BSBFLM312 Contribute To Team Effectiveness

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BSBFLM312 Contribute to team effectiveness

Assessment Task 2
Question 1
Define strategic plan and operational plans? List and describe goals,
objectives and plans related to
team effectiveness.
Strategic Planning is the planning for achieving the vision of the organization and
Operational Planning is a process of deciding in advance of what is to be done to
achieve the tactical objectives of business
Team goal setting enables a team to clarify what constitutes meaningful results for
them. The more team members are involved in agreeing what results they want to
achieve the more committed they are likely to be to achieving them. Gaining ideas
and commitment at an early stage pays in the longer term.
SMART is a common acronym used to describe setting goals or objectives.
S - Specific and clear. The objective is identified
M - Measurable. There is some form of measurement built in.
A - Achievable. The team has the capacity to achieve it.
R - Realistic. The goal must be within the capabilities of the team.
T - Time related. There is a defined time frame to achieve the goal.

Question 2
Why is it necessary to have a working knowledge of the legislation
involved in business? What are the objective of health and safety
legislation and how can organization meet those objectives?
That legislation outlines what it is and isn't legal for a business to do, and the rules
on that are very complicated these days. As such, it's important for businesses to
know what their legal rights and responsibilities are. If they don't know this, they
could break the law and get into serious trouble. They could lose their legal rights to
operate, and the staff could even go to prison in some cases.
The purpose of the model legislation is to introduce a nationally consistent set of
laws covering health and safety at work. Currently, there are numerous variations
between the laws of each state and territory, and this can lead to confusion for
businesses and employees, as well as different standards of safety depending
where the work is carried out

Question 3

What is the organization charts? You might need to conduct your own
research to answer this question.
An organizational chart is a diagram that outlines the internal structure of a
company. An organizational chart is the most common visual depiction of how an
organization is structured. It outlines the roles, responsibilities and relationships
between individuals within an organization. An organizational chart can be used to
depict the structure of an organization as a whole, or broken down by department or

Question 4
Describe the problem solving processes as it can be applied to addressing
performance issues in an organization.
4 steps to solving a problem:
1.Defining the problem.
2.Generating alternatives.
3.Evaluating and selecting alternatives.
4.Implementing solutions.

Question 5
Why should teams be made up of people with individual differences?
The success of a collaborative team in creating todays increasingly complex
technological devices depends not only on the combined skill sets of the team
members but also on their personalities and ways of approaching and solving

Outline what is meant by group dynamics.
Group dynamics are the processes that occur between group members. These
dynamics are affected by each member's internal thoughts and feelings, their
expressed thoughts and feelings, their nonverbal communication, and the
relationship between group members. Group dynamics helps you understand how
each person's actions make sense in the context of the group.

Question 7
Define motivation and how it can affect a teams performance.

Motivation is an internal process that directs and maintains behavior. Motivation is

an internal process that can cause someone performance or team performance to
move towards a certain goal.

Question 8
What is negotiation? What is the role of successful negotiator in the
A strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find
acceptable. In a negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his
or her point of view.
In advance of the negotiation, participants learn as much as possible about the
other party's position and what the strengths and weaknesses of that position are,
and are prepared to defend their positions and counter the arguments the other
party will likely make to defend their position

Summative assessment 2
Answer the true/false statements. Write a short paragraph explaining
each of your answers
and include examples wherever possible

1.The managers loyalty to the organization should override loyalty to the team
2. Workgroup members often stay with an organization even if they do not agree
with the goals of the organization.
False they would quit if they think this is not the goal they want to achieve.
3. Managers need to develop strategies which will enable them tomeet their own
needs, those of their team and the individuals within them as well as those of
4. The members of the team are generally selected because they havespecific
knowledge which enable to complete tasks.
5. Synergy refers to the energy of group or team.

6. Group can be managed but team need to be led.
7. For a team to be truly effective there need to be clear and achievable goals.

8. A team member can be fully committed even if there are differences between
individual and team objectives.
False because without the same objective the team is impossible to reach to the
goal they needed
9. Communication and freedom to speak openly without threat or reprisal are
essential elements of teamwork.
10. Efficient and effective team work occurs when everyone shuts up and get on
with the job in hand.
False because team need to share their opinion to solve the issue and do the best
11. When new team forms it work best if the leader simply tells everyone what to
False because if this happen they can hire anyone and tell them what to do
12. The main reason for delegation in a team is to reduce the workload of the
manager or team leader.
False because they must be the person who work hardiest to make sure the
outcome will be the best
13. Role ambiguity will lead to team member being unable or unwilling to support
goals and objectives.
14. Team is more effective when they are very small.
False because with more people in the team mean more stronger if a different ideas
15. The most effective teams are made up of people who all have similar skills and
False because the world without different would be the world of boring and no

16. To use team competencies to the best advantage, a team leader should initially
conduct a skills mapping exercise.
17. Diversity among team members is necessary if team are to successfully meet
team outcomes.
18. In a balanced team, team members can fulfill a number of team roles.
19. As team members develop, they come to terms with their task/s and with each
other they learn to trust each other.
20. Team building is all about using diverse skills and integrating individual
differences into a unit that can work towards a common goal.

21. What holds a team together is a shared set of values, norms and beliefs
surrounding a shared mission?
22. An efficient, effective team is capable of innovative and creative problemsolving.
23. The team leader plays a vital part in determining how the team members will
work together to solve problems.
24. It is not necessary to monitor team progress. You will know if they are successful
when the task completed.
False because every progress you need to monitor to get important information
25. Usually, one performance measure is sufficient to monitor team performance.
26. Customer satisfaction can provide one measure of team performance.
27. Reviewing performance about once a year should be sufficient.

False because performance should do every time after the project to know the result
of everything
28. Individual performance appraisal should be linked to team performance and to
individual performance as part of the team.
29. Ideally, performance appraisal should be linked to team performance and to
individual performance as part of the team.
30. The successful use of a performance appraisal system is a good test for an
environment of trusts, openness, learning and support in the team.
31. Checking on progress and reporting on the progress of specific tasks amounts to
time wasting. People should just get on with their jobs
False because this wont motivate them

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