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Kelas./ No. Ansen :


Mata pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris
: 6/1
: .

Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c or d !

1. The Khotijah Hospital is near the ( pertigaan)
a. crossroad
b. T-juction

c. 5 juction
d. zebra cross

2. Fahmi want to buy a book, pencil and erasers. So he has to go to the

a. Fruitstall
c. stationary
b. greengrocer
d. drugstore
3. The sun rises (terbit) in the
a. East
b. west

c. nort
d. west

4. We go to the crossroad. The correct sign is




5. A place to cure the patient is

a. airport
b. hospital

c. harbour
d. city park

6. Fatma and her family will leave for Bandung. They go to te bus station. It is located the police
a. Across from
c. Beside
b. Between
d. Behind

7. Ali
: Excuse me, .. is SDIT Ulul Albab ?
Huda : It is on Hayam Wuruk Street.
a. When
c. What
b. Why
d. Where
8. The direction between North and West is
a. South East
c. North East
b. South West
d. North West

Apple A is than apple B

a. bigger
b. biggest

c. faster
d. fastest



: How do you go to the mosque ?
: ................................................
a. Go straight ahead, turn right at T junction. It is on your left
b. Go straight to the crossroad, turn right is on your left
c. Go ahead the way, turn left at T junction. It is on your right
d. Go along the way, turn left at the crossroad. It is on your right
11. Hasan is a student of Elementary school. is clever student
a. We
c. He
b. She
d. They
12. I have a new Al Quran. I got from my parent. This is new Al Quran
a. His
c. Her
b. My
d. Your
13. belongs That Hamida bag to new - is
The right arrangement is ...
a. That Hamida is belong to new bag
b. That bag is belongs to new Hamida
14. Father
a. mine
b. me

c. Hamida is belong to that new bag

d. That new bag is belongs to Hamida

:Is it your book, Mom ?

: Yes it is ...
c. My
d. Your

15. This is Nabils dictionary. The dictionary is belong to

a. He
c. Him
b. His
d. Her


: What do you usually do on holiday ?

: I usually go ... on holiday
a. Surfing
c. climbing
b. Hiking
d. Gardening

17. Fauziah likes making many kinds of food. Her hobby is

a. Cooking
c. Gardening
b. Playing game
d. Fishing
18. Arman suka membaca buku cerita
Translate the sentence into English ...
a. Arman likes writing a story book
b. Arman likes buying a story book

c. Arman likes telling a story book

d. Arman likes reading a story book.

19. My little brother want to see an animal. He will go to the on next holiday
a. mountain
c. Zoo
b. temple
d. Beach
20. I usually go with my friends on holidays
a. camping
c. Hiking
b. swimming
d. Climbing
21. What is Upin and Ipin like. He is
a. Fat
b. Tall

c. Bald
d. Old

22. Look at the following table !

12 year
8 year
10 year
The younger is ...
a. Nurul
b. Nisa

c. Khodijah
d. Nisa and Nurul

23. Nisa is the ...

a. Oldest
b. Tallest
24. Train is than car
a. Fast
b. Slow

c. fattest
d. Longest
c. Faster
d. Slower

25. Faza studies the lesson every day. She is ... student
a. Beautifull
c. Lazy
b. Big
d. Diligent
26. My uncle wants to buy medicine in the ...
a. Drugstore
b. Fruit Stall

c. Stationary
d. Bakery

27. Shopkeeper is a person who work in the

a. School
c. Office
b. Shop
d. Bank


: How much does the toy car cost ?

: It costs ...

Rp. 85.000
a. Eighty five thousand rupiahs
b. Sixty five thousand rupiahs
29. A
: Can i help you, Madam ?
: Yes, i need a pair of ...
a. vegetables
b. fruit

c. Fifty five thousand rupiahs

d. Seventy five thousand rupiahs

c. shoes
d. T-shirt

30. Karima borrow a book in library .

Translate the sentence into Indonesia!
a. Karima membaca buku di perpustakaan c. Karima menulis buku di perpustakaan
b. karima meminjam buku di perpustakaan d. Karima melihat buku di perpustakaan
31. The mosque is ... the house
a. Behind
b. Between

c. a cross from
d. under

32. It is a kind of public places. There are many trees and beautiful flower here. It is usually located in
the city. It is
a. cinema
c. city park
b. hospital
d. fruit stall
33. My grandfather is old. His hair is
a. white
b. black

c. brown
d. Mother

34. A : What is the price of this trousers?

B : It is one hundred and fifty four thousand rupiahs. It is ...
a. Rp. 105.000
c. Rp. 115. 000
b. Rp. 145.000
d. Rp. 154.000
35. All the students bring English book. Those English book are
a. ours
c. hers
b. theirs
d. mine

36. Look at the boy! He is

a. fat
b. thin

c. bald
d. long

37. We pay all goods we buy at supermarket at

a. buyer
c. cashier
b. seller
d. shopkeeper
38. Musa, Huda and I have a new bag. bag is new
a. Their
c. Her
b. Our
d. Theirs
39. Mr. Firman has many books, magazin and newspaper. His hobby is
a. painting
c. camping
b. gardening
d. reading
40. It is the cheapest activity on holiday. We dont need anything to do this. It is
a. Gardening
c. hiking
b. Jogging
d. painting

Look at the sign!. The sign mean ...

a. Be careful
b. Dont park here

42. t-shirt- to-wants-a-buy-pink-Nisa

a. Nisa buy to wants a pink t-shirt
b. Nisa wants to buy a pink t-shirt

c. Dont enter
d. Stop
c. Nisa wants to buy a t-shirt pink
d. Nisa to wants buy a pink t-shirt

43. A
: How do you spend your holiday?
: I spend my holiday by ...
a. Playing marbles
c. reading
b. Playing ball
d. camping
44. The correct sentences is
a. She hobby is cooking
b. Hers hobby is cooking

c. Her hobby is cooking

d. He hobby is cooking

45. A
: Whose wallet is this ?
: This is Hanifas. The wallet is
a. she
c. his
b. mine
d. hers
46. My families buy a new car. This is new car.
a. my
c. our
b. yours
d. their
47. Borobudur is the temple in the world
a. bigger
b. biggest
Text for numbers 48 - 50

c. longer
d. longest

Ahmad is a student. He is in the

six grade now. Ahmad is tall. He
has short, black hair. His nose are
pointed. He is a smartest student
in his class. His parents are very
48. What is Ahmad hair like?
a. Long and black
b. pointed

c. short and black

d. tall

49. Who is Ahmad ?

a. He is a student
b. She is a student
50. Is Ahmad the smartest student in the class ? .

c. His is a student
d. Her is a student


Yes, she is
No, she is not
Yes, he is
No, he is not

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