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Mike Pence Opening Statement

Ryan McClintic
Weve recently gained the support of someone who at first was not in favor of our
campaign. He is now a strong supporter and that person is senator Ted Cruz. I personally
have worked with Ted Cruz and he is a great man. Like any political campaign, candidates
will always fight and argue to get your vote, but in the end, both Donald Trump and Senator
Cruz stand for the same side and very similar ideals. It only makes sense that after such a
long and well fought battle that we can come to an agreement to make America great again.
Id like to address these two men on stage with me first Ajamu Baraka. Your entire
campaign revolves around creating more renewable energy and less greenhouse gasses. To
do this they will have to get rid of all the coal mines and fire all the coal miners, which Trump
will not let happen. If she were to be elected the economy would plummet, unemployment
would be at an all time high and we would have an energy crisis. We also cant allow Weld
and Johnson into office, Johnson is just too uninformed. When asked how he feels about
Aleppo he asked Whats Aleppo? When asked to name one foreign leader he respected he
couldnt think of one. Is this really the kind of man we want in office? No, we need someone
who is strong and decisive while also remaining well informed. Someone like Donald Trump.
People keep bringing up our disagreement but what they dont realize is this: Even
though we may disagree on how to get rid of ISIS, in the end, we both want the same thing.
This is the kind of relationship a President and a V.P. need, I will support him in making
decisions and he will carry out the final action. We teamed up because we agree on a bigger
scale. Together we can make America great again.

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