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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

26th September 2016 - V1.0

For Building Lead Consultants

using Autodesk Revit

Author: Brian Renehan

BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

Table of Contents

Forward: ...................................................................................................................................................... 2


Applicable Users: ........................................................................................................................................ 2


Presentational Conventions:....................................................................................................................... 3


Terms of Use: ............................................................................................................................................. 3


Accompanying Download Tools:................................................................................................................ 3


Acknowledgements: ................................................................................................................................... 3


Model Setup Framework: ........................................................................................................................... 4


Coordinate Establishment Workflows: ....................................................................................................... 5


File Linking Relationship - Origin to Origin: ................................................................................................ 7


Specific Linking Relationships Within Revit.............................................................................................. 8


Model Coordinate Origin:............................................................................................................................ 9


Map Grids:................................................................................................................................................. 10


Datum Control Model:............................................................................................................................... 12


BIM Execution Plan Information: .............................................................................................................. 12


Modeling Requirements:........................................................................................................................... 13


Federated Models: .................................................................................................................................... 14


Known Workflow Problems: ..................................................................................................................... 14

P1). Architectural Revit Building and Site Model Establishment....................................................................... 15

P2). Survey / Civil CAD file preparation before linking into Revit...................................................................... 16
P3). Planned Building relocation by Architect ..................................................................................................... 17
P4.0). Consultants / Subcontractors - Revit Building Model establishment ..................................................... 18
P4.1). Consultants / Subcontractors - Revit Site Model establishment ............................................................ 19
P5). Consultants / Subcontractors Receipt of updated Architectural Model ................................................... 20
P6). Releasing CAD (2D & 3D) Site Conditions from Revit to Site orientated participants ............................. 21
P7). Releasing IFC Building Conditions from Revit to Building orientated participants ................................... 22
P8). Establishing and working with Building control models............................................................................... 23

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment



I.I On Building projects, the Building Lead Consultant is required to generate and communicate the model
establishment workflows to the project team. Considering the diverse needs of Model Establishment explored
in the BIMFix article: Ten Objectives of Model Origin and Setup, getting it right is critical in achieving all the
potential outcomes. Until the release of this Framework, there has been no comprehensive reference
document providing clear workflows enabling this.
I.II The below framework will apply the principle goals established in the above article, and implement them on
a project where the Building Lead Consultant is using Autodesk Revit as their primary modeling platform.
The Framework will establish clear workflows for the Building Lead Consultant using Autodesk Revit; as
well as the design consultant teams, and Sub-contractor teams, whether they are using Autodesk Revit or
another Building Information Modeling or CAD (Computer Aided Design) based authoring tool.
I.III BIMFix and its Authors, do not directly or indirectly state or imply sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement
from Autodesk, or any of its products or services. This Framework is an independent initiative with the
purpose of public distribution and use.
Note 1: The reference to Building includes any form of Building Structure.


Applicable Users:

II.I This framework is designed to be utilized and managed by Experience Modeling Professionals on
commercial and industrial Building projects (All the principles identified are also applicable to domestic
projects). The driving principles for the workflows are to comply with the goals set out in the previous Article:
Ten Objectives of Model Origin and Setup which covers the following areas:

Limited survey data available at early project design stage

Working within Universal Geodetic coordinate systems
Limitations of computer computation algorithms and units
Different project team member needs
Different BIM deliverable needs
Scalable within projects sizes
Building relocation management
Allocation of responsibility and risk mitigation
Allowance for human error, and follow-up resolution
Work within international standards

II.II Users need to have a firm comprehension of these requirements before endeavoring to execute the below
project establishment framework.
It is a prerequisite that, Autodesk Revit Model Managers implementing the framework, have an in-depth
comprehension of Revits Shared Coordinates toolset. A detailed explanation of the toolset is available on
Youtube Revit Coordinate System 36-minute explanation By Luke Johnson February 2013

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

III. Presentational Conventions:
III.I The frameworks requirements are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is shall.
Its recommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is should. The use of
the auxiliary verb can indicates that something is technically possible and the auxiliary verb may indicates
III.II Commentary, explanation, and the general informative material is presented in smaller italic green type
and does not constitute a normative element.
III.III Spelling conforms to The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. If a word has more than one spelling, the
first spelling is used.

IV. Terms of Use:

IV.I This framework is available under General Public License with the following conditions:
1. Original authoring credit is attributed to the BIMFix Blog
2. Users must communicate perceived improvements to the Framework via the comments section
to the BIMFix Blog. Improvements will be credited and the framework updated for use by all.
3. BIMFix Blog and its Authors provides no warranties and makes no representations as to the
accuracy or completeness of any information, workflows, and template download tools
referenced to in this document or found by following any links within this document.

V. Accompanying Download Tools:

V.I This framework is accompanied with the following tools, available for download from the BIMFix Site:
1. Revit Detail Component Site Map Grid Template
Family enables quick generation of a 2D Site Map Grid. It can be used within Revit, but also exported to
AutoCAD for use.
2. Revit 3D Map Grid
Family can generate a 3D Site Map Grid element within a project and be exported to all 3D formats
including IFC.
3. AutoCAD Translocation script
Following adding the local site origin coordinates to the script, it enables automated geometry
translocation and cleanup.

VI. Acknowledgements:
VI.I During the writing of this framework, peer review was sought from several industry professionals from
various disciplines. BIMFix would like to thank the following for their contributions. Names are in alphabetical
Goodman, Peter - MELBIM Building Services
Harrison, Dale Infrabim Blog - Civil and Building Structures
Houghton, Chris MELBIM Architecture and Surveying
McPhee, Antony - Practical BIM Blog - Architecture

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

1. Model Setup Framework:
1.1 General:
1.1.1 The Framework includes 8 process maps (or flow charts), titled P1, P2. P3 etc., which will work with
several principles outlined below. The mapped processes are at the back of this document and are presented
in a portrait A4 format. Project BIM leaders may attach or reference this framework document to a project
BIM Execution Plan or another applicable document.
1.1.2 The BIM Execution Plan or equivalent project document will take precedence over this document.

1.2 Establishment Processes:

P1). Architectural Revit Building and Site Model Establishment
P2). Survey / Civil CAD file preparation before linking into Revit
P3). Planned Building relocation by Architect
P4.0). Consultants / Subcontractors - Revit Building Model establishment
P4.1). Consultants / Subcontractors - Revit Site Model establishment
P5). Consultants / Subcontractors Receipt of updated Architectural Model
P6). Releasing CAD (2D & 3D) Site Conditions from Revit to Site orientated participants
P7). Releasing IFC Building Conditions from Revit to Building orientated participants
P8). Establishing and working with Building Control Models

1.3 Framework Glossary:

The expanded definitions in this Framework use the following interpretations of these terms:
1.3.1 Architect: For the purposes of this document only, the reference to the Architect; is referring to the
consultant, taking on the Building Design Team Lead Consultant role.
1.3.2 Building Orientated Participants: Refers to Project participants whose scope of works includes works
within the building perimeter footprint. These parties will typically work in Millimeters. They can include
Architecture, Building Structures, Building Services, and Interior Designers.
1.3.3 Site Orientated Participants: Refers to Project participants whose scope of works include works
outside the building perimeter footprint. These parties will typically work in Meters. They can include Civil,
Road, Rail and In-ground Services.
1.3.4 Consultant: For the purpose of this document only, the reference to a Consultant; is referring to any
design consultants, contractors or sub-contractors not engaged as the Lead Design Consultant role.

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

2. Coordinate Establishment Workflows:
2.1 Site & Building Geodetic Coordinate Establishment Overview

Figure 2.1. Above Workflow Overview: Shows clear direction on how model Geodetic (Survey Point)
coordinate establishment flows from model to model and which Process (PX) to engage.

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

2.2 Datum Control Model Coordinate Establishment Overview P8

Figure 2.2. Above Workflow Overview: Shows clear direction on how model coordinate establishment flows
down when using Datum Control Model setup. This approach shall be applicable for all software applications
within a discipline. Refer to Section 7: Datum Control Models, for a detailed explanation.

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

3. File Linking Relationship - Origin to Origin:
3.1 Site Model Exchange Working to Geodetic Coordinates
Same Site Different Disciplines Model Release for Site Orientated Participants All Applications

Figure 3.1. Above: Establishes the same Origin relationship (World Geodetic Origin) across disciplines and
the use of P6 Revit Export Process.

3.2 Building Model Exchange Working to Building Origin

Same Building Different Disciplines: Model Release for Building Orientated Participants All Applications

Figure 3.2. Above: Establishes the same Building to Building Origin relationship across all BIM/CAD Authoring

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

4. Specific Linking Relationships Within Revit
4.1 Same Site Different Discipline Revit Site Models

Figure 4.1 Above: Establishes the same Local Site Origin relationship across different disciplines within
Revit. Models received from Site Orientated Participants to undergo Process P2.
Note 1: The above workflow reduces the number of CAD files linked into the Revit Building Model, as all site based
CAD files will be linked into the Site Models. This will improve performance in the Revit Building Model.

4.2 Same Site Different Buildings Models and the Site Model (Campus Site)

Figure 4.2. Above: Establishes different Buildings across the same Site Shared Coordinates relationship
within Revit.

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BIMFix Framework for Shared Model Establishment

5. Model Coordinate Origin:
There are 3 distinct Origin setups in a typical Building Project.

5.1 World Geodetic Origin:

5.1.1 The origin point of a UTM Zone within the National Geodetic Datum Grid, in which the Site is located in.
Note 1: This fixed origin may be established by the Land Surveyor, on request from the project team.
Note 2: All Site Infrastructure disciplines will work to this origin point, with units set to Meters.
Note 3: On rare occasions, the World Geodetic Origin can match the Local Site Origin (Some clients running campus
facilities, e.g. Universities & Airports, may engage this set-up). The result will simplify this framework by removing
process P2.

5.2 Local Site Origin:

5.2.1 An identified local origin, reporting to coordinates within a UTM Zone of the National Geodetic Datum
Note 1: The Local Site Origin height datum should match the National Geodetic height datum.
Note 2: This fixed Local Site Origin overcomes the floating point coordinate problem, in going from Meters to Millimeters.
Note 3: Ideally, the local site origin point will be at the intersection of the 100-meter Map Grid (UTM Grid).
Note 4: The Local Site Origin should avoid having a rotation, as it can introduce accuracy errors.
Note 5: The origin point should be to the South-West of the site, enabling all coordinates of the site to be positive
Note 6: The Local Site Origin should be outside the model geometry extent. This reduces errors for those project
participants who choose a manual move translocation and pick the incorrect point when moving.
Note 7: To avoid Autodesk Revit coordinate limitations (32KM), ensure the local site origin is within a few Kilometers
of the Building Origin.
Note 8: Within the Autodesk Revit Site model, the Survey Point will match the World Geodetic Origin.

5.3 Building Origin:

5.3.1 A common origin point for all model files of a specific building or structure. This origin maintains a
consistent relationship to the model file, even if the building is repositioned on the site. The Building Origin
coordinates will be published in the BIM Execution Plan and report to the National Geodetic Datum in regard
to Eastings, Northings, Height Datum and Rotation to Grid North.
Note 1: On inception of the Building Origin the Building Origin will be approximately 10m South West of the building
footprint, ensuring the coordinates will always be positive values.

Figure 5.3 Above: Ideal location of Building Origin Point.

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Note 2: The origin Z level (elevation), zero coordinate should be at the Main Entry or Ground Floor Level. This provides
the following benefits:
1. On day one of modeling, it requires fewer setup questions the user needs to ask. This setup can be the office
Revit Template default.
2. The Building Z origin point is easy to communicate in the BIM Execution Plan. I.e.: The Building Model Z
Coordinate zero origin matches the Ground Floor Level.
3. If the Ground Floor Level needs to move up or down, 95% of the time the whole building will need to move up or
down, thus maintaining this relationship. This cannot be said for other levels.
4. In the event, a building is being unitized across a project, all relative heights are documented from the Ground
Floor Level RL 0.0 datum.
5. It removes any ambiguity to model recipients. The model origin is at the Ground Floor Level and not any other
height datum, such as Mean Sea Level.
6. It minimizes work consultants need to do moving building levels/stories and altering view settings to
accommodate for a custom building height.
Note 3: All Building Disciplines will work to this origin, with units set to Millimeters.
Note 4: Within the Autodesk Revit Building model, the Survey Point shall match the World Geodetic Origin.

5.4 Unclipping Survey Point or the Project Base Points:

Unclipping and relocating the Survey Point or Project Base Point, will conflict with this framework and shall not
be permitted unless specifically identified in the BIM Execution Plan.

6. Map Grids:
6.1 Overview:
Square Grid lines on a Map or Site Plan which references Eastings (i.e. Vertical, X coordinates) and Northings
(i.e. Horizontal, Y Coordinates) using a Cartesian coordinate system. Map Grids can also be called Numeric
Reference Grids, UTM Grids, or Site grids (as in BS 1192:2007+A2:2016 Annex A.3). Map Grids are a
division of larger grids such as the Ordnance Survey National Grid used by Ordnance Survey in the UK, or
MGA94 (Map Grid of Australia 1994).

Figure: 6.1. Above Image: Site Plan showing the Site Map Grid at 10m centers, Building Setout points, and
Local Site Origin.

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6.2 Grid North:
All project reference to North will be Grid North, and not to True North which is technically different.
Note 1: Within Autodesk Revits Orientation tools, the definition of True North shall be considered to be
Grid North.
Note 2: MAP Grid spacing will often be determined by the output drawing scale. 100-meter spacing will meet most
commercial project site plan needs. Many Infrastructure/Civil and Geospatial CAD applications can automatically apply
Map Grids to drawings, including Easting and Northing annotation labels. On commissioning a Land Survey, request an
annotated Map Grid be included, at your preferred spacing.

6.3 3D Map Grid:

An extension of a traditional 2D Map Grid to enable them to be imported and exported to all 3D modeling and
viewing tools. This enables a Geodetic control across all site CAD exchanges. All Site model exchanges (2D
or 3D) are to include an annotated Site Map Grid. On import, the imported model Site Map Grid shall be
checked against the host Map Grid.
Note 1: Some model file types do not accept 2D lines or 2D text. Creating a Revit Family composed of a solid line (i.e.
swept profile of a triangle) and model text resolves this problem.
Note 2: Including annotated Map Grids also means BIM authoring applications which are unable to report Eastings and
Northings to real world coordinates (i.e. some fabrication softwares) are not disadvantaged in the overall set-out process
and quality control.

Figure 6.3 Above: Image of 3D Map Grid.

6.4 My Existing Survey has no Map Grid:

6.4.1 You will often come across AutoCAD Land Surveys without a Map Grid. Creating one is simple using
the inbuilt tools. In the Autodesk AutoCAD file:
1. Confirm the AutoCAD geometry is drawn to the correct coordinates.
2. Confirm the drawing units, the command: UNITS, they shall be set to Meters (Feet in the US).
3. Command: GRID, and set the grid spacing to 100. This will display a guide grid at 100m spacings
under your drawing
4. Command: SNAP, and set it to 100.
5. Command: LINE, Draw Horizontal, and Vertical grid lines using the guide grids, limiting them to the
extent of the site survey.
6. Command SNAP, and set it to Off.
7. Command: LIST, each grid line just drawn, and Annotate them using MTEXT their Easting (X) /
Northings (Y) Coordinate value.

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6.4.2 Use the above Figure: 6.1. as a reference to what the final Map Grid should look like. Coordinates
typically read E 350,100 and N 5,459,100 (using digit grouping). Please also see section V, where details can
be found on a Revit Detail Component family which can generate the Map Grid and Annotation Labels.


Datum Control Model:

7.1 A 2D or 3D Model for the purpose of datum governance across the Project team. It can include the
Building / Structure Origin, Level Datums, Grid Positions and the buildings relationship to the World Geodetic
Origin including the Site Map Grid.
Note 1: Within the Revit environment a Building Datum Control Model, set-up by the Architect, can be used to drive and
publish coordinates, Grid locations and level heights to Architectural sub-models and Consultants models. Thus, on
large projects, where disciplines can have several models, there is one defined datum control model which drives
coordinates, grids, and levels for all project participants. See Figure 2.2.
Note 2: Datum Control models are often used across platforms. We recommend the Architect provides the Building
Contractor (following their engagement) a Datum Control Model, in a 2D AutoCAD format (as all CAD applications can
import and work with DWG files). It should contain the following information:
Building Origin point, its coordinates, and rotation
The datum control model orientation and origin shall match the Building Origin
Building Grids
Annotated Site Map (UTM) Grids
This Datum Control Model will clearly define the set-up for all Shop/Fabrication drawings/models. In the event datums or
Buildings Coordinates change, the re-issuing of this datum control model clearly communicates a key set-up item has
been amended.

8. BIM Execution Plan Information:

8.1 Within the BIM Execution Plan, the below information shall be stored. This will be updated and released
immediately in the event of a Building relocation.
Note 1: On large campus style projects, it is recommended the below can be in the BEP appendices, which
makes regular updating and distribution easier to Manage.

8.2 Geospatial Coordinates for Site:

Identify what Geodetic Coordinate datum has been engaged by the Land Surveyor, including UTM Map
Zone/Sub-Zone and Height Datum name.

8.3 Local Site Origin Coordinates:

Easting (X Value)
Northing (X Value)
Height Level Z (Should be 0.0)
Generate a Site Plan image clearly showing where the Site Local Origin is located.

8.4 Building Origin Coordinates: (This shall be repeated for each Building Model)
Easting (X Value)
Northing (X Value)
Height Level Z (Model Origin Z level equals Ground Floor Level)
Rotation to Grid North
Generate a Building Plan image clearly showing where the Building Origin is located.

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9. Modeling Requirements:
9.1 Building & Site Models:
9.1.1 Irrelevant of the Authoring Software, the proposed Building Structure will be modeled in a Building
Model file, and the Site with its context will be in a separate Site Model file.
The plan extent of the Building model shall be the exterior side of any pavements immediately around the
building, including stairs or ramps entering the building, or building structural footing extent if no pedestrian
thoroughfares exist unless otherwise agreed.
9.1.2 In-ground services exiting the building will also have a defined transition point (approximately 0.5m to
2.0m) from the Building Structural footing extent, where the building file components stop and the in-ground
service model file starts. The exact point and workflow shall be agreed between the two relevant In-ground
Service Model Authors.

9.2 Duplicate Modeling:

9.2.1 As per BS 1192:2007+A2:2016 Clause 4.2.3; when a model is used as background information
by others, it is important to ensure that this does not result in information in models being
duplicated. This is specifically relevant when releasing models for the function of federation and clash
9.2.2 If duplicated geometry is required for communication or set-out purposes, it shall be placed on an
agreed Revit Workset or CAD Layer identified in the BIM Execution Plan.
9.2.3 The discipline responsible for documenting and specifying the component, for its primary function, will
be considered the Model Element Author unless otherwise stated.

9.3 Existing Conditions Custodian:

9.3.1 Following the delivery of a Land or Building Survey, the Architect will provide clipped site backgrounds
for existing conditions, including geometry outside the scope of works, demolition, and new works.
9.3.2 On engagement of the Civil Consultant, they will become the Site existing conditions background
custodian, providing clipped site backgrounds for existing conditions, including geometry outside the scope
of works, demolition, and new works. All existing Buildings will remain the scope of the Architect (Lead Design
Consultant) and they will provide appropriate existing conditions and demolition works backgrounds.
Note 1: On some large infrastructure projects the Land Surveyor may be permanently engaged on the project and can
maintain the custodian of the Existing Conditions.

Note 2: The informations original Author shall maintain responsibility for it unless the information has been

9.4 Existing Building Modeling:

9.4.1 When modeling existing buildings, it is challenging to determine whether to place them directly in the
Site file or have a separate building file. If the proposed works is an extension or renovation to an existing
building, having a separate building model file provides greater flexibility. For existing buildings on the site,
outside of the scope of the new works, they can be modeled in the site model file.

9.5 Automated Translocations:

9.5.1 If a process requires a model coordinate translocation to occur, it should be automated by a script or
similar tool.

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10. Federated Models:
10.1 There will be two types of Federated Models: Federated Building Models, and Federated Site Models.
10.2 Building Federated Models shall be an origin to origin insertion using the defined building origin point.
Units will be in Millimeters and the building will be orthogonal to project (Drawing) north.
10.3 Site Federated Models shall use the Geodetic World Coordinates as its origin. Any Building models
inserted will be translocated to their Geodetic World Coordinates, as per their coordinate values noted in the
BIM Execution Plan.

11. Known Workflow Problems:

11.1 Autodesk Revit Coordinate Small movements
When changing coordinates of small figures (less than 10mm), sometimes Revit does not record the
relocation, maintaining the old coordinate values. When relocating Building File less than 10mm, check the
coordinates on task completion. If this issue happens, relocating the Building File in two movements of a
meter or greater, with the second movement, to the Buildings planned location.

11.2 Corrupt Autodeks Revit File.

The primary source of file corruption in Autodesk Revit is using live linked AutoCAD files (i.e. files that are
being continually worked on by other users). To avoid this, all Linked AutoCAD files are to be placed in a
Quarantine Folder for linking into Revit. These linked files can be periodically overwritten with updated files,
however, each time it occurs immediately open the Revit hosting file to check there are no errors.

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P1). Architectural Revit Building and Site Establishment

Creating Architectural
Building Model/s Setup
Part 1


Day 1 of
file set-up

Creating Architectural
Site Model Setup
Part 2

RVT File

Screen shot Origin, for BEP

3). Make Levels,

Spot Elevations to
Report to Shared

DOC File

Local Site Coordinates

from BEP

RFA File

F). Rename
Ground/Base Level
to RL 00 &
Maximise 3D

Q.A. Check:
To confirm coordinates are correct:
Export Site contents to a .dwg file
using shared coordinates & export
units set to: Meters. Confirm export
overlays and aligns with Land Survey
CAD file.
Back to step B.

G). Create Topo.

Surface from 3D
linked Survey.

Q.A. Check

Model link
Manual Origin

H). Link in
Arch_Build file
(Manual Origin)
I). Locate
Arch_Build file to
designed location
on the site:
X,Y,Z & rotation

RVT File
J). Select
model, Publish


Plan (BEP)

Arch. models first release to

project team for project setup
RVT File
RVT File


L). Release
Arch_Site to
Project Team
M). Model
Architecture site
features as

IFC File



Site Setup

Consultants Buildings linked

Origin to Origin
This is critical for process P5 & enables
fall back in event of human error.

Day 1 of Architectural Building file set-up:

1. Open appropriate Revit template. Save the new file to
project folder location as per the naming protocol.
2. Plan ahead, accounting for the Building footprint, Project
North & drawing sheet setup. Ensure the Project Base
Point origin is at the bottom left of the building.
Recommended point is 10m South/West of Building.
Create origin screen shot & add to BEP. Ground Level /
Entry Level shall be set to a Project elevation datum of R.L
0.0m. The Project Base Point location should match the
"Revit Startup Point". Begin designing & modeling the
Building orthogonal to the view.
3. Change Level's & Spot Elevation type properties to report
"Shared" coordinates.
4. Add Project Information, i.e.: Client Name, Project
Address, Project Name & Project Number.
5. Proceed with Architectural Building model design.
End of Day 1 - Architectural Building file set-up.
6. When Site context is required, start the "Architectural Site
Model Setup" Process. Note: In early stages, a Site Land
Survey may not be available. A temporary Site file can be
created using available information & recreated/augmented
later when validated Site Land Survey is available.
Start: - Site File Setup Process - Step A.
Start: - Site File Setup Process:
A. Complete process P2). Land Survey CAD Preparation.
B. Open appropriate Revit template. Save the new file to the
project folder location, as per the naming protocol.
C. Link the Survey CAD file "origin to origin" (Refer:
Procedure: P2, for the preparation of Survey CAD file Translocation process).
D. Select the Project Base Point. Enter Eastings' &
Northings' of the established "Local Site Project Origin"
(values from the BEP from P2).
E. Place a Site Map Grid (3D Map Grid preferred) matching
the Survey CAD file.
F. From a sectional view, rename the Ground or Base Level
to "RL 00" (Relative Level to Sea Level), Delete any other
levels to avoid confusion. Select level "RL 00"; mouse
right click, & "Maximize 3D Extents".
G. Create Topo surface from linked 3D Topo Survey CAD
file. Use layers from the 3D mesh (TIN) & 3D contours.
Note 1: The Topo surface created by Revit beyond the
scope of the actual 3D CAD file should be removed using
the "Split Surface" tool. Set the Site Plan view Visibility
Graphics on the Category of Topography, to transparent.
Note 2: 3D Topo Survey CAD files can now be removed.
H. Link in the Architectural Building file by: "Manual - Origin",
placing it approximately.
I. Position the Architectural Building linked file in the correct
position, i.e.: Relative level, Siting & Orientation allowing
for setbacks or adjacent alignments.
J. All users to close out of the Arch_Build model before
publishing coordinates. Select linked Architectural
Building model file & from the "Properties Pallet" - click
"<Not Shared>". Tick "Publish the shared coordinate
system of "....". Click on "Change" & rename the Geodetic
coordinate system. e.g. "MGA Zone 55 AHD-Building
Name ". Click on "Reconcile" & "Save" the project.
K. Export 3D Site Map Grid as .IFC from 3D view using
standard export setting. This will be used as a datum
control file, and for insertion into consultants Site models.
L. The Architectural Site file may now be released to the
project team for their project setup requirements.
M. Model Site features as required.
Finish: (Site Model Setup Process)
Completion of Building Coordinate Set-up - Follows Step J.


10). Consultants
Building Files
Received are
Origin to Origin

in BEP
DOC File


Coordinates in BEP
K). Export 3D Site
Map Grid as IFC

8). Link In
Arch_Site via
9). Release
Arch_Build to
Project Team

Plan (BEP)

E). Insert Site Map


5). Proceed with

Building Design.

7). Open
Arch_Build. Check
& Record the
Building's Project
Base Point

Survey File/s

Linked Origin
to Origin

D). Select Project

Base Point. Enter
Eastings &
Northings in
Properties from

4). Add Project

Info: Client Name,
Project Address,
Name & No. etc.

6). On receipt of
Land Survey - Start
Step A).

Process P2.
DWG File


C). Link Survey

CAD File:
Origin to Origin

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.
Start: - Building File Setup Process

RVT File


B). Open template.

Save File with
agreed naming

Define Elev. R.L. via
specify coordinates at
a point (Temporary).

Day 1 of Architectural Building file set-up

On receipt of
Land Survey

A). Complete
process P2).
Survey Preperation

1). Open template.

Save File with
agreed naming

2). Plan Ahead.

Ensure Ground
Floor level is @
0.0. Project Base
Point @ bottom left
of Building.


Associated Data Files

To Project

Consultant model release to

project team.
RVT File



Open the Architectural Building Model file. Check the

Project Base Point coordinates & True North orientation
have reconciled correctly. Record the Building Project
Origin Coordinates & Rotation in the BIM Execution Plan.
8. Link the Architectural Site file in via "Auto Shared
Coordinates". Check the file is linked correctly.
9. The Architectural files may now be released to the project
team for their own project set-up requirements.
10. All "Building" file's received will be linked: "Auto Origin to
Finish: (Building Model Setup Process)

Note: The Project Base Point must match the Project Startup
Point (Hard coded origin) for these frameworks to work
correctly., available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P2). Survey / Civil CAD file preparation before linking into Revit
Prepairing CAD Survey
file for Revit use

Land Surveyor

Associated Data Files



1). Copy CAD file/s

to Revit linking
quarantine folder

A). Land Surveyor

issues DWG - CAD
survey file/s

2). Determine if
survey complies
with deliverables

Survey Site

File from Land Surveyor


Request additional
information from

3). Add site Map
Grid, incl. Easting's
& Northings

Project Support files

DOC File

4). Identify &

document "local
site project origin".
Should be within
500m from site

Record Local Site "Project

Origin" Coordinates in BEP

6). Modify X & Y

coordinates in
translocation script.
Save script & make
read only.
7). Run the
AutoCAD script &
save file

File/s may now

be linked into


Plan (BEP)

SCR File

Note: Avoid rotating the site orientation as axial

errors can occur

Steps 5 to 7 are Applicable for all DWG files

using World Coordinates

5). Prepare for use,

Check layers etc.

Automating process will improves

Quality Control & productivity for files
in world coordinates.


DWG File

Prepared Survey file linked,

Origin to Origin into Revit
Site File

Process Start:
A. Land Surveyor issues the Survey CAD file/s.

DWG File
DWG File

Survey Site
3D TIN & 3D

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.

Site Files

Survey CAD file preparation.

1. Copy the Surveyor CAD file/s from the office standard
"Incoming" folder to the "Revit Import Quarantine"
folder location. This prevents altering the archived
reference file. (Files within the Revit Import
Quarantine folder are cleaned static files for direct
use within Revit).
2. Confirm the received Land Survey file meets
deliverables. e.g.:
3D terrain TIN & 3D Contours in separate DWG
Geometry drawn to briefed Geodetic Coordinates
& Grid North identified.
Layer naming convention PDF document has
been supplied with the CAD file.
Drawing units are set to meters.
Includes Site Boundary & features.
CAD file contains title block with adequate
authoring information.
3D feature modeling.
Context "Cadastral" Map information included.
Includes control site Map Grid.
Compliance Gate:
Yes - Proceed to next step
No - Request additional information
from Surveyor
3. Add control site Map Grid in compliance with B.S.
1192:2007+A2:2016 Annex A, if not provided by
Surveyor. Map Grids to include Eastings & Northings
annotation labels.
4. Identify significant Site MAP Grid intersection as the
local site "Project origin" (to the bottom left within
500m of building works is recommended). Record this
Local Origin Coordinates in the BIM Execution Plan.
5. Prepare file for processing. Ensure all required layers
are turned on, and remove unrequired geometry.
6. A prepared AutoCAD translocation script will be
updated to include the Eastings / Northings (x,y)
coordinates. Save the script and make it read only.
7. In AutoCAD, Command: Script and navigate to the
script file. Save the updated file. Confirm the origin is
at the Map Grid intersection.
Process Finish.
On receiving any project CAD files in World Spatial
Coordinates repeat Steps 5 to 7.

Site MAP Grid

Note: It is recommended to generate an AutoCAD script

file for automating steps 5 to 7 for current & future needs.
This also improves quality control.

Above Diagram shows Steps 6 & 7., available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P3). Planned Building relocation by Architect.

Architectural Site Model
Part 1


Architectural Building
Model Arch_Build

Original Models
RVT File
RVT File


2). Relocate
Arch_Building to
new location

3). Save Project.

Coordinates will be
saved to
Arch_Build File

Site file

Part 2


Written Process, with

Additional Notes.
Process Start: Arch_Site File

All Building
relocations are
carried out within

1). Open up
Arch_Site file. All
relocations to be
carried out within
Arch_Site file


Associated Data Files




A). Open
Arch_Build File
and Check new
location has
relocated correctly.

B). Record
coordinates of
Arch_Build model
in BEP

C). Communicate
Changes to Project
Team & Issue
Updated Models

1. All Building relocations are carried out within the

"Arch_Site" model file. Open "Arch_Site" model file &
navigate to an appropriate view.
2. Select the linked "Arch_Building" model file &
relocate/move it to its new design position. A warning
will appear saying: "Shared Sites in the Linked Model
'Name.rvt" have been modified, but...: Click "OK".
3. All users to close out of the Arch_Build model before
publishing coordinates. After the Arch_Build has been
relocated, "Save" the project. A dialog box will appear.
choose: "Save - Save the new position back to the
linked file." This will now open up the linked file & save
the coordinates within it
Process Finish: Arch_Site File
Process Start: Arch_Build File

Release to Project Team

Issue updated files /models
DOC File

Plan (BEP)
RVT File
RVT File






To Project

A. Open the "Arch_Build" model file & check the linked

Arch_Site file is in the correct new location &
coordinates have updated to reflect the new building
B. Record the updated building Project Base Point
coordinates in the BIM Execution Plan.
C. Document & communicate (email) the building
relocation to the entire Project Team & release the
new Building & Site file to all appropriate parties on the
project team.
Process Finish: Arch_Build File

Check, available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P4.0). Consultants / Subcontractors - Revit Building file Establishment

Consultants /
Contractors - Building
Model: Cons_Build

Arch_Build model
Part 1
Architect releases
first Arch_Build
model file
A). Open model via
detach from

Part 2
model setup


4). Select
Arch_Build &


RVT File

D). Relinquish,
Save & Close.

from Arch_Build

5). Transfer Project

Standards for
"Project Info" (only)
and "Overwrite"

8). Link In
Arch_Site File via
9). Release
Cons_Build File to
Architect for

Start Process:
Architects issues first Building Model.

Consultants / Subcontractors Model Setup:


Architectural cleaned
RVT File
RVT File

7). Change Levels,

Spot Elevations to
Report Shared

The below process should not be engaged if the
Arch_Build model is "LIVE" linked into Consultants
model, i.e. linked via a LAN or WAN. If this is the case,
engage Procedure P8, use a Datum Control Model.

A. Open the file using "Detach from Central"

B. Save the file to Project Folder as per the "office
standard". For Workshared files, "Save As" a new
central file. File to maintain agreed naming protocol.
C. Review Model as required.
D. Relinquished, Save and close file.


C). Review Model.

6). Copy / Monitor

Level & Grids from

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.

Model Received & Cleaning.

B). Save file to

folder maintaining
agreed naming

Origin to Origin

3). MEP discipline:

Enable "Room
Bounding" type
properties of
Arch_Build link

Architectural released Models

RVT File Transmittal


1). Open template

and Save File with
agreed naming

2). Link Arch_Build

File via:
Origin to Origin.

Associated Data Files



Link Site via Shared Coordinates

Cleaned as per steps: A. to C.
Release Grids & Levels Building
Model to Architect for Setup
RVT File Transmittal

Release for Checking

To Architect

1. Start Revit & open the Revit template. Save this

new project to the Job Project folder. Ensure the file
name complies with agreed naming protocol.
2. Link the Architectural Building model into new file
via: "Auto - Origin to Origin".
3. For Building Services disciplines, select the linked
Architectural Building file & in the type properties
enable "Room Bounding", enabling Spaces
4. Select the linked Architectural Building model & in
the "Properties Pallet" - click "<Not Shared>". Tick
"Acquire the shared coordinate system of "....". Click
on "Reconcile" & then "Save" the project.
5. Optional: Use Transfer Project standards & select
"Project Info" only, which will populate the file with
the Project Information data from the Architect's file.
6. In the "Collaborate" Ribbon tab, click
"Copy/Monitor" - "Select Link". Select the linked
Architectural Building file. In "Options" choose
preferred setting. Click on "Copy" & select relevant
grids & levels. A "monitoring" symbol will appear on
each monitored element. When complete select
7. Ensure all Levels, Spot Elevations & Spot
Coordinates are set to report to "Shared" in their
Type Properties, setting "Elevation Base"/ "Elevation
Origin" / "Coordinate Origin" respectively.
8. Follow step A. to D. to clean Arch_Site file. In the
"Insert" Ribbon tab, click "Link Revit". Browse to the
location of the Architectural Site Model, & in the
"Positioning" setting choose - "Auto - by shared
coordinates". The file will link to the correct position.
9. Release levels & grid model to Architecture team for
set-up checking & approval.
10. On receiving setup establishment approval,
proceed with typical model development. Enable
worksharing as required. Release updated model to
the Project team.
11. All other Consultant & Sub-Contractor Revit Building
files are to be linked "Origin to Origin". Do not
Acquire or Publish coordinates or Copy/Monitor
Levels & Grids on any other linked files.
Finish Process.


10). Proceed with

Designing and

11). All other

Building files
Origin to Origin

File approved by Architect

Link via Origin to Origin

This is critical for process P5 & enables
fall back in event of human error.



Back to Step 1.

Architect's approval



Consultants Building Models

RVT File

Cons_Build From Project

Consultants), available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P4.1). Consultants / Subcontractors - Revit Site file Establishment

Consultants /
Contractors - Building
Model: Cons_Site

Architects Building
Part 1
Architect releases
first Arch_Build
model file

Architectural released Models

RVT File

A). Open via

detach from

Part 2
model setup

Associated Data Files




1). Open template

and Save File to
agreed naming

2). Link Arch_Site

File via:
Origin to Origin.
3). Acquire
Coordinates from

Start Process:

Model Received Cleaning.

B). Save file to

folder maintaining
agreed name

RVT File

C). Review Model.

D). Relinquish,
Save & Close.

Origin to Origin

A. Open the file using "Detach from Central"

B. Save the file to the Project Folder as per the "office
standard". For Workshared files, "Save As" a new
central file. File to maintain agreed naming protocol.
C. Review model as required.
D. Relinquish, Save and close file.


Cleaned Architectural Models

RVT File


from Arch_Site


IFC File

5). Transfer Project
Standards "Project
Info" (only) to
obtain project

6). Rename
Ground/Base Level
to AHD 00 &
Maximise 3D

Reference CAD Site file to Local

Site Coordinates. Refer to c

CAD File

8). Issue
File to Project

The below process should not be engaged if the
Arch_Build model is "LIVE" linked into Consultants
model, i.e. linked via a LAN or WAN. If this is the case,
engage Procedure P8, use a Datum Control Model.

Architects issues first Building & Site Model.

4). Link in the IFC

File - 3D Site Grid,
& bind

7). Link In any

Reference Site
CAD files Orgin to

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.

CAD File

Linked Origin to Origin

Consultants Site Model Setup:

1. Start Revit & open the Revit template. Save this new
project to the Job Project folder. Ensure the file
name complies with agreed naming protocol.
2. Link the Architectural Site model into the new file via
"Auto - Origin to Origin".
3. Select the newly linked Architectural Site model & in
the "Properties Pallet" - click "<Not Shared>". Tick
"Acquire the shared coordinate system of "....". Click
on "Reconcile" & then "Save" the project.
4. Link in 3D Site MAP Grid IFC into the Consultants
Site file. Check its coordinates are correct. Bind
revently link Grid file.
5. Optional: Use Transfer Project standards & select
"Project Info" only. This will populate the file with the
Project Information data from the Architects file.
6. Rename the Ground or Base Level to "RL 00"
(Relative Level to Sea Level). Select the level in
section, right mouse click & "Maximize to Extents".
Only one level should exist in the site model.
7. Link in any available Site Surveys or Civil CAD files
which have under gone process P2.
8. Release new Site model to Architecture team for
set-up checking & approval.
9. On receiving approval, proceed with typical model
development. Enable worksharing as required.
10. All Revit Site files are to be linked "Origin to Origin",
Revit Building Files to be linked via Shared
Coordinates. Do not Acquire or Publish coordinates
or Copy/Monitor Levels & Grids on any other linked
Finish Process.

3D or 2D

Issue for Checking

Release Grids & Levels Building

Model to Architect for Setup
RVT File Transmittal

To Architect

9). Proceed with

Designing and

10). All other

Constants Revit
Site files as

File approved by Architects

Site linked files via Origin to Origin

Building linked files via Shared Coordinates

Note: In the event of Building

relocations Process 5 will need to
be engaged fro linked Building



Back to Step 1.

Architect's approval



Consultants Models File

RVT File
RVT File

Site (Other

Consultants), available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P5) Consultants - Consultants / Subcontractors receipt of updated Architectural model

Consultants /
Contractors - Building
Model: Cons_Build

Associated Data Files

Architectural Models Released

RVT File

Start trigger

Including Change
Model Registry

1). Open via

detach from

RVT File

2). Save file to

folder overwriting
the former version

Gate 1:


Has the Architect (lead

consultant) advised a
building relocation?

3). In Manage
Links Reload the
4). Select the
Cons_Build File &
Via "Shared Site" select "Record
Current Position"

A). Open up
Note if
Review notification

5). Save & Close. It

will publish out the
new coordinates to
Cons_Build File

Are buildings

Notify Architect of misalignment

If relocation is
intentional, following
To Architect instruction, go to step 3

Coordinates to

6). Open up
Note if
Review notification

RVT File


7). Review model

location &
compaired to

8). Notify Architect

of relocation
9). Generate
Review report &
consult with
Architect. Update

Architect releases revised Architectural Building file.

1. Open the received Arch_Build model file (from the
incoming folder), using the "Detach from Central"
2. Save the file to the Project Reference Folder as
per the "Office Standard", overwriting the previous
file version.
Gate: 1
Has the Architect advised of a building relocation?
Proceed to Step 3).
Proceed to Step A).

Gate 2:
Are buildings aligned?
Proceed to Gate 3.
Notify Architect of misalignment via

B). Is Architectural
Building aligned
with host model

Gate 2:

Start Process:

Gate 1: "No" result:

A. Open up the "Cons_Build" model file. Take note if
a "Coordination Review" notification has occurred.
B. Review the model's location to ensure the
Cons_Build model aligns with the Arch_Build
Model (Checking Building Grids is best). If process
did not work, start from step 1 again, ensuring at
Step 3, the Cons_Build is linked using "Origin to


Written Process, with

Additional Notes.

Gate 1: "Yes" result:

3. Go to: Insert / Manage Links. The Cons_Build will
have the status of "Not Found". Re-map using the
"Reload From" function and navigate to the
Cons_Build file.
4. In a model view, select the Cons_Build model file
and in the properties dialogue, "Shared Site" select "Record Current Position".
5. All users to close out of the Cons_Build model
before publishing coordinates. Save and close the
Arch_Build project file. This will publish the new
coordinates back to the Cons_Build model file.
6. Open up the "Cons_Build" model file. Take note if
a "Coordination Review" notification has occurred.
7. Review the model's location to ensure the
Cons_Build model aligns with the Arch_Build
Model (Checking Building Grid is best). If process
did not work, go back to step 1 again, ensuring at
Step 3, the Cons_Build is linked using "Origin to
8. Notify Architect of relocation outcome alignment
via email.
Gate 3:
Did Coordination Review notification occur?
Proceed to Step 9).
Process Complete

Notify Architect of outcome


Did Coordination
Gate 3: notification occur?

9. Go to Collaborate / Coordination Review / Select

Link. Select the linked Arch_Build file. Create
HTML Coordination report. Consult with Architect
and confirm updates. Use the Coordination
Review tools to update the elements accordingly.
Finish Process.

To Architect



Finish, available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P6). Releasing CAD (2D & 3D) models from Revit to Site orientated participants.
Authoring Revit Model
containing content to be

Exported CAD File/s to

Site World Coordinates

Associated Data Files

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.
Start Process:


1. Open the Revit file containing the view to be

exported. Navigate to the export view. NOTE: The
export must be carried out from a model view (not a
sheet view), to ensure the Spatial World Coordinates
are used. If a 3D export is required, export from a 3D
2. Review the proposed export view, ensuring it
contains the Site Map Grid, relevant Building Grids
and view is set to Grid (True) North.
3. Export the content using the following export settings:
set to Meters
Coordinates: set to Shared.
Ensure the agreed CAD version is selected.
4. Save and close

RVT File
1). Open file, &
navigate to the
export view

Model Data

2). Check the view

contents are
correct, includes
Map Grid & view is
set to Grid North

3). From the view;
export to CAD,
using "Shared" &
units set to
"Meters". Use
agreed CAD

4). Save & Close

CAD File

A. Open the Exported Cad File in the relevant CAD

Package. Check its coordinates & units are correct.
Close the file.
B. Confirm the CAD file complies with the Naming
protocol & its Revision/version is correct.
C. Release the file to the Project Team

Site Export
A). Open the
exported CAD file
& check its
Coordinates &
units. Close

B). Confirm CAD

file's Naming
Protocol & version

Finish Process.

Notify Architect of outcome

CAD File

C). Release to
Project team
Site Export

To Project

Finish, available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P7). Releasing IFC models from Revit to Building orientated participants.

On-going process when exporting geometry to IFC. > Steps 1, 4 to 5, 7, 9 to16.

Authoring Revit Model

containing content to be

First time setup only

4): Via Manage

Links, unload any
linked models/CAD
files using Shared

5). Go to: Manage

> Location
> Site tab.

7): Select the

"Project Startup
Location" definition
& "Make Current".
Click "OK".

Associated Data Files

2). Create
dedicated IFC
Export 3D view

Model Data

3). Turn off

geometry in view
which is not to be
exported. Save the

This process can be used for exporting to applications

such as: ArchiCAD, Tekla Structures, Vectorworks, & IFC
Viewers (e.g.: Solibri Model Checker)
Note: The Project Base Point must match the Project
Startup Point (Hard coded origin) for these frameworks to
work correctly.

6). In "Sites
defined in this
project" area,
duplicate existing
defined setup.
Rename to
"Project Startup

First time releasing IFC file to Building based project team

Start Process:
1. Open the Revit file containing geometry and data to
be exported.
2. Create a dedicated 3D view for exporting IFC
3. Turn off geometry in view which is not to be exported.
Save the project.
4. In Manage links, unload any linked models/CAD files
using Shared Coordinates.
5. Via the Ribbon, Go to: Manage > Location > Site tab.
6. In the "Sites defined in this project" section of
"Weather Location and Site" dialogue box, duplicate
the existing defined setup, naming the new setup:
"Project Startup Location".
7. Selected the newly created "Project Startup
Location" defined setup, and "Make Current". Click
8. In a plan view, select the Project Base Point. Change
the Properties: E/W, N/S, Elev & Rotation to true
Northings to: 0.0. Click "Apply".
9. Open the IFC 3D export View.
10. Go to "Revit Icon", Revit Application Button > Export
> IFC.
11. Use the agreed export settings, Click Export &
browse to the export folder. Use the "Export elements
only visible in view" setting.
12. Go to: Manage > Location > Site tab, & make the
World Coordinate Setup the Default. Click OK.
13. In Manage Links, Reload any linked models/CAD
files using Shared Coordinates.
14. Relinquish, Save & Close.
15. Open the IFC export model in an IFC viewer & check
contents meet the export expectations.
16. Release IFC model to Project Team.

8). In a plan view,

select the Project
Base Point.
Change the
Properties E/W,
N/S, Elev &
Rotation to true
Norting to: 0.0
Click "Apply".

9). Open the IFC

3D export View.
10). Go to "R",
Revit Application
Button > Export >
11). Use the
agreed export
settings, Click
"Export" & browse
to the export folder.

Use the "Export elements only visible in
view" setting.

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.
Starting Note:
By default on exporting .IFC files, Revit will use the
"Survey Base Point" as the IFC model origin. Within this
framework for building to building exchange, the goal is to
have the building model, working to a consistent Building
Origin, i.e. the "startup point". The below process will
enable a temporary zeroing of the Survey Point, so it
matches and Project Base Point (& Startup Point), export
the .IFC file, and then reset it back to the established
coordinates for normal use.

RVT File


1). Open the

Building Model file
to be exported.

IFC File

Maodel Data

12). Go to: Manage

> Location > Site
tab, make the
origional World
Coordinate Setup
the Default. Click

Finish Process.
For the on-going process when exporting geometry to
IFC, following initial setup: just follow Steps; 1, 4 to 5, 7, 9
to16. (i.e. the steps in the left boxed group).

13): Reload any

linked models/CAD
files using Shared
14). Relinquish,
Save & Close.
15). Open IFC the
export model in
IFC viewer & check
IFC File
16). Release IFC
model to Project


Maodel Data

To Project
Team, available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

P8). Establishing and working with Building Datum Control Models.



Associated Data Files

Datum Control Model - Background:

It is not uncommon for a single building Revit model to
be made up of several sub-models within a discipline to
assist in managing file size. A Datum Control Model will
function as a mechanism to ensure all sub-models,
including other project participant models, follow the
defined geodetic coordinate system, level datum's, and
grid locations.

Building Models

Datum Control Model

RVT File
1). Determine
Datum Control


2). Link
Origin to Origin

RVT File

RVT File



Model link
Origin to Origin

Arch-Site Model

RVT File

4). Open Arch-Site

RVT File


6). Locate Datum

Control Model file
to designed
location on the site:
X,Y,Z & rotation

RVT File



Future Building Relocations as

per: Steps A & B

Datum Control Model

8). Relinquish,
Save & Close


Model link
Manual Origin

7). Select Datum

Control model,

in BEP

9). Open Datum

Control Model

10). Select Nested

Sub-models, & via
"Shared Site"
select "Record
Current Position"

Record Building
Datum Control
Coordinates in
DOC File

Plan (BEP)

RVT File

RVT File




1. Determine which model will be the Datum Control

Model. (Typically this is the Architectural model
where structural set-out will eventually be done).
2. Link any building sub-models, within your discipline
"Origin to Origin".
3. Relinquish, Save and Close the Datum Control
4. Open the Architectural Revit Site Model.
5. Link in the Datum Control Model file by: "Manual Origin", placing it approximately.
6. Relocate the Datum Control Model linked file to the
correct position, i.e.: Relative level, Siting &
Orientation allowing for setbacks or adjacent
7. All users to close out of the Control Model before
publishing coordinates. Select linked Control model
file & from the "Properties Pallet" - click "<Not
Shared>". Tick "Publish the shared coordinate
system of "....". Click on "Change" & rename the
Geodetic coordinate system. e.g. "MGA Zone 55
AHD-Building Name". Click on "Reconcile" & "Save"
the project.
8. Relinquish, Save and Close the Architectural Site
9. Open the Datum Control Model file.
10. Select the nested sub-models and via "Shared
Site" select "Record Current Position".
11. All users to close out of the sub-models before
publishing coordinates. Save the Control Model
project file. This will publish the new coordinates
back to the Sub-Building model files.
12. Select the "Sub-models" and via "Shared Site" tick
"Do not share site of selected instance" and click
"OK". This step maintains an origin to origin
relationship. Not doing this step will result in models
becoming misaligned when coordinates are
13. Relinquish, Save and Close the Datum Control
Process Finish.
Future Building Relocation.

11). Save the

Datum Control
Coordinates will be
Published to

A. All building relocations to occur from the Site Model

as per process P3.
B. Following completion of P3 repeat steps 9 to 13.

12). Re-select
Nested Building
Sub-models, & via
"Shared Site" &
tick "Do not share
site of selected
instance" and click

13). Relinquish,
Save & Close
Datum Control

At some point in the early design stage, the Revit model

may be split into Sub-models. The below process will
begin at this point.
Start process:

3). Relinquish,
Save & Close
Datum Control

5). Link in Datum

Control Model file
(Manual Origin)

Written Process, with

Additional Notes.

Release Datum Control Model

to Project Team including
updated BEP Coordinates.
RVT File


To Project

Finish, available under General Public License with credit maintained. No warranties provided.

Version 1.0 - 26/09/2016

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