Sri Lakshmi Narasima Sotiram

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Frito oO MTT NN FTN ORR p ie A aA cat LG Crear euIUTG, z ) Eng lier Hero, om Hs) Egew F egige wh wap mrFibw SOBA HHT HST ih sosmewW ose THB Booous euerulG e 2® O (UB cosngidl emgero wnHS “ger DMS Helge Hay, YBIenal-1. Guredr : 5501211. “ wh cosdpul cose 1wirg59 wre ” apeoiwires BgIsuery Lio seers Somiseost Qevefio GunaSiecn aol Apacs, eSpiunpadoopent. “wt sages SuGungsnei sae au Bog sein® Siagagrso.w sow spsiutuscnen oS} Gpnée, yissune BES SD sw@ensSotssneTGuin B1sdOgs Arson svGengSomscenGuin wISs) uf Tppethibuesfiesr AGEHSG UNSPITAeTTs Ys GasaGowenp ws Aves Aug irene Geustong PpHesrpmb. 1. uh pas Bravibam dogs : Bis sropnss15~5 Gonesde cropnb Lagigmes eSuip ereitgd Gumpyocuicl Bybs SiGehs Osiisgi. HGapmie CogsSISOS SGOOD SAAGIgd, coofhiuged yio BGS Yoon BeBsHsre girett ORY song Aencdanpasi. Ses SQHSGMYsron BapEsbanjsseubd G& anagso HAaacit TPHSCHSHMUIGSESID enero aur ssenG eros Hoogei Piss anf Berooso. op sens Sy san saupmoed eSBs a ay ead (oH cosigift exAibw éoGgnsySrriuset AmsGact Sep sTbHUGUreEsr sofisg CWIES UGANIsSriscrot SeoLweomd. Roos Sth Sd euid Oeiw aps BOagrusct su. HET). 2. of wbsr creus dv@andSow : Gay bs 2 strong) wide Ime UB soCsn sso GSSpeored OeuWUULLg SiCammie Cong sSrs8o 9G Sonauier K bans supbsGotieg Sagas Spi ssiie Gs dren & MESEMUIGEAT. Biss BsSeosnet By svGsrssob OeWwgucrsrs senate ‘@ db ae Sagemb udm ibe sue dunb pumbuamwb” sorugy 2 FaMang sores Send pusbisg BS is Soriwsenen OFWWLULG Lsirongy. Gaeng svCeonadpb gahang SDSL Verses FaHid. Bis Aplus weoffics anGsatuce soGeons plbuiscen GOSS Shs soCoonamiscner aise event eb 2 : iGnSsecoor SiagGdenpg). dvGeonrt ab 4 acimunieos Soibgnb. foBeonesid B 3 obs Sarvs Sap SGESrgQw une any Cunerp Osc. eungact Sopsrqid shund AGw. doCeonsibd 7 3 ys, meso feorah@epg ahiunpp sie Cons swemb aeuiuytbd. eto Gaort aid 8 : steveor efiguntton pipLcositacmatupd VaTBSEib. e@Muuna scoured Sharsasse scoured Hob. doGeonaibd 9 : un uugens Pied. Siamysos Kans. - d@oGeonatb 11 : uszangiée pmb grew sesh coin 2 wits Coromnsans Shu mass PSs Say simcaggons SenGigid. choCeonad 12 : G55 swCoonss ge OenGsauc Summ apeinpab efieys Sues. , a Uh cosigid podibw dvGensSorivest 3.08 bealibaap sansiidbss tener av Ganda: B55 Sipysiones soGengBmb unpseuneared Qs WOUCLg) WSO Oe Us coCens sys Seo uses BwusOSS) HetiwuucLg. Bucs 32 Bagrmwssmenuyd Gwe lSs AsLWLULEGLUg Stemeomb: Bos soCens S755, Less sugar adub gpUGWw. 45 Gens, Seorsei, chung, gundeagid Curerpena sGSule wep. ssoeflenus ACuaSMsZ5euT soeow Horan géafugeas SCualssat ngs Siso.any. wHpuyg Bais Aapaiguihs Ciorag urflusjpsworrest . Ueeract ereocomid BU Gib. Hib wesged cresreor Lisoeér eer CasnGowsnpy Gansipapssr Senausch ersosomib BGid. 4. ubsegadtdbap sasib : of3 Asdane UF OPNTWeHE HErdbanagnh OeisnGrr AES Upapengsennd Seis Asiuiucrg. Bs swG5ns Spb eh ibioraton_ypmonargy Soo &_stromgy. Lob C\suTESeDED, SEAGULL 5. aw Cir san avGsnbBmb : Sys soesns sys Heo of we promerefer upserb upss Guetuce@eepgy- Brslor, seg. Fens, Slot MgMeoene0 Gunes screuriussatheSier be ©. Gem emmy 6. nh comipud sGavibaw Simrasoibu eaoG5 smb : sHieL piso omg poAbw svesnsSp aerp BS srGeonshiaeer BeEecirore Gers H6o enedeHlCu Agiass soGaugen, woe Ub Briv®, Seto Byer Ouposrat cuGgngpib, sosseu® BIFIb Ee Suyepru eroGeoraib Testy LIEo Cupar 2 cin. Kgs 55 ger 9 aDBLUL - R. S. Chari, 1As (R) na gf sosagud ppd sioBsnsSiriusstt wi ps foums aFupagt crus! uf Brsibogeau Sagiys Genhpb, Abw ge 2 Gafled LUTIONS, UEFSMNET GY!HOS ITSONS HES, Byorius ah Roopss CenGeowsaiione 2 zAporest Gamud OSIeoLAITaad Covsrascoon enZuugsine, Maree Lpeddugy igemb seinpy sop, ico ensures Sapien SH seo5s Sroiw sdiyoa agi nels Ape 2 s8pwnrer Canuggiier HéBef Cunerpy Races uf porethdwerex MMSAUSHES Goatees, wafleyjegsid, warlalsepi - Get! wanes sa) SuepAesmeonmb. SLIGLNG GOS Apscongei Apigersyd unsere saci SPBeeGLerT Uf EpFubiener Higgiduey csr, Camid Sor We Ce Sinj 58, Hoewmsgy dpsH5HcG wApsnenmd ound ussiaatiid os earrgersounb is soni eet feat eee oe BAZ) USSIHCESS, SHB Omiscuiscnon OunpYs gis Nesncitert Srevooned WRUNG. TMetefie, Scitonen BibUybd uss Teerfid AFEDer Aemyid sqpenomud Singweg. A,seo1red snes Agrag Fer v5 7565465 GpoOs Cunespearest @ebrigy CUTEST. ° pe wun gain? 8, 960 anh fuer Gowtuer gy Sein Singeier Bongaer Wwenfluier Hibswre AagsAgZ5aGb, wamjGargqwrer us sams Gagnbs CgzAsgubd, uf ppeiibwe Song Usgfaefiitd warsgistor Uf poatinveer SyMBIUg (pests) Wesayd sorb erebrsem gud DMSTONGEELD SUE crefigmreniausir steiTLieo Sub, pips gsapiesiicr iene Gpued Was Qasmgu a EEO de> Guns Oupond oun Brevi ae’ b, sug) Sand A suesch ag, 4Sag ucLb vfs Spaudres Bac Ganu SaQiag) L1G. Syseore, vif eowsgust pretibwecié ays Ggnagt uflampTs sreughid eNPLLeomd. ASD Qremguiresct Leogpnd ener apiguib, Soorapib uth soa ppadubwrenies UL SAOS eoaisg, Opi Sub Tis Goppssl 12 penpumnaigy eusoid exter sus Gauci suis Sipe Cmnddeng osreb GwRLI Liners Spy Neiihlss Copa sBub) GacmGb. 48 prcsomangy bsg AT CausiaGib. (nGerag ansogzSoi wrreneo Cprs se Aries ACeagt Lice FE Tonedfico Hicueit podrumons Sauphgegs wriene Gpomb grei. Syesmed Seip. SpaGgnegi uflanponat yews agi emeog Sed, Yysorted Lemaags sAiugs, Some. Busgiign, gmissoioures LcrondsgiLgibd Bibiecns, LSSUL QI KHSS Gausiongugy RacAgb, aPucG aysne, Qameu, sSevor rr60g; gierudpib Frugid ereiLigy ueeyd 2 pguneid. 2 ciaenwuyb SHG. uf eoxig BIstbw suGsensSoriuscit ob: ob wbatanen wubtdy vape éofisd: pentoeiis wb paps fo dogs uf umes Gundssy eumf sepsm Geos | IDTOMTTETTSNSOT LIDTTS WEMSNS SiGe uGeg | 1 exceeegemnong cboomu gesremhs Causey | sosseongy Baursomu ef SepoSkbppmu torivsemd II 2 AMeirusty sib oobi pS Upsuns ugoTsiDGen | gaineongmi ss aptag syeureon feysPibgupmus wriuzemb Il 3 SOLTéf ear Catan sector. eopeogGe | ADTSMUCHSTS exgurveny gipmf efidbgmmu wrissem |! 4 aunig8 ements, Uso enectix8 apenserteng | Wweuiismu Baus inGeorreomunerogy iriver Il 5 AIT AM E60. Gugereow annaongss pgTuIGert | Bipsten esigcimuron sibsieny eSkbgupmu wrissomb Il 6 CampaDincionu Sireiemen CamScogsren sTuIBen | Gqughgen ootcomaty enpessrmunciogy iriveemb It 7 Urijaeuréus suctoefis unevest uineiigssinGent | Srmqiinusy Songs urjecurumeogy wriusemb Il 8 FBaToren GagnGenCsmigg ASG soa. Aeor | Causrs.$f spiparsngsmu Gunenesyismu wrivsemb tl 9 ae = Us cosdgusl TALI soCensSprescit oo anrann aranransu sipsio bOs585 a@sisicen | LEED SH Sistv eS TOu erSibespmu wrasombd It 10 Lupgeures WaMNGuUN WammTuns ssnfiGeoor | Sruefin pamsouingss unersomustetogy wrbsessrttd i 1 wf sum ws SSF Gund ane Susi unetGau I engage uA feorm SAGammiGeoemu wrseomb I 12 DrSETTETEMEMASL Urerfleurer aperfifissid | wamstfnb ULjs éqsiorays worsen Seon UGeus Il 13 @iGammieorb pax [ETALDLoL AUT Us eomgu mpdibw swGsnsSomscit eb wpSSGIBNE HO SHSESC (edoay miosis) 2680 sunby podebwoiiaugiuitd (SiGanmieob) Ba slrISydo Hawrorraps ajusriep rep FanN5e | Boisipis cevalréab ipeypégs goréiage\| 1 2 GanB, Spr, wei hg Mleneowrest SHAS GL oT Usésismnsé sinshsgs OananGw) Seifserfler AGmFsoort GuiéGaosgeu FHSS Susu IO STG augSbCuned MansIGid Bsbe Cousierigu efipGanagid Oewuymians Shs Carns ged lipgimibrevrid tppeueswjGLo BOSGMSs Osiig! OansnGib Qspans amielb cuumIssyd DAoHunepg) sngmnib sHHSsa0t, croton! © Spire & Ged Tod! SHFIiuIg HMSOH AS & SPCHULTUWNGSSLD io | 8 erst podiinn cuiensiBoriee anjmalgelpuigcd Opry annncared Sp: argi\ serbag: wadebty ucegs Ay} porters \\ 2 Laas sogpsigiguics Siriduy SQatngmd encildeonenieDw apgwrad Aupp SLiler Werarcrurest adpeirwedAyene Caamb sidapo.u pamisefer PierisennBocu gitrG greed Oeuig, acuctigg Seid seorbismned [Peir/0 Beppo eigenen piciveheS@per, upeatGacig vigaert epiiwaatiial Siididyive\ mdi. Sida gens onpachipegs gorbuaps\| 3 Lngnensider Sepeuqmenib, CpardeonahBe Seereyd, ac Ssesctign yeatuseDpinrs Cpsib epepasnsusd soir sagged cuumdsgs Beinp, Syeene opnncsiciogD spi Serpiiam SEEMESHPS Rodand Peirp wF posdidap Liseuttanent piDstosiAC per. sturbiah sptaig mass baagh§ Apres sorodel Opsgaor wie 95 halaggt gorévaye| 4 euipusci, sp Soe, ponegotssr, Seoul opdus RaAsBerpercan;, SWUIQHUCL gacégibd upwnsiw SMIELUDTTON eros GerteuTeDen [piDcivaHhEAG EH. Uf costes rAtbw sivtgndSoriuss arjtatiiiau: ortega anjaré anjalhy anjalp\ BIg w: gurl BSws Foant garter yeell 5 B50 Gegeijacr achgeacmoruplagy Gunes SFSiwrisotich ognmunCensaqwenpPecs LipgswisngssnGeo THOTepeDpuUid, seuAL SHegid, cdareosHegid snes APujyoscnmis, Sigenne ‘oogaGsnepsch’ ere He5pmo1d Lyon. Ee Sanpeomonesr Liseuremes [pLsveEhEAC on. _— soud oRiapalg ara gui wow vapapig :\ vanrs0.6 wanipiin css 56 gxatibays gorébwayi\\6 Son udsiacr Sps8eo upGwnsiyesmen abs uses AS usgsiawer anéGgb OungGgeG Béefisgacr Arye ABE HS buRsEL. MAapacher ACN Sect WeAhs Gusglenb, fACorJseerwiGunes gpeas eAiaMdussiL gd Seog). aim wud gpd GanenglupsesLend egw geese Wajid Hypamylo, * es Bort gb @ouseng a péscungy uésnpapensspens Sndehss of peudtisog sveniesGpatr. wbprosdougeanns Iga: yptalpeer rrsasor: | Cnreapur: 1 Opeerdoantsi Sener wb poriaso 7 abs of Spdu Arisestiest SopIWseg; sonhss pabtrastecu pitied acips> Caugrenisscverestyad attend ws avncdehiu aosat Uhys SuingOe\ dodure # ubgwe apa: w: g8 uggs porbuae\| & 2. oss feo asoBeorgpid Gigs LIOMTEDOT SLA TURES) 060 Gongingengugd OupHempristem, eden Geel Comgnsoss SHASIO useogy aeip Auws Aupbp wh wareaagA ops Lacrrenen Sse SesSpreem SOUL UBTE RS DSO QUTEESOMTION LBEUTEDeRT spinstosheSdpetr. cormpag sdoarerta abla pe tegpes5 degawerrat| vbgepcé gomtus wings baxdrpiasuj6 gorbvaps\\ 9 cAepggy Ussiacr wg EDL aM EBDS erucei earicnent ence Ne sivsTgyD Qaaemenw Shug, Wet useys egies. somoneinusteeth ge Cpe snGer ayssngid, Stamey wpprib erpaGrrsrgaanet 5S Geen uSeeTUyD Senenps gl SAeey@apreesn Mss bGSUGEGH, bEsuanen of pe«tibgw Ussurenar pinciosheAspss proceaqyipontd wxiome LEC APOPISTE| sug gy: 5: Seiads ares Soglp 93 goriaegé|| 10 os uUseurefirtd sjonrasaucrpy AjSwpeagrupy euuniriaicmngengs Cmnings Sissi epeub smunciog grits Uf cosagfl BDAlbi sioCenssfnTiusct Bru comer UGagmissrmisemstujd uigerBeont Sis U8 pretiban Usama sperma Sepsi. Srevyga: Koay: sai Gal aah Hgorg 2 ugpoasog 3 \ AS: Sago Og Fie: BA vfaa goréwavG\l 11 cieoeon Ce periaenid uTOTsWTEeS Bujpeosunacar Srovjaech. Beosune Siagache Hqacter png Can Serban Guner usanGer! 2 wSse Frevot con py fue ‘ 5 Oomeeub b ggeub © seunb | SflerohSund we uG.s stow ou Buy nb: & agi gGs || 12 Quuy wHSp oregugmsaficr © ciorenwis Outer eh, emaperne (UpCnéapeme) HSS Besser &eopsar uryGsapg. Bons srerouilg, wsungings send, eromurt éSepib uptieiaens sefie b, usu, 46 sosigid ppudibwn sivBens Surin wb Heasoay ZarHhoo$ Sauron weprhso Uf pEsddam emengpruEct. wiugsgremgs QaMancrapu apsu dE aepsers amasg 32 sGeraruscficn augeiie Bibs sword Sioa DULLMIe GAH Bs coeensArsmnss EGuNLEOTUMES GacLaigactt LGC SpPanganersigid, Boys RULMUAFSEHEG 1HOO Congumiserid e.crinderper asp AendoA, BS suGEnShy Sens Gens Conese euefunGidure enbusiLib Hess ugioa uf &.Ga. aysci pruignt Game nent HAUNMES TG) SHSSESGHOSOUS Ashass Bus Gos AeuerluMBLcpmb. Bens Sinonerggid ups gi LujeTe Ceumores. 2 sfenub wgomind shersnéConérhsran0 | © syaveoib Sib ciofuumpreigttb unbib sdgsowembsinxtid ep uGell 1 SgserbsCasuib GsGounb axcmaqweiésanib | siieapT SysngeAleanoim tb ubid adaHosemb sipfid Beant ugell 2 SSamngGrengemmd fib efiienpenquySeoAisi | febantib LGes IS “2 Gpmogmigevarameomb swingibsie: anpiapens svgissb | Dua BTEL Suinenslb FOMp gy VS FGD | semGsnoonanenb Sb ubib sdgusicigend siprib Beant use ll 4 Denice &fLmub arto sdguscgem sinrflb rermunrfhb Ley Il & AMTANMT anfananY sipsiever : stogmuuons ugmbugab | © depp Bgaud urbib aguomemb aint ssermunrthd UBER II 6 ASCagin gid efind apps pom Bd | sudarecepmb $b upbib siasiernemd sini reopuntib Use II 7 cHeigggnerotszencingiDuib gicign ranger jEneypID | Sipbfoagd gimsiagd ubib csasopemd aint poem ude ll 8 eens unnetb sor apamiana| Sifsgurpnepsib eahsib ufhib sigs pemb ainfib ean Ue Il 9 eobiSeab Comms Srdacunde wppmenb | cosigibumeSrins ausngsivaid efi siaoegemb aint resunftb uGell 10 bss masacssonb siosoageim. prusib | Wnhgireonszoruniy Asia abi saapepemd gino seemed UGE: I 11 SToFeuTséo_ Carew room LL eofeuncio_npssveuTs BLD | SieigLnevuscion. Cupeiorib ubi saaityemd sino sé fi uGeg ll 12 Sieproguemb euunamb uibib sdquskemb gin barauprfid Gee | 13 ut eosigua prdibw suC sng Spriuseir pannb ysBepiGucotngi | eat ute Il 14 patigarunGenm@usi epibl LGagll 15 seq oonagengsomnd yCsréem 5 g5umb | Seepuapsid find uid sagem sini receaunrfi Gee Il 16 eigaujonnd Spesp5newb prem ipeor Lops | eqpuetouad wsungoib ihib eieusiopemb sini sbepaunrftb LiGes UI 17 Lsdgpreseudiyib SSapib uibib aieuogemd anf sper auntfed LiGeg Il 18 SoneagprefiGenGusi Gagézamemssumb | spsnléceapsogmriusb uifib aagliogemb sit eemuprtab Gee ll 19 seu uebgmiusiwitead sepcign Conseeincin cot | Gampeomiusid ammengaulb erbib s8¢ usagemb sipifib apaunrfid ues Il 20 a ere fsb sams | AmROTis epsrrimbufibaasoombsinto team ute|t 21 empl ude Il 22 —___ ah cnsigutt addin sin tenaBamusett SPeuUNsepmugid ALM ueGompBapagid euprfub | @umpppib ehLapneiogmu (bib engisegemd ainrfib rbcpeunrfeb LiGeg Il 23. _ »b eoggifiumenmb apaesiBeé eat | Sasa Lb Gand urhid ened pom ainrfid ergot Gea ll 24 gupb etiguystangeion tb gis wigs | Omni axpecuugpriengb urhib aaadiogemd einrfib ergunritd uGey Il 25 pened . . DI sont ameogmd Ub lb sagiic\semb einrfid raebsuifiid UGes I] 26 UGengn sxpuad sepeigamn efi sigusiegenid pint f fb UGe Il 27 Berfipneng SrisSebLud tbGeose pores sys.anb | speureor A piriumtb efi aigudcgemb sinvfi fu . LiGeg Il 28 A our Sco. DI WsTengeoupid sobs exbid ssguOpemd smfid peaoriid , : Utes IH 29 be SuLiveny soibuyss5ib enprasybeunyp esa | erga SZ MuPCooMGusd uid sagudke\gemd einrfid raseuprfit uGe li 30 WybpmDsipE sea YyECaxsronprongsron | : S870: Looming uth saaScgsnd pint soeepunthb Ute Il 31 AMS gE eopCeusid sropewmd eupwmduies.d | © LILLY someon unfib engseyamb punt eaepunrfi Ler It 32 _ bes es — Urganméegb doGensnd wpsvertemaeubuend | onéeEs LiL pmongenen sujeugiés sfigsrs ppd II ee . ne oie ee LGeus Sqpand | QsltrsAeureng smnSgiuengscivepr It BING gai Lyemrctouyss orogusid ogusd 15 sroiberows | Aipaniés op pum spiéf outs gp I enjangss eopanom Gens GonseengsS Goresgon guns | wid Wid amDwiGs As gub sud Sib LMG Eng Bsrosund |) uf BEedibammpIaPGs apeorb © dmb efind wamnefisiggeid seusofhsib swpeuGarapaid | Besiibamb Sagemmb usmb be suyde,Suyb pombusunib It us cosdoul prdibw svCsnsSpTiusst us: wb bwoawan ~ sar (Androngerad Orduiuce gy) SLOT Agrees, FScLuu Byugy; gyivavaniptA, paspth iraipiagengsio fu 6, ssc pBritens «meri b usage pel oprdsii orofeugangrapib LYyscrUtd srofGeunuspei-pprenpBiD | 1 SROTAUCLDUSEMEHSOFO croeulfeGLoTeng—LiIP SMUD | Sungai pepsbibamd CaGsend Comnedidemnernpsgssud Il 2 cHleugsnstound shepuypib oor Sb giewnug ad | cosipibuneSriudsemormiueid fi, SA Lnfgyb 1 3 gu yeatb Casmpermniusib sosyjeor ecto. 60~Gerom5ib | Geni Cauneg-CoomIGgnpcoaib TSpCEuL TEES II 4 Usa es 15-srobusntenibd Seif wecsurreved | SBSrSorepowwsnratfisns;-srypoononrewiew SH: || 5 Apssugsaubsaud eomiscsnSCanAs | SqpsusTe efipmungerogmuonpsid apgneiehssd Il 6 seavaipené . > aceseangs b uGLs | bq sidan Cw afi: ungy Geonagsagnguewiduen : II 7 GrfeuGesr (8) ewgbueurero: Lineotb Civ penggy SausBid | BEoOibCamn Cw sGMever uingy GoromperosjudsPGoone7s: 118 Uf conigd prAbw sutpnsBoivss sobgG hb Go ungy erat: epPaurwstogysiufins: | [BNeromb Gi ePidemyprencingy apaid come Bapacafius: | 9 crofeucgumgur: ung sseperOubGgupn gerop5mb wow | cud ungefisgiaigsen: eosmngineonseub ss: It 10 beatiban: ung Cw seionib cvapagen yuTHOTESeGS | Seuurcing pGorom Isa 99 + bebe Oibeun : ung Gw yoreget 11 11 seer Gib GZaUICET scBeOibam : ung eopeus: | AGS Cunerongurctos Poured vengy Guo quand: I 12 Ws Ungy emipeirunangausng : Geahefismpen : | [pmSub Go ungy bepaunrh: strays - iggimw-onidsrogs I 13 Cipeipwreion_-Gemuu : eum WErOLITE\erOST LITgIGL esigid | snub Gv ungy @siourrem iyi CanumusGs Il 14 ones Gomer: ung eB BICUSES | eC LNgY SOTUNT-aNgenGunorenen Caer? 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