Script Emcee English Camp

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to

Before we start our ceremony for today, I would like to call _____________________
to recite the Doa. Please welcome
Thank you __________________ for the Doa recitation.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Alhamdulillah, we have come to the final event of the English Camp at SMK Paka
and it is my great pleasure and honour to welcome all of you again this morning.
As we are all aware, the English Camp is a jointly organised event by Yayasan
Terengganu and SMKP English Language Panel.

This camp intends to give learning experience across curriculum and provide participants
with opportunity to use English Language as a major tool by integrating hands-on activity
which could increase participant learning experience and boost their interest in English
We are very honoured to have with us here this morning
_________________________________ and ________________________________. Thank you
for coming.
Now, I would like to call upon __________________________________ for the closing
speech and ceremony. Please welcome..
Thank you _______________________ for the speech.
Before we end our closing ceremony, I would like to invite
_____________________________ to give a few closing words. Please welcome.
Ladies and gentlemen
It is my great pleasure to announce the winner of each of the activities that was
held during the camp.
So, I would like to call ____________________ to give the PRESENTS to the winners.
3, _______________
5. ________________
Congratulation to the winners.

Now, I would like to call Sir Aiman to give a token of appreciation to the
honourable guests.
Please welcome _______________________________
NEXT, PLEASE WELCOME __________________________________
Last but not least please welcome ________________________
Ladies and gentlemen,
Alhamdulillah, we have now come to the end of the English Camp SMK Paka
On behalf of all the committee members, I would like to express my upmost
gratitude to all the amazing campers and members of the floor for making this
event success. Special congratulation to Sir Aiman and other T-Helps who give us
guidance throughout the 3 days 2 nights camp.
Now, I would like to leave you with a quote by Stewart Brand, an author and
innovative thinker, who once said, we can see the past but not influence it, we
can influence the future but not see it.
Let us all be guided by all the things we have learned and heard throughout the
conference and be able to see and influence our future.
Thank you, thank you and thank you very much and before we part, please
accept this verse from me.
Kalau ada jarum yang patah,
Jangan disimpan di dalam peti,
Kalau ada silap dan salah,
Harap sudi maafkan kami.
Which roughly means, please forgive us for our shortcomings.
Till we meet again, perhaps in the next camp. May all of you have a safe journey
Thank you and Assalamualaikum

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