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B-882 (Paz) COMP 7(E-I1)1 (RC) [Tota No.of Questions B.E. (Comp.) (Semester - VII) (RC) Examination, Nov./Dec. - 2011 DATA COMPRESSION (Elective~1) Duration : 3 Hours ‘Total Marks : 100 Instructions 1) Attempt any five questions by selecting a eas ne question from each module. 2) Make suitable assumptions if required. MODULE -1 Q1) 2) Explain selfinformation in the context of information theory. Give the anount of information associated with: (6) 4) Tossing an unbiased coin. fi) Rolling ofa fair die. 'b)_ Explain the Shannon coding algorithm for constructing a uniquely decodable code. ‘What is the significance of putting all probabilities in order before starting the algorithm? 16) ©) State and prove Kraft’s inequality theorem. In what case does the Kraft inequality become equality? Explain. 18] 02) a) Explain prefix code and uniquely decodable code, giving suitable example for ‘each. Is a prefix code always uniquely decodable? Discuss. i) ) Use Huffinan coding to generate codewords for an alphabet consisting of 6 ‘equiprobable source letters and calculate its efficiency. What condition guarantees that all codewords generated by the Hufliman algorithm are ofthe same length?[8], ©) Forthe ordered source $ = (a,b, ¢, de} use the Faller-Gallager-Knuth adaptive Hufliman coding algorithm to encode the input string beddeb. Can different ‘codewords be generated for the same source letter in dynamic Huffman coding? Explain your answer, 18) ‘MODULE - 11 @3) a) Explain the concept of arithmetic coding, Use arithmetic coding to encode the string xyzzyx composed of equiprobable letters from the alphabet $ = {w, x, 2) (81 b) Use the L278 technique to encode the word mississippi. In what respects does the LZ78 technique differ from the LZ77 techniquee. 18] ©), Differentiate between midtread quantizer and midriser quantizer withthe help of neat diagram. 14) PLO. B-882 oy Qs) 26) Q7 08) a) ») ° 4) b) 9 8 b) 9 ») 2 ») ° COMP 7(E-I1) 1(RC) Using the LZW algorithm, encode the input string abababaccedecdcedea. [8] ‘A fine balance has to be struck between the efficiency and precision of continuous, information processing. Justify the statement in the context of sampling and quantization. 5] State and explain the two necessary conditions for a vector quantizer 10 be ceonsidered optimal 4) What do you mean by hierarchical clustering? Explain BI ‘MODULE Write a short note on differential pulse code modulation. 8) Discuss the interpretation of transforms as a way of decomposing ase of samples into a sum of basis vectors. Illustrate using a suitable example. 51 Find the Hadamard transforms forthe vectors [2 13 2[" and {10 1 8-5, and then the same vectors arranged as 2 x 2 matrices. Are there any differences between ‘one-dimensional and two-dimensional transforms for the same samples? [8] Define one-dimensional forward DCT and two-dimensional forward DCT. [4] Consider the following set of M= 20 sample values: (574746397612974 639 1 2). Find linear DPCM predictors forthe second and third orden. [8] Define the Karhunen-Loéve transform. What limits the practical application ofthis, transform? (6) Explain the significance of filters in the subband coding and decoding system. (6] MODULE -1V Explain the hierarchical mode of operation defined by JPEG. 151 With the help of a block diagram, explain the various steps in the JPEG baseline sequential system for encoding and decoding, 110) Explain the various techniques used for MPEG motion estimation. Is] Differentiate between DC coefficients and AC coefficients in the context of PEG [5] Explain the different types of pictures that can be included in the group of pictures collection of the MPEG video sequence layer, {10} Write a short note on MPEG-2, 151 Bene

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