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Sajeela Siddiqui

Mississauga, ON - Email me on Indeed:

Willing to relocate: Anywhere


Product Owner Bespoke Professional Services

Concurrent Systems - June 2015 to Present
* Provided deep market insight at every stage of product development based on comprehensive understanding
of the market, customers and users and their problems.
* Focused on keeping abreast with the latest Lean and Agile product design and delivery practices.
* Produced Lean / Kanban / Agile product documentation (MVP related documentation, Lean Opportunity
Canvas, user stories, wireframes, interaction design documentation, storyboards, etc.) where required.
* Steered the vision of the product by collaborating with the Value Stream Process Owner and other
stakeholders in the Value Stream to deliver value to customers.
* Collaborated with the Kanban DevOps team, with the assistance of the Agile Coach and/or other Product
Owners where required, to deliver a product and/or product features that delighted our customers.
* Participated in the Product Strategy meetings and initiatives to define new product initiatives. Worked closely
with Pre-Sales, Sales and Marketing, Operations Support to continually improve products within the domain.
* Conducted product research and determined product requirements and possible product enhancements and
continuous improvement of the product through product backlog refinement techniques and processes.
* Elicited customer needs by leveraging business, analytical and customer facing skills thus constantly refined
the product backlog.
* Participated in the Weekly Kanban Stakeholder Replenishment (planning) meeting and prioritized the product
backlog through product backlog refinement process and with agreement of all stakeholders.
* Gathered and analyzed data on product features and user behavior to assist in strategic user story creation.
* Conducted user experience analysis and user interaction design and produced user experience related
documentation that helped DevOps teams create solutions with awesome customer experiences resulting in
customers' delight.
* Assisted with testing stories for completeness and readiness for integration and deployment.
* Solicited Customer Feedback throughout the lifecycle of the product; performed quantitative and/or qualitative
analysis to measure the impact and success of features on the product market.
* Worked with testers and integrators to demo the product to the stakeholders and customers in the value
stream as and when required.
* Marketed the Product at Conferences, Trade Shows and directly to customers.
* Traveled to sites from time-to-time to assure proper delivery and develop customer relationships.

Support & Integration Team Lead

Concurrent Systems - August 2014 to May 2015
* Efficiently allocated incoming requests to the team using available ticketing tools like RT and Trello, prioritizing
actions and ensuring task execution results in customer deadlines being met.
* Identified and highlighted best practices in support management through continuous assessment, and feeding
process and product recommendations to the Support Manager.
* Compiled reports on SLA targets, numbers and type of requests, per queue for each customer on a quarterly
basis, which was provided to both the Customer and Support Manager.

* Produced, reviewed and approved maintenance procedures (MoP's) and Emergency Reports compiled by
the Customer Support team(s) before they were submitted to the customer.
* Maintained the "Support and Integration Engineer Handbook" which provided guidance to the Customer
Support team(s)
* Worked with the Customer Delivery Manager and Team Leads to ensure the Support process was clearly
defined and that the teams were aligned with service delivery requirements.
* Facilitated and coordinated training of new products and rollouts to the Customer Support team(s)
* Worked to improve and continuously drive the functioning of the Network Operations Centre (NoC), thus
ensuring 24/7 availability in the office.
* Traveled to customer sites for visits related to marketing and addressing critical concerns as requested by
the Support Manager.
* Assisted the Support Manager with Annual Support Renewal communication and Purchase Order follow ups.
Compiled Letters of Support void for non-compliant customers to be sent in the first quarter of every financial
* Conducted performance analysis of the team(s), identifying weaknesses and offering coaching and mentoring
in identified areas.

Support & Integration Engineer

Concurrent Systems - February 2012 to July 2014
* Provided On-site support for operator Zain Sudan.
* Performed commissioning and upgrades of Ericsson Charging System 5.0 (MINSAT, SDP, AIR/AF, VS, and
CCN) and integration with other network elements such as EMA, SAPC, EMM, HXC USSD, and CADE.
* Responsible for creation and roll-out of new promotions in HxC USSD solution.
* Interfaced with customer care to resolve single subscriber complaints.
* Performed troubleshooting of configuration issues and provided 24/7 on-site/on-call support.
* Configuration and maintenance of databases in HxC suite.
* Automated system health checks and traffic analysis of various nodes using shell scripting.
* Integration of Concurrent Systems' HXC Suite with Ericsson convergent billing system CBiO v2.1 that involved
scoping of work, analysis of customer's requirements, configuration of services and acceptance testing (UAT)
with customer.
* Participated in solution level discussions for various customer CRs with internal & external stakeholders,
SA's, SI's, R&D teams etc. and drive solution to successful closure.
* Prepared high-level & low-level solution documents, ATP docs, technical customer presentations.

VAS Back Office Engineer

Nokia Siemens Networks IN - April 2009 to February 2012
* Performed daily O&M and OS administration of complete Telenor Pakistan IN installed base including NSN
IN @vantage, eServGlobal's VoMS, MPOS, IVRs and USSDs.
* Technical lead for change requests for eServGlobal products that included upgrade of VoMS from version
7.2 to 8.4, Informix DB upgrade on MPOS and MPOS Franchise Mapping.
* Project manager for SIGTRAN upgrade on eServGlobal USSDs.
* Collected data from systems to provide statistics and reports on regular basis to ensure customer satisfaction.
* Produced Performance and Management Reports (link utilization, BHCA, KPIs, routine checks etc.).
* Oracle and Informix DB administration and optimization to ensure optimum database performance on INs
and eServGlobal products.
* Provided forecasts for traffic trends during festivals (like Ramadan/Eid) and carried out license expansions
and additional network elements' integration with existing network.
* Provided 24/7 emergency on-call support to Customer as well as Front Office colleagues.

VAS Engineer

Nokia Siemens Networks IN - July 2007 to March 2009

* Provided level 1 and 2 O&M Support for IN@vantage 7.5 & 7.6.2 Premium, Charge@once 1.0 & 1.1 and
* Actively coordinated with TAC3 in commissioning new IN platforms and implementing SUF / SMU for IN
SCV6 upgrades.
* Project Manager from NSN operations for migration of EServGlobal VOMS 7.2 to EServGlobal VOMS TOPUP
Suite (version 8.4), actively involved in implementation, acceptance testing, cutover and troubleshooting for
post-cutover issues.
* Responsible for acceptance testing for new IN platforms and EServGlobal machine MPOS/VOMS etc.
* Performed Daily O&M of the following Network elements:
Charge@once v1.1 (20 - IN@vantage 7.6.1 platform on PW1500/900 machine)
@commanders 8.7 with B&R Server
B&R standalone servers (SUN FIRE V890 machines)
X-login cluster machine (SUN FIRE V440 machine), 4-Multi sever CHRISXpress (SUN FIRE V890
machines) 4-Xbonus (SUN FIRE V890 machines) and 6-TMD (SUNFIRE V890 machines)
EServGlobal (FERMA) systems: 2 X VOMS (Cluster ), 2 MPOS ( Cluster ), 3 x RESPs, 5 x PRESP's, 10
x IVRs with SMSC engine, 17 x USSD gateways catering to Payment (E-Load and PassAload) Recharge /
Charge services
Siemens Mobile Smart Proxy (MSP)
Siemens Mobile Session Manager (MSM)
Acision (formerly LogicaCMG) SMSC (Short message service centre)
Acision PSA (Pre Delivery Service Agent)
Acision BT (Business Tool)
* Trained fresh NSN engineers on all IN/VAS network elements & concepts.


B.E. in Electronic Engineering

NED University of Engineering and Technology - Karachi
2003 to 2007

Scrum (2 years), Agile Methodologies (2 years), GSM (9 years), SS7 (9 years), Kanban (2 years)


OS: Solaris 8, 9 & 10, UNIX, Linux, MS Windows [] MS-DOS., Ubuntu.
Databases: Oracle 9 & 10, MySQL, Informix 10 & 11, Sybase, TimesTen, Mongo 2.6 and 3.0
Programming Skills: Java, C++, Assembly, Shell scripting, AWK
Design Tools: Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Office, PlantUML

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