For example: you
could take your argumentative essay about Academic English and revise it to
become a web page on a schools website. Or, you could take your first essay on
classes between your languages and turn it in to a story podcast. Really the choice
is up to you! This is your change to be creative and to have a little fun.
The length of the revision will depend on the genre that you choose to revise your
essay for. What matters is that the revision fits the conventions of the discourse
community you are writing in. In addition to this revision I would also like you to
write a one page (single spaced) reflection where you explain to me the decision
that you make when revising your piece. Your reflection should address the
following: 1) The Genre that you have chosen and what you see as the conventions
of that genre. 2) If you choose to do something other than alphabetic text, the
medium that you chose and why you chose it. 3) What affordances does the genre
allow you and what are the constraints. 4) What it was like to revise your piece for a
new audience, was it challenging, fun ect

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