ISE II - Task 2 - Multi Text - Crime

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aS ee aoa) “Tay 15 Reading & Weting esr $ Tose 2 Task 2 ~ Multi-text Reading [As partof your sues you ae got ead about sie naan an vr areas In ths eto thre aefour short (oer you to read ad nore uss for You tana Questions 16:20 (ove murk per question) Read qiestone 1620 frets then rent ems AB, Cand D below the question As you rad wach wt. die (ih ton each uc fers to, Choows the ltar A, B, Cor D~and write eon the nes below. Sou can ue wy eter more an ne 26. most they comes rma crieproveton poster? 27. points out how rewarding a parcular profession can be times? 2m, suggests that he mojrty of reskin coud te prevent? 439, otters practic ati your home a going t baunved in fora prod of time? ‘We interviewed police afier, Bob Parsons, from the local Police Force. So, officer Parsons, tll us afew tings about crime in our area. Everybody round here has a burglary tale ot. ve caught a few burglars my ime a cop. Very few arrect were more satisfying for unformed fle than that rare capture ofa burl in the ct. Most of the ones | aught had runaway from the scene and wer fund hiding under crs, n gardens, nd on one unforgettable cccaion we arerted 2 man who became known a5 "the man from Atlantis, because he id rom urfor over an hour na fishpond twas January and he neal froze to death. By dy, they walk around the street targeting houses that are not protected. These inexperienced thieves wll attack prop ‘ertyin an instant. They climb through an open window o force the doer, steal anything they can and then rum away with thei finds, Others area bit more strategic an wilplan thelatack days, or even week, head burglary athome ic distressing experience that can have a huge impact on yur whole family. Despite this, many homes are insure with doors ad windows lft opan or unlocked which provide easy acess to 2 thet Removing thie Kind of temptation would prevent an estimated 90% of burglaries. therfore makes ‘lot of sense to ave 2 home security system installed. Consider a system that sts ofan alarm and also ‘ates the authorities ofan invasion. You cul also cosiderintalngsurvellance cameras which wil ac. aa deterrent to burglars and giv you peace of mind especialy when you are out or on holiday. It can also be used as evidence you ae unfortunate enough to Become a vit of burr. If you don’ want or can't afford the expense of» surveillance camara system, you can have dummy’ cameras put up that look |ustlke the rea thing. Of cour, the downsde to these I that fa burglary does ocur, you wl rt be able to provide evidence ‘Ban’ by far safer to ve in the country than in a town o ty. don thnk anyone woul argue with that. hn: hea what you are saying, but statistical there is very ite differenca between the amount of cme emitted in urban areas and rural areas The thing that the types of ele afer For exile, burglaries in "ote communities ar fe and farms are particulary valnerabe. Ban: Realy? woulé never have thought that was the cate at seems so peaceful in the countryside and people are generally much fendi from my experience sch: Well the things the vat majority or rural crime fsnot committed by people who ve lly. soften organised gangs who target more remote buldngs and houses. Sometime they operate hun ds of ies em wherever they are based. Urban erie tends o be far more opportunist o spontaneous. Bian can see that mates sense. By the way, have heard that agricultural equpment and fsa tp target for gangs and easy to sel on of couse because Bath of these are worth alt of money. ent Hier and none Instead soe Get abstr door and eos pce dtr barge srenghen wi) seeds oo oop eash and seus oof Sate at wine, ‘Quostions 21-25 (one marc per question) ‘Chaos th ve statement fom AH below tht are TRUE according to the foaton gan the texts lone. ‘Wie the lettrs of the TRUE statment on the lines below Gn ay ere). [A Most ual rime involves gangs targeting estates, The police ares ver few burglars You don’thave to go to great expense to protect your ome a [8 Anunkept garden can aid» potential burga, [¢_Aproperty may be chosen as target along time before the crime 2. 's actualy commited. 1 You can take precautions that wil help to ensure that a brgar scout. 2. Survelilnce equipment can be very valuable ms You can never make a door completely butler proof ec 4 SAE ee aD any se. Reading & Writing TESTS -Taske2 ‘Questions 26-30 (one marc per question) ‘Shesumry notes Seow eatin heomraton ror he txts onthe prvous ages. Find a werd or phrase from {Ens AD wo complete the mining ivormation in gaps 2630, Vo your answers on he Wes bu ‘Summary notes Social problems in both urban and rural areas Protecting yoursel from thieves: + carefully thought out burglaries and teves who are (26). ‘or spontaneous. be more security aware. sass windows an door wil help to prevent + Some home alarms il alert the (28). police reaction canbe faster + Good external ighting is hep. + Install 9). real thing that the security system f you can afford the “comparison of urban and rural the: "Both area serous problem, + Farms are particulary vulnerable to the thet of (80) nd agricultural equipment. ‘Succeed in TRINITY ISE It Succeed in TRINTTY SEM esr sista 34 ‘Task 3 - Reading Into writing Ute the ntrmason from the four texts you rea in Tsk 20 wr shor ar 50-180 word) or a pe Internation eat on how to protect yur hams snd pasesons ‘You shoul pan your arte before you sar wring, Tk abou what you wa oy an ake some notes hep Yuin on (Nomar are hen for these planing ots) |Now wrice your Arie in about 190-180 word. Ty ta un ye oun werd Fro pein dol ft py sa | ‘fom the reatng wes ‘hen yu have ihe your atc, spend mates reading ough wha ou have writen ke sre you have ansefd the ts comply Ramo to check ow you rade ae a renin ets ewe a the ngage ta ‘Srpnsatn of your wring Task 4 — Extended writing _ Your pen and hs aha yu to tana abou you vote porto ane. Wh eter your pn ee (130-18 wor). ay wat spot sd gues are poplin your corey, ten desrbe yor favour spor oF | ne, sping how ofon ou pay ead wy you _ ER ort treo tg Pr a wat yur oo Panning notes (roma agen forthe planing notes) New rie your lta about 150-180 word When you hve ised your eter, pen 2.3 nies reading trough wha you have ween Make ire you have senna the ma empeny cibe tech dng andegen Ye rane,

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