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Write a short essay not more than 2 pages on the application of any of the concepts learnt

in Managerial Economics. You may either refute the explanations given in one or any of
the sessions by questioning the assumptions and try and see if you get different answers
using different assumptions, or you may extend any explanation given to any other
relevant situation. You may try to use these concepts to everyday problems in life or in
any of the current debates on in the media, or from your experience at work. Credit will
be given on originality. You may use the net or any other material for contents to
substantiate your arguments, if you happen to use it, it should be properly referenced.
Your core argument must be your own, and not borrowed from any external source.
Under no circumstances, should it be a cut and paste from various documents. Of
the 10 marks allotted for this essay, 5 marks is for originality, 3 marks for logical
reasoning and 2 marks for overall impression. You are free to discuss the topic and issues
you select with me. Please note that the last date of uploading the assignment on the
website is Friday September 23, 2016, 11 p.m. Please upload either a word document
with a .doc extension or a .pdf file, please make sure that the uploaded document does not
have a .docx extension, which creates a problem and cannot be read.
Santanu Gupta.

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