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Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem

General Audience
The audience will consist of elementary teachers throughout Bulloch County. Majority of these
teachers who are attending this workshop are familiar with technology.
Problem Identification
Two years ago, Bulloch Countys school district decided to go Google. Every teacher and student
was assigned a Google e-mail. With that being said, students at Langston Chapel Middle School
started using their e-mails in inappropriate ways; they were creating social media accounts with
their school e-mails. The principal of Langston Chapel Middle has the ability to view the
different e-mails that are sent from the students who attend the school. She was not pleased at
how the students were utilizing the application. Teachers at Langston Chapel Middle School are
aware of the problem; however, they have had a hard time coming up with a plan to solve this
Instructional Goal
Each teacher will

be more aware that they cannot automatically expect students to know digital etiquette and

that instruction of digital etiquette may be needed.

know what aspects to focus on when creating and teaching a digital etiquette lesson.
utilize helpful resources when teaching digital etiquette.
Part II: Learner Analysis

The targeted learning group consists of teachers from Bulloch County. All participants are
women. All eight of the participants teach general education. Teachers volunteered to participate
in my professional development.
Entry Skills
Teachers should be able to

log onto their computers to complete Kahoot Activity.

write lesson plans.

able to use basic Google Forms functions to complete survey.

Prior Knowledge
Teachers should be able to

define digital etiquette and digital citizenship.

explain the importance of digital etiquette and digital citizenship.

The librarian at Langston Chapel Middle School expressed how teachers were struggling with
teaching their students digital etiquette. She described the current problems that were occurring
with the students; and, she informed me that she had been trying to come up with a professional
development session that could be used to help with the problem.
Attitudes Toward Content & Academic Motivation
Based upon informal conversations with some of the teachers at Langston Chapel Middle
School, I could tell that the problem that the librarian identified was a problem that many
teachers were very frustrated with. I could tell that they were at a standstill when it came to
coming up to a solution to the current problem. The eight participants who signed up for the
professional development were very interested in the fact that a professional development
session was going to be presented.
Educational Ability Levels
The participants of this workshop all have a minimum of a T-4 certification from the state of
Georgia at the middle school level. 100% of the learners have a Bachelors degree in a
specialized area(s) in which they teach.
General Learning Preferences
The learners expressed an interest in a collaborative module. They wanted to participate in a
module that allowed them to be active learners. They wanted a professional development
workshop that would provide them with resources that could be used within their classrooms.
Group Characteristics

The participants of this professional development have all been working for Bulloch County at
least one year; four of the participants have been teaching for this school system for more than
10 years. The group includes 75% Caucasian and 25% African American teachers. Like
mentioned before, all participants of this workshop have basic knowledge about technology and
how to use it appropriately.
Part III: Task Analysis
For this professional development session I decided to use the cognitive task analysis. I am
presenting a workshop that will provide teachers with ideas for and reminders of digital etiquette.
We, the teachers and I, will work as a team to discussion possible solutions to the current
problem that is occurring at Langston Chapel Elementary: students abusing their technological
resources. During this workshop, teachers will have to use their judgements and decision-making
skills to identify effective teaching strategies and resources that could be used to teach students
digital etiquette.
Task Analysis Outline
A PowerPoint presentation will be used to display the following items:
Introduction (Hook)
1. Share a digital etiquette quote with teachers and get their thoughts about what the quote
2. Share the statistics of an interview survey that I conducted with our elementary students
3. Teachers will take a quick Kahoot digital etiquette quiz themselves to reveal what they know
about digital etiquette; we will discuss our thoughts about the Kahoot resource
1. Video of teacher completing a Digital Etiquette lesson; discussion of the lessons strengths
and weaknesses; questioning of the video
2. Discussion and judgement of teachers own digital etiquette teaching practices
3. Presentation and discussion of digital etiquette resources provided by me
1. Discussion of : How digital etiquette should be taught; when digital etiquette should be
taught; and why digital etiquette should be taught. Judgement of effective and non-effective
teaching activities.
After Professional Development
1. A Google Form survey link will be shared with participants; this survey will ask participants
about the professional development presentation
Internet Access

Computers or Cellphones for Kahoot game

Kahoot Game
Digital Etiquette image
Digital Etiquette PowerPoint
Digital Etiquette Lesson
Google Form Survey
Teacher Resources
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
The subject matter expert for this professional workshop will be me, Brittany Mikell. I have a
Bachelors of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from Georgia Southern University; I
am currently seeking a Masters degree in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern
University. I currently teach second grade at Langston Chapel Elementary; I have been teaching
second grade for four consecutive years. My primary qualification to serve as the SME for this
professional development workshop is my educational background of digital citizenship; this
background knowledge was established while attending graduate classes at Georgia Southern.
Part IV: Instructional Objectives
Terminal Objective 1: To explain what digital etiquette/ netiquette is.
Terminal Objective 2: To explain who or what digital citizens are.
Terminal Objective 3: To identify appropriate and inappropriate examples of digital etiquette.
Terminal Objective 4: To apply knowledge of content by redelivering netiquette expectations
to students in their classrooms.
Enabling Objectives:
4a. Write grade-level appropriate lesson plans
4b. Understand and explain digital etiquette and its importance
4c. Identify appropriate and effective teaching strategies




1,2, 4b

3, 4a, 4c
3, 4c
4a, 4c

Part V: Assessments
Objective 1: To explain what digital etiquette/ netiquette is.
Assessment: Informal discussion of the section of the PowerPoint presentation that discusses
digital etiquette; Kahoot online quiz
Objective 2: To explain who or what digital citizens are.
Assessment: Informal discussion during the presentation of the digital etiquette PowerPoint
Objective 3: To identify appropriate and inappropriate examples of digital etiquette.
Assessment: Informal discussion during the presentation of the digital etiquette PowerPoint;
Kahoot online quiz
Objective 4: To apply knowledge of content by redelivering netiquette expectations to
students in their classrooms.
4a. Write grade-level appropriate lesson plans
4b. Understand and explain digital etiquette and its importance
4c. Identify appropriate and effective teaching strategies
Assessment: Informal discussion about appropriate and effective teaching strategies that could be
incorporated in their own classrooms.

Introduction activities of the professional development: digital etiquette
image; Kahoot quiz
Video of teacher completing a Digital Etiquette lesson; discussion of the
lessons strengths and weaknesses; questioning of the video
Discussion and judgement of teachers own digital etiquette teaching
Presentation and discussion of digital etiquette resources provided by


Discussion of : How digital etiquette should be taught; when digital
etiquette should be taught; and why digital etiquette should be taught.
Judgement of effective and non-effective teaching activities.

Part VI: Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

This sequence follows a logical learning/teaching pattern. First you activate prior knowledge.
Second, you complete the lesson. Third, you reflect on the lesson and you summarize you
thoughts and beliefs.
The activities included in this professional development workshop focused upon a cognitive
analysis approach. I created a workshop for my participants. They wanted a workshop that would
allow them to be active as well as provide resources; so, I created activities that would allow
them to be active and provide them with resources.
Part VII: Design of Instruction
The instruction is designed based on practicing a new technological concept. Participants of this
instruction were given guided lesson, video resources, and handouts as a means of resources.
Part VIII: Formative Evaluation Plan
After completing this instruction, the learners will complete a survey. This survey will be used to
evaluate effectiveness of instruction. After gather results, I will modify the instruction if needed.
This survey will be completed anonymously by the eight participants who will participate in the
professional development workshop.

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