Understanding Concept 1

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Name__________________________________ Class__________________ Date________________

Chapter 1: Molecules of life

[5 major classes molecules which make up the bodies of living organism]
Learning outcome
Explain the structure of
water molecule
Describe the properties
of water and its
importance: universal
solvent, low viscosity,
high specific heat
capacity, high latent heat
of vaporization, high
surface tension,
maximum density at 4

Describe various forms
and classes of
carbohydrates such as
disaccharides and

State the types of lipid:
fat, oil, phospholipids
and steroids

Describe the formation

and breakdown of

Describe the formation

and breakdown of

Describe the structure of

fatty acid and glycerol

Describe the structures

and function of starch,
glycogen and cellulose

1.1 Water
True or False
Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.

______ 1. Hydrogen bonds form between hydrogen atoms of adjacent water molecules.
______ 2. Nonpolar substances are more soluble in water than are polar substances.
______ 3.Hydrogen bond cause water to be denser as ice than as liquid
______ 4.Hydrogen bonds cause water to absorb heat with maximum change in temperature.
______ 5. Hydrogen bonding cause water molecules to be cohesive.
______ 6. Hydrogen bonds cause water to boil at a higher temperature than expected.
______ 7. Humans are composed of about 95 percent water.
______ 8. Water molecules are released during condensation reaction

Name__________________________________ Class__________________ Date________________

Fill in the Blank

Insert the following statements into the most appropriate column in the following table.


Heat is absorbed or released
when hydrogen bonds break
or form. Water absorbs or
releases a large quatity of
heat for each degree of
temperature change.


Water column is pulled up

through plant vessels.
High latent heat of
Floating ice acts as an
insulator to prevent the water
below it from freezing.

Low viscosity

Polar water molecules

surrround and dissolve ioinic
and polar solutes.
Water molecules is a small is
size, easier to flow, less


High specific heat of capacity

Maximum density at 4oC
Water as universal solvent
High surface tension
Temperature changes in enviroment and organism are moderated.
Hydrogen bonds must be broken for water to evaporate.
Hydrogen bond are hold molecule molecules together and adhere them to hydrophilic
H. Most chemical reactions in life involve solutes dissolved in water.
I. Water is a suitable medium for transportation in living organism.
J. Hydrogen bonds in ice space water molecules apart, making ice less dense.
K. Evaporation of water cools body surfaces.

Organic Molecule- Carbohydrate and Lipid

True or False
Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.

______ 1. Carbohydrates contain nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

______ 2. Table sugar is an example of a monosaccharide.
______ 3. Complex carbohydrates form the external skeleton of some animals.
______ 4. Lipids include substances such as fats and oils.
______ 5. Saturated fatty acids are found mainly in animals.
______ 6. Unsaturated fatty acids form straight chains.

Name__________________________________ Class__________________ Date________________

Critical Reading
Read this passage and answer the questions that follow.

Lipids are organic compounds that contain mainly carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They
include substances such as fats and oils. Lipid molecules consist of fatty acids, with or
without additional molecules. Fatty acids are organic compounds that have the general
formula CH3(CH2)nCOOH, where n usually ranges from 2 to 28 and is always an even
Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Fatty acids can be saturated or unsaturated. The term saturated refers to the placement of
hydrogen atoms around the carbon atoms. In a saturated fatty acid, all the carbon atoms
(other than carbon in the -COOH group) are bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible.
Saturated fatty acids do not contain any other groups except -COOH. This is why they form
straight chains. Because of this structure, saturated fatty acids can be packed together very
tightly. This allows organisms to store chemical energy very densely. The fatty tissues of
animals contain mainly saturated fatty acids. In an unsaturated fatty acid, some carbon
atoms are not bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible. Double bond is present in
nunsaturaed fatty acid and its occur naturally in bent shapes. This gives unsaturated fatty
acids different properties than saturated fatty acids. For example, unsaturated fatty acids are
liquids at room temperature whereas saturated fatty acids are solids. Unsaturated fatty acids
are found mainly in plants, especially in fatty tissues such as nuts and seeds.
Types of Lipids
Lipids may consist of fatty acids alone or in combination with other compounds. Several
types of lipids consist of fatty acids combined with a molecule of glycerol:
Triglycerides are the main form of stored energy in animals. This type of lipid is
commonly called fat. It is composes by three fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol.
Phospholipids are a major component of the membranes surrounding the cells of all
Steroids have several functions. The steroid cholesterol is an important part of cell
membranes and plays other vital roles in the body. Other steroids are male and female
sex hormones.
1. What are fatty acids?
2. Based on the information in passage, draw the structure of a saturated fatty acid and an
unsaturated fatty acid which have n=3.
3. Compare and contrast saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
4. What are triglycerides?

Name__________________________________ Class__________________ Date________________

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter of the correct choice.

1. Which carbohydrate is not a simple

a. fructose
b. sucrose
c. glucose
d. amylose


2. Complex carbohydrates that are used to

store energy include
a. chitin.
b. cellulose.
c. glycogen.
d. all of the above

Which statement is true of all fatty

a. They are liquids at room
b. They can be manufactured by
the human body.
c. They consist of cholesterol and
d. They contain carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen.


Match the term with the correct definition.

___________ 1. Carbohydrate
___________ 2. Lipid
___________ 3. Phospholipid
___________4. Steroid
___________ 5. Condensation reaction
___________ 6. Hydrolysis reaction

A reaction in which two molecules become covalently

bonded to each other through the loss of a small
molecule, usually water.

an organic compound with the empirical formula


An organic substance which is insoluble in water but

soluble in organic solvent.

A process that splits molecules by addition of water


A type of lipid containing carbon skeleton consisting of 4

fused rings.

a major component of the membranes surrounding

the cells of all organisms.

Draw a diagram

complete diagram given to outline how two

monosaccharides are converted into a disaccharide
through condensation, producing a glycosidic bond.
Name the glycosidic bond formed.

Write a word equation for the formation of one

triglyceride from fatty acids and glycerol.
Outline how condensation reactions produce one triglyceride molecule (including the name of
the bonds produced):

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