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Name: Ryan McClintic

Write the overall topic you have selected, as well as your main
idea or argument
I have chosen to write about gun control. I want
there to be less guns and make them harder to obtain.
List at least two links to sources that you have found and plan to
use in your essay.

List the quotes or the graphs/charts you have selected to analyze

Australia vs. United States in total gun deaths per
100,000 people

Write an analysis paragraph for each quote or source you are

These two graphs clearly show that Australia has things much more together in terms of
their gun control laws. The United States has nearly ten times more gun related deaths than
Australia and I can see why: Australia doesnt have that feeling of entitlement that comes with
the second amendment. Here in the United states everyone feels that its their right to own any
kind of gun they want, whether it be a small revolver or a fully automatic assault rifle. But in
Australia its different, in the mid-late nineties Australia had a string of mass shootings that
resulted in much stricter gun laws. They banned automatic weapons and semi automatic rifles, if
you had any of these you had to sell them to the government. Now Im sure some people were
bitter about this but look at Australia now, they havent had a single mass shooting since 1996
and their deaths by gun rate is a tenth of ours. I would like to add that back in the eighties
Australia had five gun related deaths per 100,000 people and now its down to one. So for
everyone who says more guns equals more safety, dont ignore facts. But how do we
successfully limit guns without infringing people's constitutional rights? Well we could start by
reinterpreting the second amendment to be less outdated and more current.

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