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Che Standard-Cimes SERVING THE SOUTHCOAST COMMUNITY ‘two years, umes. North Dartmouth, one of two cisco and her husband, Leonel, Peixoto had decided to Five dayslater,onWednesday, daughters, Mrs, Francisco, 60, cared for her narahe a ora Contnbites Giahsisceatment Mis. che couple who'had been may. sadhermoncrheqiontyosed. hierar Jose and Brazelna Peixoto, who were mare for 67 years, commu- J ‘was told her heart was ried 67 years died — within six a woman who gave her See COUPLE.AS died six hours apart Wednesday. Couple: Pair die six hours apart CONTINUED FROM Ai ‘The Peixotos were a strong, | Portuguese couple. Theirs was alove for the ages. Peixoto bragged wat eau was the pretties woman from enough money to bringthemto America, Living in Somerset with his brother, Mr. Peixoto worked on a ing together money, saving neatly every penny. (Ofien he wrote letters to his bride vowing to keep his word and end their separatic The family was reuni 1954. They lived in a thin apartinent on Lindsey Street Fall River. ‘The landlore's daught on the second floor, Peixoto wortied they would get evicted because the children occasionally made too much noise. After his family arrived here, and raised the children, For extra money, she tookin neigh: bors laundry and watched over |- HILDA FRANCISCO, Dartmouth ~ the house, cooked the meals “Family was very important to my mother. Her wish ras for us to continue to be close and be a fami each night to say the rosary ‘The father would bringhome_ together. his pay each week and hand it ‘The couple raised their five over to his wife. He was given children — four are still living spending money, the children — and encouraged their chil: said. Mr. Peixoto’s pleasure dren to learn English, yet the vas going tothe Affonso Costa parents never did. They pushed Republican Club once a week. them to become U.S. citizens He loved playing cards with his within five years oftheir arrival friend: in the States. | His “They adored this count the Wo said their son, Joseph, traveled to Brazil Italy andGer- ing how his parents had as many to see matches, peoplein tei Fal River ne ‘The siblings said Mother ran and paid the bills. She was the disciplinarian and peace- maker when there was trouble between the kids, Mr. Peixoto was the provider though he had a temper botherhis wife, “Mom stood up to him,” Mrs. any government agency. *You come to America, you ‘come to work,” Mrs. Francisco remembered her father saying, and each child worked by the age of 16. edie Paolo siblings say they feel a peace knowing their entsdled on the same day. “Family was very important ;-mother,” Mrs, Francisco ly see her put spiges on his food” their son A deeply religious couple, they were parishioners at St Michael’s for 54 years, Their children all attended the par- Ish school and, would gather to be close and be a a they will, because Jose and Brazelind’’lives showed them that family does matter. Contact Curt Brown = around Kitchen “table at cbronn@s-tcom

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