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PHYS 513 Fall 2016: Quantum Field Theory I

HW 9: Quantum Processes
Due Tuesday November 15
This problem set has 3 problems for a total 100 points.

Problem 1. (20 points) Two-body Decay of a Scalar Particle

There are many two-body decays in AMO (photoemission from an excited level, positronium
decay to two photons, ....), condensed matter (exciton decay to phonon and electron,...), nuclear
(fission,...), and elementary particle physics. As a specific example, consider the decay of a neutral
scalar particle to two other scalars.
Assume that the Lagrangean responsible for this decay is
L = ( )2 M 2 2 + ( )2 m2 2 2
There are two scalar fields and . The last term is an interaction term that allows a -particle
to decay into two s, provided that M > 2m. Assuming that this condition is met, calculate the
lifetime of the to the lowest order in . Write your result in terms of , m, M .
This problem is PS prob. 4.2, reproduced for your convenience.
Problem 2 (30 points). The Dirac Propagator
The Dirac propagator is defined as the time-ordered two point correlator

h0|a (x)b (y)|0i , x0 > y 0
SF (x y)ab = h0|T a (x)b (y)|0i =
h0|b (y)a (x)|0i , y 0 > x0


We can write this definition as

SF (x y)ab = (x0 y 0 )h0|a (x)b (y)|0i (y 0 x0 )h0|b (y)a (x)|0i


(a) Evaluate SF (x y) for a free Dirac field , by inserting the appropriate oscillator expansion.
For each time ordering, express your answer as a linear differential operator acting on
d3 p 1 ip(xy)
D(x y) =
(2)3 2E
(b1) Starting afresh from the definition (2), show that the Dirac propagator satisfies the Dirac
equation with a source
(i/ m)ca SF (x y)ab = i(x y)(4) cb


i.e., that SF (xy) is a Greens function. You will need the equal time commutation relations.

(b2) Find the propagator by solving the equation for the Greens function (4). You can do this
by introducing the Fourier transform
d4 p
SC (x y)ab =
S (p)ab eip(xy)
4 C
Express your result for SC (x y)ab as a linear differential operator acting on the scalar
d4 p
DC (x y) =
C (2) p m
where C is some contour in the complex p0 -plane. Alternatively the integral could
 be speci
C (p) = 2 i 2 .
fied by providing some suitable i-prescription to the scalar propagator D
p m

F (p) = 2 i 2
(c) Using the Feynman contour or, alternatively, the prescription D
for the
p m +i
propagator, it is shown in PS 2.60 that the bosonic propagator can be written
DF (x y) = (x0 y 0 )D(x y) + (y 0 x0 )D(x y)


Use this expression to show that your result in b) is consistent with the one found in (a).

Problem 3. (50 points) Linear Sigma Model

Solve PS problem 4.3

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