IB Diploma Program at Ruamrudee International School

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The IB Diploma Program is a challenging twoyear curriculum for intellectual, motivated high
school students. Juniors and seniors take six
courses in the following subject groups:
language; second language; experimental
sciences and computer science; the arts; maths;
and individuals and societies. IB students also
engage in three core requirements: an extended
essay (4,000 words); theory of knowledge
(interdisciplinary course); and creativity, action,
service (community service).

After 20 years of teaching in the United States, the Middle East,

and now Southeast Asia, I am very impressed with the rigor and
cohesive value of an IB Education. As the parent of third culture
kids, I want them to develop strong personal habits as global
citizens and a sense of shared identity with those around them. I
want them to be curious, to deeply think about scientific processes,
and contribute to the improvement of the human condition. I want
them to be intellectually equipped to speak their minds and advocate for those who do not have a voice to do the same.
This is what the IB means to me: a better tomorrow.



The IB to me is not just a curriculum, but a way of life. It is a way to challenge your current
beliefs and bring understanding in the most broad way. It is not saying that you have to
change, but allowing yourself to see the opportunity to change. It is to generate a broad
accumulation of knowledge, which will allow you to come to these understandings in a
better and more peaceful way.
Mr. Dominick Bruso
Instructor of History and Psychology


I find the IB program to be valuable; however, it is a demanding program that necessitates an extreme
amount of discipline, planning and time-effectiveness on the part of the students. On the one hand, I
appreciate the philosophy behind the IB program. I think that students should be well-rounded individuals
and that the focus of education should be on their emotional, social, and psychological, as well as
intellectual, growth. The IB program helps to ensure that growth through requiring not only the expected
academic development through core subjects, but also requiring students to work in the arts, develop their
critical thinking skills further through TOK, and serve their communities through CAS. On the other hand,
students need to be aware of the rigors of the IB assessments and aware that the number of requirements
can be quite challenging to balance.
Kerry Hampsey
Co-Head of the English Department

IB is a total education and not just content. What is called the hidden curriculum
containing such skills as leadership, community service, planning, reflection,
communicating, presenting and so on, is not hidden. In IB it is encouraged, taught
and assessed. Exams let students research, use laptops and software and they can
do this outside of the classroom.
Ms. Edward Kemp
Instructor of Math and Theory of Knowledge

To me, the IB means providing students with an experience through which they can demonstrate
perseverance, commitment, and accepting and following through with something that is
challenging. It also means intentionally integrating this idea of how what we are doing in one
small spot of earth connects and impacts the rest of what is happening out there on the planet in
this time of change, where what we do affects or influences beyond our understanding at times. It
means preparing students to think about subject matter (like Knowledge) that often is just an
abstract concept in schooling. The IB is not "the" way, but it is "one" way of approaching this idea
of creating learners.
Ms. April Slagle
Instructor of Theory of Knowledge and Biology


An opportunity to devote my time and resources to contribute towards creating educational

opportunities that encourage healthy relationships, individual and shared responsibility and effective
teamwork and collaboration. An IB education encourages the creation of rich personal & cultural
The latter, particularly, is close to my heart. My own third culture children have enjoyed the rich diversity
of multiculturalism. I am fortunate to teach a subject that allows students to explore a similar wealth of
diverse, global texts, cultures and experiences.
Mr. Michael Love
Instructor of English Language Arts


Academic rigor, balanced priorities, and diverse perspectives.

An IB Education helps students make informed, reasoned, ethical
judgments and develop the flexibility, perseverance and
confidence they need in order to bring about meaningful change.
Dr. Fiona Murphy
Instructor of English Language Arts

What IB means to me is community: a place where

students come together and wade through the complexity
of learning and growth.
Ms. Farrah Collette
Co-Head of the English Department

"What the IB means to me as an educator....when I think IB courses or IB program, I

think of a well-rounded education. As a product of an IB course/program, I think
students come out being more aware of the world around them as well as being
more open-minded to varying viewpoints."
Ms. Sabrena Baiagern
Instructor of Experimental Sciences


What the IB means to me is capacity building. I strive in my teaching and interactions with students to be
aligned with the IBs mission to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding
and respect. I enjoy having a rigorous academic framework that not only challenges students in their content
areas but also actively encourages them to become compassionate and lifelong learners. It is exciting to be
part of a program that gets at the heart of why I became an educator. The IB program pushes me to be a
better educator by embracing a collaborative, inquiry and interdisciplinary approach that creates a reflective
attitude towards best practices in teaching and learning. Placing the IB Learner Profile at the centre of what we
do is a healthy reminder that we teach students first and content second. Students graduating from an IB program are well positioned to effect positive change in this world - that is an exciting endeavor to be a part of
and something to celebrate at RIS.
Ms. Nicole Sabet
Instructor of Experimental Sciences


To me, the IB means that teachers

are free to reach and challenge
students to do more than just know
the basic facts. I am free to
connect my subject with other
subjects, philosophical questions,
and the world in general.
Mr. Gordon Stewart
Instructor of Experimental

To me, the IB program is about learning with a global perspective. Not only is it physically
globe, with perspectives from different cultures and thinking, but also academically global,
combining schools of thought to broaden an academic perspective.
Ms. Joael Kelly
High School College Counselor

The IB empowers students to inquire independently in order to make sense of their world.
Mr. Garrett Drake
IB Extended Essay Coordinator & Head Librarian

The IB Diploma program means a great deal to me. As a high school counselor working with IB students, I
hear over and over how challenging the program is, but also how beneficial it was to them. From writing the
Extended Essay (in essence a college level term paper), learning proper study habits allowing all the work to
be finished on time, the collaborative nature of the course, and the satisfaction, and relief, when courses are
finished. Most importantly, the IB Diploma puts our students in a very positive light when it comes to college
applications. Universities all over the world now recognize and cherish the IB Diploma program.
Mr. Brett Arnold
High School College Counselor

Teaching in the IB Diploma Program has been a

rewarding professional experience. The program
is academically rigorous, and I appreciate that
students study a range of subject areas. The
program also develops research skills through the
extended essay that will serve students well at
More important than academic considerations,
though, is the focus that the IB program places on
developing the whole individual. Through CAS and
ToK, students develop critical thinking skills, learn to
work independently and collaboratively, contribute
to the community, and maintain personal health. If
these practices are maintained beyond high school,
then IB students are well on their way to a life of
learning, healthy living, and contributing positively
to society.
Ms. Nicole Burcar
CAS Coordinator
Instructor of Experimental Sciences


How are IB students evaluated?
Students who perform well in all six subjects and the three core requirements and earn passing scores
on the final exams are awarded the IB diploma. Those who take individual IB courses rather than the entire program receive certificates of completion.
Where can I take IB courses?
Only schools authorized as IB World Schools can offer the IB Diploma Program; there are currently 1,861
IB World Schools in 130 countries that offer it. Of these schools, 637 are in the U.S. Find your school
here: http://www.ibo.org/school/search/index.cfm.
Why should I pursue an IB diploma?
The IB Diploma Program helps you develop critical-thinking, independent learning, and research skills. It
also provides a gateway to the development of intercultural understanding. IB courses aren't about reciting facts and figures - the IB Diploma Program helps you learn how to learn, and appreciate the process.
Where is the IB diploma recognized?
The IB diploma is recognized by universities around the world. However, you can generally get U.S. college credit only after taking the full two-year program that leads to the IB diploma. That means if you just
take a few one-year IB courses, depending on the university, you may not be eligible to receive college
credit. If you're hoping to save time and money in college by taking IB courses in high school, be sure to
find out the IB policies of the colleges that interest you first.
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