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Philosophy Of Education

California State University Dominguez Hills

Jeanet Herrera

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I believe that education is the best gift you can give someone. When people receive
proper education it can make a huge impact and shape the individuals they become. Receiving
good quality education comes from the teachers whose lives revolve around teaching children
and advancing society. That is why education is one of the most important jobs in any country.
I believe the purpose of education is to give children a chance to learn and grow as
people in an environment that is beneficial and safe to children. Education also helps children
reach their goals in life and teaches them that they can be anything they want to be in life.
According to Alexander Kern, they were that education should have the purpose of promoting
peace, a capitalistic economy, and nationalism." I feel like this has a lot to do with the security a
child feels at school and a way to help them get better jobs in the future. The possibilities of what
one can achieve with education are endless and are really beneficial in advancing our society as a
whole. Receiving proper education lets children of all ethnic groups know that as long as you
have goals set in life, they can become anything they want to become in life. Education also
teaches children the appropriate ways in which to act in society. It teaches children right from
wrong and shows them a positive environment which some might not be used to.
I believe that children have to learn in an organized environment. One cannot expect
children to learn properly when their teacher takes much time out of instruction to look for
lessons instead of having them prepared. Organization is one of the most important things in a
classroom setting. It is important for children to see and learn these organization skills. A teacher
should also provide an environment that is safe for children. If a student is fearful of a teacher
because of how strict they are it can cause them to shut down and dislike going to school. When
a teacher shows students positive behaviors then students are going to feel safe and welcome.

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I feel like teachers have a certain commitment to social justice. For example, I think that
it is essential for teacher to understand that not everyone comes from the same place. Children
come from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures and teachers need to respect that. Teachers
should not expect all students to be the same and should realize that not all children are fortunate
enough to have a loving and safe home. A teacher should also understand that not all children
have the means to afford computers or have Internet access. A teacher should give students tasks
that they can complete and not expect all of them to have the same amount of access to certain
privileges we have today. A teacher should understand that not all students have a safe loving
environment. Not all children live with their parents and teachers need to be sensitive to their
needs to make sure those students know that school is a safe place for them. James Damico and
Ruthie L. Riddles studies some finding on how social justice helped students and they said As
a result, responding to these texts with a social justice perspective meant that students recognized
their own agency and worked toward solving their own problems (i.e., acting more
compassionately and critically, or reducing name- calling and fighting). Teachers need to pass
this knowledge to students in order for them to reflect it upon themselves. With that being, said I
also believe that it is important for a teacher to not give any special treatment to any child just
because their parents are better off financially. Just because a childs parent may come from a
higher social class does not make them more entitled than any other student in class.
I believe that math and English are the most important subjects in school. Everything in
school is based on reading and writing so it is important to help and refresh these skills to
students on a daily basis. Thats why I feel like it is better to start the day off with English and
work your way up to other topics. I also feel history has a great importance in a classroom.
History teaches children so much and I feel we need to learn from history in order to make a

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better future. I also believe that arts are important in a classroom setting. Children need to be
able to express themselves. For some children, art can serve as an escape and be beneficial to a
Childs health. Using art in subjects like math can help those children who are visual learners as
long as providing help for those who need it in math.
I believe that a good teacher has to be fun and creative. A good teacher with a wonderful
imagination can inspire children to use theirs. A good teacher has to also not let problems and
stress affect their classroom. A teacher has to know how to calm those emotions and not take
their stress out on the children. It is also important for a teacher to love what their career. When
teachers see it as just a job they can cause a negative environment around students and it can
harm their learning. A good teacher has to also know how to properly manage time. A teacher has
to be able to go over so much in one day and it is important that they dont lose track of time
because it can affect other things that are going on in the classroom.

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Kern, A. (1994). The Purpose of Education: Peace, Capitalism and Nationalism. Journal
of Education Finance, 19(4), 17-28.
Damico, J., & Riddle, R. L. (2004, September). From Answers to Questions: A Beginning
Teacher Learns to Teach for Social Justice. Language Arts, 82(1), 36-46.

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