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What every operator should know about

solid bowl centrifuge dewatering
Ken Schnaars



A practical consideration

Solid bowl

Solid bowl centrifuges operate using

centrifugal forces to separate solids from

Centrifuges are like clarifiers, except that clarifiers rely on gravity for settling and
centrifuges rely on centrifugal forces. Like a clarifier, a centrifuge requires surface
area, retention time, and weir length to operate successfully.

Conditioned sludge that enters the

centrifuge is thrown to the walls on the inside
of the bowl. As the solids are spun around,
the heavier solids migrate closer to the
wall of the bowl while the water (centrate)
remains closer to the center of the machine.

Centrifuges typically can produce a dewatered product that is between 15% and
30% solids, depending upon the type and condition of the input solids.

Any oils would be above the water toward

the center of the machine. Basically, the
higher the specific gravity of the material,
the closer it will be to the bowl wall, and the
lower the specific gravity of the material, the
further away.
Solids loading rate

Solids loading rate (SLR) is the quantity of

dry solids entering the centrifuge per hour.

This is an important parameter because if the rated capacity of the centrifuge is

exceeded, it will become overloaded and shut down.

SLR is calculated using the following


Centrifuges never should be operated strictly on flow rate (gal/min). The flow rate
needs to be calculated based on the SLR to remain within the centrifuges design

feed solids (%)
SLR = feed rate
60 8.34

The bowl is the casing around the scroll

(conveyor). The bowl is operated by its own

The bowl operates at a constant speed normally at 2400 to 2600 rpm. The bowl
contains a conical section at one end where the dewatered solids are scrolled out
of openings near the end of the cone. On the other end, dams act like weirs where
the centrate is removed from the centrifuge.

Scroll or conveyor

The scroll is the conveyor located inside the

bowl. The scroll is used to move the solids
to the end of centrifuge where they are

The scroll is tapered at one end so it can push solids up the conical end of the
centrifuge. The scroll operates at different speeds and is driven by its own motor
separate from the bowl motor. The scroll is operated at different speeds so it can
adjust to the process conditions and control the dryness of the dewatered solids.


l WE&T




A practical consideration

Differential or relative

Differential or relative speed is a term used

by centrifuge manufacturers to explain the
difference between the bowl speed and the
scroll (conveyor) speed.

Differential or relative speed is an important aspect for operators to understand in

controlling a centrifuge. The slower the scroll (conveyor) moves in the bowl, the
longer the solids remain in the centrifuge and the drier the dewatered solids. The
faster the scroll-speed, the shorter the residence time in the centrifuge and the
wetter the dewatered solids.
Operating a centrifuge in a differential control mode usually is not recommended
by manufacturers because this is considered a manual mode of operation in which
the machine will not compensate automatically for changes in feed rate, feed
concentration, polymer changes, and other process conditions.

Torque (or load)

Torque control is the automatic mode of

operation that centrifuge manufacturers
use to control the dryness of the solids.

In the torque mode of operation, the centrifuge controls perform a

mathematical calculation to adjust the centrifuge scroll automatically to
maintain a consistent output.
In the automatic torque control mode of operation, the centrifuge constantly
will make adjustments to compensate for such process variables as feed
solids concentration, feed rate, and polymer dose.

Capture rate



Capture rate describes how much solids

are dewatered and do not escape in the
centrate. Capture rate, basically, is the
efficiency of the centrifuge.

Typically, centrifuges have capture rates between 90% and 95%. Capture
rates will depend upon the feed solids characteristics, feed sludge age, feed
rate, polymer feed rate, polymer condition, and other such factors.

Centrate is the liquid separated from

solids in the centrifuge. The centrate exits
the centrifuge on the opposite end of the
unit from the dewatered solids.

Evaluating the centrate leaving a centrifuge is one of the operating parameters

that enables the operator to determine how well the centrifuge is performing.

Polymer (polyelectrolyte) is a chemical used

to condition solids prior to entering the

Polymer is the most common chemical used for solids conditioning. Polymer is
used to release the bound water so the solids cake can become drier.

cake solids (feed centrate)
Capture rate = 100

feed (cake solids centrate)

If the centrate is black and dirty, then the unit is performing poorly. If the
centrate is white and low in solids, then the centrifuge has a high capture rate.
If the centrate is white, slimy, and possibly foaming, then the unit is receiving
too much polymer; this wastes polymer, incurs additional operating cost, and
should be avoided.

Polymers are organic chemicals with high molecular weights. Polymer use
increases the capture rate of the centrifuge (centrate quality), improves the
dewatered cake concentration, and enables a greater sludge feed rate.
Typically, centrifuges at treatment facilities use cationic polymer that can be
delivered in liquid or dry forms.
Polymer solutions usually are mixed to between 0.25% and 0.75% polymer.
Depending on the type of feed solids, required polymer dose rates can range from
2.3 to 6.8 kg (5 to 15 lb) of dry polymer needed per ton of solids.

A clean-in-place (CIP) procedure normally is

a step that is conducted on a centrifuge when
the unit is shutting down. A CIP flushes solids
out of the centrifuge so the unit is clean when
it is restarted.

It is important that a CIP be completed when a centrifuge is being shut down to flush
solids from the unit. If solids are left inside, they could cause an imbalance condition
and vibration issues upon startup.
If a centrifuge has been out of service for an extended period, sometimes a CIP is
conducted before restarting to ensure any dried material is flushed before starting.
Typically, a CIP is performed at a lower speed (600 rpm) and for a preset time.
During a CIP the scroll is operated both forward and backward to provide a good
cleaning action within the bowl.
There are two types of CIPs: dry and wet. Depending upon the configuration of the
machine, some manufacturers prefer one over the other. A wet CIP introduces water
to the bowl during the CIP phase.




A practical consideration

Pond or pool

Pond or pool refers to the liquid level inside

the centrifuge.

The pond depth can be adjusted by raising or lowering the dams (weirs) at the end
of the centrifuge. The manufacturer typically determines the pond depth at startup
depending on the conditions required for a particular facility.
Higher pond depth leads to lower velocities and, therefore, clearer liquid discharge
but wetter cake solids. Lower pond depth equals faster velocities and, therefore,
cloudier liquid discharge, but drier dewatered solids.
Pond depths are set to provide the best cake percentage (dewatered solids) and
clearest centrate.

Seal or plug

Seal or plug is the condition when the

centrifuge has reached speed and is ready to
produce dewatered solids.

When a centrifuge initially starts, solids will pour out of the discharge end until the
machine is up to speed and the centrifugal forces have pulled the water (pool) below
the solids discharge ports.
Until seal is achieved, the discharge conveyor (inclined conveyor) below the
centrifuge operates in the reverse direction to avoid water and poor solids capture
from being discharged into the conveyor system. Once the centrifuge makes seal,
the inclined conveyor reverses and the processing of dewatered solids can begin.

Ken Schnaars is a certified operator and professional engineer with ICA Engineering (formally Florence & Hutcheson) in Nashville, Tenn.


l WE&T

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