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Society and Living Standards


What comes to mind when you hear the word society ?


How has your society made you the person you are?


How would you describe your society? / What makes you angry about today s society?


How has technology changed society?


What kind of improvements would you like to see in your society?


Is your society getting better or worse?


Is society different for rich and poor, young and old, men and women, etc?


What are the differences between society today and 50 years ago?


What is a perfect society for you?

10. Do you have a vision of a better society? What changes would you make?
11. Do you think genetic engineering should be used to create good citizens?
12. What do you think are the characteristics of a good member of society?
13. If you became elderly and alone, would you rather live in a senior citizen's home or with your children?
Which is more come in your country?
14. How has the idea of marriage changed throughout history?
15. My Generation: How would you compare your generation to the current generation of youngsters?
Would you rather have been born now than when you were?
16. Is Democracy the best political system? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this system?
17. If you had your own island to populate, what rules would you make for the people that live there?
18. Should a country's leader to limited in serving for only one or two terms?
19. Becoming a martyr: Are there any ideals that you would die for?
20. If you could rebuild your country, what would you change?
21. What conditions should be required for people who want to legally immigrate to your country?
22. What is your top complaint about your country s government?
23. History Repeats Itself do you believe this? If so, can you give examples?
24. Do the majority of adults vote in your country?
25. Do you trust the police to help you when you re in need? Why or why not?
26. Does your country have any stupid laws?
27. Is corruption common in your country? Is it possible to get rid of corruption?

28. Have you ever bribed someone or been bribed?

29. Would you commit a crime to save your family?
30. Robin Hood: is it okay to steal from the rich to help the poor?

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