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Dear Mr.

President [Outline]
Thesis: We, as a nation, need to revisit our gun laws to better
improve our country and its peoples safety.


Preamble - Founding Principles

A. Hook: America has ten times more gun related
deaths than Australia, Germany and Portugal (per 100,000
B. Obstruction of American Principle(s): Our
government is supposed to keep our Safety and Happiness as
its highest priority. But how can we think were doing a
good job when people all across America are scared of being
shot? Mankind may be more disposed to suffer, while evils
are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the
forms to which they are accustomed. I think that instead of
keeping our same gun laws and suffering all the while, we
should change them to ensure the Safety and Happiness of our
Nations people.
C. Thesis: We, as a nation, need to revisit our gun
laws to better improve our country and its peoples safety.

II. List of Complaints - Commentary Analysis

A. Positively Supporting Thesis: In countries with
stricter gun laws and less guns in circulation there are
considerably less gun related deaths.
B. Mention Counter argument as a point to reinforce
your Thesis: You May think; Hey doesnt this go against my
second amendment? To that I say no. The second amendment
states that in order to maintain a well regulated militia
the people have the right to keep and bear arms, also that
this right shall not be infringed. But to understand this
amendment you must first understand that it was written at a
time when there was formal army, and the threat of Britain
invading was still very real. So these people needed guns to
defend themselves from real threats, not just teenagers
sneaking onto your farm. The second amendment also says in
order to maintain a well regulated militia. Unless Im
mistaken, all gun owners are not part of a militia to
protect the united states. So in a way gun owners arent

even following the second amendment. You may also argue that
you need guns to defend yourself. But the only thing you
need a gun to defend against is another gun. Im not
advocating for a fully gun free society, they have there
uses when in the hands of trained officers. What I want is
for guns to only be in the hands of people who have
undergone in depth background checks and follow gun laws to
a tee. I believe that the only guns that should be
accessible to the general public are bolt-action rifles,
hunting shotguns and revolvers. No automatic or semiautomatic guns of any kind should easily accessible, With
the exception of law enforcement and military use.

III. Stirring Conclusion - And for the support of this Declaration, with a
firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to
each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. - DOI

A. Thesis - Refresh/Spruce Up Your THESIS: We need

to fix our gun laws or else the violence and killings wont
B. What you hope for: I hope that we can implement
more strict gun laws in the U.S.
C. If topic is not addressed, what will happen?: The
same thing thats been happening. There will be needless
deaths all because people want their guns.
D. POWERFUL CLOSURE: Now if you want to stop the
needless deaths of over thirty thousand americans annually
then stop looking at it as a statistic and see it for what
it is, a tragedy. Dont let your fellow Americans die just
because of an outdated law that we cant seem to let go of.

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