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Lesson Title: Learning and Wondering About Libraries around the World

Grade Level: 2nd


Class Time: 30 min

Subject Integration: Social

Brief Overview: Students will learn about different types of libraries around the world by gathering information, recording it, and
wondering about the new information they are gaining.
Learning Outcomes: Students will gather new information and record their thinking using a graphic organizer.
Students will ask questions about what they are learning.
Students will learn about different types of libraries in different countries.
Common Core Standard:
RL.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it.
RL.2.11: Make connections between self, text, and the world around them.
RF.2.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
AASL Standard:
1.1.3 Develop and refi ne a range of questions to frame the search for new understanding.
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences
and gather meaning.
1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process.
2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding.
IFC Skill:
Asks I wonder questions about the research topic. (IFC-Grade 2)
Modifications for
All Learners

J. Brown - 2016

Learning/Teaching Activities CT=Classroom Teacher L=Librarian

Librarian will read the book aloud and show the students pictures for the
auditory and visual learners.
Librarian will repeat the directions several times to increase understanding.
Students will use an organizer to guide and record their thinking.
Students will work in partners to share ideas and provide support for each


Direct Instruction

Guided Practice

J. Brown - 2016

Hook: Librarian will read the inside flap of the book to spark interest in the topic
of exploring libraries around the world. Ask students:
What do you find inside of your books?
Why do you think there are libraries on boats or ice?
What do those different libraries look like? Can you visualize them in your
mind and predict how they are different from our own library?
What questions do you have about the different kinds of libraries?
Librarian: I am going to read the story once all the way through without stopping
and all you need to do is listen closely and look at the pictures to gain any new
information about libraries around the world.
Librarian reads story aloud to class
Librarian: Now as I read the story a second time, I am going to write down the
things that I learn from the story on my graphic organizer and on the other side I
am going to include those things that I still wonder about. Not only am I going to
pull my information from the words, but also the pictures in this book as they can
sometimes tell me just as much about the book as the words.
Librarian posts graphic organizer for all students to see
Librarian reads the first pages for students
Librarian stops and talks about what they learned from reading and what
they wonder about after that learning.
Librarian records thinking on organizer.
Librarian repeats process for next few pages of book.

Librarian: For the next part of the story you are going to help me identify what we
learn about the different libraries as well as the countries and tell me what you
wonder about still.
Librarian reads next 2 pages
Librarian asks for volunteers to share what they learned and records it on
the class organizer.
Librarian asks for different volunteers to share what they are wondering
about or still have questions or even what they want to know more about.
Repeat process as Librarian feels necessary.

Book: Inside the Books:

Readers and Libraries Around
the World by Toni Buzzeo
Graphic Organizer



Students are placed in partners and each pairing is given a copy of the book and an
Librarian: You will now finish reading the book with your partner and fill out the
graphic organizer to share your learning and wondering. Be sure to read
everything on the page slowly and really look at the pictures to help guide you.
Students work in partners to complete the book.
Librarian and Teacher walk around the library and monitor group work,
guiding and assisting as necessary.


Copies of Book for students

Graphic Organizers

Students come back together and share what they have learned as well as
wonder about after reading the book.
Librarian records students thoughts on the class organizer to show the
entire class and keep a record for the next lesson.
Student organizers are collected.

Librarian and Teacher monitor independent practice and look over completed organizers to assess student learning
and what questions they still have.

Resources/Activities for Extending the Learning: This lesson can introduce students to other countries and cultures around the
world that they could research. Students could be placed into groups and each given a country from this book to research together and
present their findings to the rest of the class. The Librarian could also use this lesson as an introduction to multicultural literature that
is available in the library and have students explore different types of books. It is also a great introduction to lingering questions and
guiding students thinking further beyond simple answers found on the surface of a text.

J. Brown - 2016

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