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Tagore Engineering College

Part- A

Define air standard cycle.

Define the terms actual efficiency and relative efficiency.
Define Scavenging.
Distinguish between SI engine and CI engine.
Define Nozzle efficiency.
What is critical pressure ratio?
Define volumetric efficiency.
Define Free Air Delivery.
What are the properties of a good refrigerant?
Define relative humidity.

Part- B
11. (a) An air standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 18. The pressure at the beginning of
the compression stroke is 1 Bar and the temperature is 30C. The heat supplied is 1800 KJ/Kg.
Determine: (i) Efficiency (ii) Pressure & temperature at saturation at salient points (iii) Heat
Rejected (iv) Mean effective pressure. Assume Cp ,Cv ,R & suitably. (16)
(b) An air standard dual cycle has a compression ratio of 18 & the compression begins at 1 Bar,
40C. The max Pressure is 85 Bar. The heat transferred to air at constant pressure is equal to that
at constant volume. Estimate the (i) Pressure & Temperature at the cardinal points of the cycle
(ii) Cycle efficiency (iii) Mean effective pressure of the cycle. (16)
12. (a) Discuss the construction and working principle of a four stroke CI engine with a neat
sketch. (16)
(b) (i) Explain the construction & working of a fuel injector with a neat sketch. (8)
(ii) Draw and explain the port timing diagram of a 2 Stroke cycle diesel engine. (8)
13. (a) Steam expands isentropically in a nozzle from 1MPa, 250C to 10 KPa. The flow rate of the
steam is 1 Kg/s. Find the following when the inlet velocity is neglected: (i) Quality of steam (ii)
Velocity of steam at exit of the nozzle (iii) Exit area of the nozzle. (16)
(b) The velocity of steam leaving the nozzle of an impulse turbine is 1000 m/s & the nozzle angle
is 20.The blade velocity is 350 m/s & the blade velocity of coefficient is 0.85. Assume no losses
due to shock at inlet. Calculate for a mass flow rate of 1.5 Kg/s & symmetrical blading: (i) Blade

inlet angle (ii) Driving force on the wheel (iii) Axial thrust in the wheel (iv) Power developed by the
turbine. (16)
14. (a) A single stage reciprocating air compressor has clearance volume of 25% of stroke volume of
0.05 m3/s. The intake conditions are 95 KN/m2, 300 K. The delivery pressure is 720 N/m2.
Determine the volumetric efficiency referred to (i) intake conditions (ii) atmospheric conditions
of 100 KN/m2 and 290 K (iii) FAD and (iv) Power required to drive the compressor, if the ratio of
actual to indicated power is 1.5. Take index of compression and expansion as 1.3 (16)
(b) A two cylinder single acting air compressor is to deliver 16 Kg of air per minute at 7 Bar from
suction conditions 1 Bar and 15C. Clearance maybe taken as 4% of stroke volume and index for
compression and re-expansion as 1.3. Compressor is directly coupled to a four cylinder four stroke
petrol engine which runs at 2000 rpm with a brake mean effective pressure of 5.5 Bar. Assuming
a stroke-bore ratio of 1.2 for both engine and compressor and a mechanical efficiency of 82% for
compressor, calculate the required cylinder dimensions. (16)
15. (a) One Kg of air at 35C DBT and 60% RH is mixed with 2 Kg of air at 20C DBT and 13C dew point
temperature. Calculate the vapour pressure and dew point temperature of stream one, enthalpy
of both the streams and specific humidity of the mixture. (16)
(b) Describe the working of summer air conditioning system suitable for hot and wet weather
and for hot and dry weather with simple component diagrams. (16)

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