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Hand in Hand



DAY #1: Reading

DAY #2: Math

DAY #3: Science

DAY #4: Science

DAY #5: Writing

After the guided reading

lesson, students will be able
to make at least 2 text-toself, text-to-world, or textto-text connections.
2.RN.2.1 Ask and answer
questions about the main
idea and supporting facts
and details in a text to
confirm understanding.

After practicing addition

problems with a partner,
students will be able to recall
sums for addition facts using
the make a ten strategy.

After completing a sorting

activity with pumpkins and
gourds, students will be able to
classify objects by at least 3
observable properties.
2.PS.1 Plan and conduct an
investigation to describe and
classify different kinds of
materials by their observable

After conducting an
investigation with a partner,
students will be able to make
hypotheses and test them.

After completing peer reviews,

students will be able to write a
paragraph with at least 3
different sentence beginnings.

SEPS.3 Constructing and

performing investigations
SEPS.4 Analyzing and
interpreting data
2.PS.1 Plan and conduct an
investigation to describe and
classify different kinds of
materials by their observable

2.W.4 Apply the writing process

to drafts.

An assortment of pumpkins
and gourds (about 10) and
observation chart (25)

Picture of pumpkin carving, an

assortment of pumpkins and
gourds split in half, spoons,
newspaper, bowls, recording
sheet, sticky notes

Exemplar research paper draft,

highlighter, writing folders, and
document camera

Time: 40 minutes
Space: At their desks, working
in pairs
Behavior: Classroom

Time: 45 minutes

Time: 45 minutes
Space: We will start off in the
family room then students will
work at their desks.
Behavior: Classroom economy



Anticipatory Set


Caitlyn Donoho

Lets Send a Letter by

Kristin Cashore, Living in
Seoul by Kim Borland,
Communicating Then
and Now by Kim Borland,
iPads with Spelling City and
Epic apps, a letter from my
grandma, a grade school
picture of Mrs. Arnold,
Making Connections
response sheets
Time: 45 minutes
Space: The introduction
will be in the family room. I
will be meeting with
students at the kidney
table. Mrs. Arnold will be
meeting with her groups in
the family room. The rest of
the students will be working
at their desks.
Behavior: Classroom
We will start off in the
family room and I will
remind the students that
we call it the family room
because we are a family.

Today we are going to be

learning about how we can
make connections to the
stories we are reading and
listening to. When were
able to make connections,
something really cool
happens; the things we
read start to change us and
the way we see the world

2.CA.1 Add and subtract

fluently within 100.
PS.1 Make sense of problems
and persevere in solving
PS.7 Look for and make use
of structure.
PS.8 Look for and express
regularity in repeated
Base 10 frame with red and
yellow squares (26 sets),
worksheet, red and yellow
crayons, white boards with
dry erase markers

Time: 45 minutes
Space: At their desks,
working in pairs
Behavior: Classroom

Space: We will start off in the

family room then students will
spread out around the room at
their desks, kidney table, and
yellow table. The students will
be coming up to the white board
to record their data.
Behavior: Classroom economy

I will the students high tens

(instead of high fives) as they
come in from recess.

Being able to add up

numbers quickly in our heads
without having to pull out a
calculator helps us save time
when were making decisions
about things like what to buy
or how much of something
you need to get. So today we
are going to learn about how
to make groups of ten quickly
in our heads.

I will ask the students if they

have ever been to a pumpkin
patch before and allow a
couple minutes to share
experiences. Then I will bring
out my bag of pumpkins and
Scientists sort things all the
time into different groups, like
how animals are sorted into
mammals, amphibians, and
reptiles. As we look at all these
pumpkins and gourds, I want
you to try to think like a
scientist as we describe

I will show the students a

picture of my pumpkin carving
and tell them about my favorite

I will tell the students a story of

a time that I visited a zoo and a
giraffe licked my face.

I noticed that some of you

yesterday were wondering what
gourds would look like if we cut
them open. Well, today were
going to continue to explore our
pumpkins and gourds, but this
time were going to look on the

Today, we are going to

continue working on our
research papers, but were
going to specifically look at
something called sentence
fluency, or how well our
sentences connect together.
This is important because it
helps our writing sound better
so that it makes sense and

Hand in Hand

Caitlyn Donoho

around us.


Guided reading groups, Epic
stories, vocabulary review
Epic story response sheets

Closure or

I will ask some students to

share their


I will be taking anecdotal

notes during my guided
reading groups.

The students are grouped in
homogeneous groups based
on reading abilities with
leveled readers that are
appropriate for their
reading level. The format of
my BDA are also slightly
modified based on the
needs of the students. I will
provide a sentence stem on
the board for the response
sheet for my students who
have difficulty with writing.
I will specifically encourage
my students with attention
deficits for on-task behavior
with money. Karter will also
have his wiggle chair and
Velcro, as usual.

(as needed)

I will be looking at the

response sheets and filling
out a checklist as I observe
whether the students
mastered the objective.

people enjoy reading our


Model make a ten strategy
and a large group discussion
Practice problem solving in
pairs then a thumbs up/down
I will allow a couple students
to share the problems the
created on their own.

Pose a question and model
Recording sheets

Model forming a hypothesis,
collecting data, and analyzing
Recording sheets

Model revisions and conference
Peer reviews on research papers

We will have a large group

discussion on what properties
they chose.

I will add the word hypothesis to

our science word wall and ask
the students to help me define

I will ask the students to share

one of their revisions and have
the class provide feedback.

I will listen to student

responses during large group
discussion, working in pairs,
and the checking for
understanding activity.

I will be listening for evidence

of students knowing various
properties one can use to
classify objects in our

I will be walking around as the

students are working to listen to
conversations students are
having with their partners.

ADHD: I will use precorrection and redirection as

needed to help him stay
focused. He will also have his
usual wiggle chair and Velcro
under his desk.
Language IEPs and Tier 3
Reading: I will walk around
reading the problems aloud to
students who need support.

For my students with attention

deficits or problems with offtask behavior, I will use precorrection and prompting to
keep them focused. Karter also
has his usual accommodations
with his wiggle chair and
For my students with
difficulties in writing, I will
provide a sentence stem for
the writing prompt.

I will specifically encourage my

students with attention deficits
for on-task behavior with
money. Karter will also have his
wiggle chair and Velcro, as
usual. I will be walking around
providing additional support as
needed (especially for table 1). I
will use choral response with
short and clear directives for my
students who processing delays.

During the minilesson, I will be

assessing student input on
whether they can provide
suggestions for how to change
sentences to improve sentence
fluency. I will also be walking
around the room while the
students are working and taking
anecdotal notes for future
I will allow students to either
write or type their papers, work
at their own pace throughout
the writing process, and
specifically encourage my
students with attention deficits
for on-task behavior with
money. Karter will also have his
wiggle chair and Velcro, as

I will collect the students

worksheets to see if they
understand the make a ten

I will be looking for

understanding of how to
classify objects into various
groups on their observation

I will look at the students

recording sheets to see if they
were able to make a rational
hypothesis and then confirm
whether they were correct at
the end of the investigation.

I will assess sentence fluency on

their research papers once they
have completed the editing

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