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The World of Work


At what age do people usually begin to work in your country? /At what age do people usually retire?


Can you talk about what a typical day at your current job is like?


Do women usually work after they get married in your country?


Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?


Do you think people over 65 should be forced to retire?


Do you think women and men should be paid the same for the same job?


How have working conditions changed in recent years?


If you could own your own business, what would it be?


If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose?

10. Is it common for men and women to have the same jobs in your country?
11. Name three occupations that you would like to do and name three occupations that you would never
12. What do you think would be the most interesting job? The most boring?
13. What would be your dream job? / Do you think it would be possible for you to get this job?
14. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
15. Which jobs do you think are the most prestigious?
16. Would you consider yourself to be an ambitious person at work? / Would you describe yourself as a
17. Would you like a job in which you travelled a lot? / Would you like a job that required you to sit at a
computer all day? /Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?
18. Would you rather work inside or outside?
19. If money weren't a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have?
20. Do you see any unfair labour practices in your country's workforce?
21. What are the pros and cons of being a manager? / What are the qualities a good boss should have?
22. Who would you hire, an employee with a lot of experience or an employee with a lot of qualifications?
23. Would you like to start your own business? Why?
24. How has technology changed business? Do you think it's created more work or less?
25. Would you prefer to have an easy routine job or a job in which you made a lot of decisions?
26. What ratio of work to leisure would be your ideal? Answer using percentages.

27. Are the people in your country famous for working hard or for having a good social life?
28. What jobs have you done in your life and what did you like and dislike about them?
29. Which age-groups are worst affected by unemployment in your country?
30. Should people who have never worked before be entitled to unemployment benefits?

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