Fact Checking Worksheet

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Fact Checking Worksheet

Debate Date: 09/26/2016

Location: Hofstra University, NY
Partner Names: Tim and Nathan
Candidate: Donald Trump
1. View your assigned video (take notes here about the video and the
context), and copy down your assigned quote.
"You go to New England, you go to Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you
want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacturing is
down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent."
Companies are leaving our states to move out of the country because
manufacturing costs are cheaper in CHINA. Trump then goes on to say that
because of this, 35% of the jobs have left those areas he has mentioned.

2. Check out what other fact-checkers have said about this specific
statement. START WITH: Politifact-- (Others to check if you want:
Factcheck.org, the Washington Posts Fact Checker) -- credit them
Politifact rates this as accurate. This fact was not checked by other mainstream
fact checkers.
3. Do a DETAILED Google search for answers: Search using as many
different combinations as you can. If were writing about something like
climate change, we might search on "climate change," "global warming,"
"carbon emissions," "carbon capture," "electricity," "EPA regulations. List
one source besides the fact check website that can help fact check this
quote. Write a brief analysis on what you found (2-3 sentences).
Copy and pasted the question into google and we found one source that
disagreed with Trump, saying that manufacturing was rising, not falling. The
site included several graphs that back up this claim.

4. Find an EXPERT OPINION. What does the expert have to say about
this quote? Do you agree with him/her? Why or why not?
Kevin L. Kearns, (why companies shut down) they did it because other
companies in their supply chain had outsourced to other countries.

It seems like a logical explanation.

5. List 2 questions that you still have about this topic that YOU would
like to ask the candidate if you met him/her face to face.
-Is this decline in jobs a nationwide incidence or is it only in the
manufacturing sector of these specific states/areas?
-Will lowering taxes bring back those companies?


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