Teaching Resources: Unit Summary

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Unit 9

Vertebrate animals

3. Teaching resources
Unit summary:
Vertebrate animals are the most complex and highly-evolved
animals. They are classified into five groups: fish, amphibians,
reptiles, birds and mammals. They have a vertebral column (or
backbone), which contains the spinal cord.
Fish are aquatic animals. Most of them have a swim bladder,
which is an air sac that fills and empties to control their depth.
They are poikilotherms (or cold-blooded) animals. Most fish
species are oviparous, which means they lay eggs.
Amphibians are the most primitive terrestrial vertebrates.
Examples include toads, frogs, salamanders and newts. They
are poikilotherms and most species are oviparous.
Reptiles are animals that crawl on the ground to move, such
as lizards or snakes. They are poikilotherm animals and most
reptiles are oviparous.
Birds are animals covered with feathers, and most of them can
fly. They have air sacs which enlarge the lungs and allow oxygen
to reach their muscles more easily. They are homeotherms (or
warm-blooded) and oviparous.
Mammals have mammary glands, found in female mammals
where milk is produced to feed their offspring. They are
homoeotherms. Mammals have a highly developed
nervous system with a complex brain. Most of
them are viviparous.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

We are human beings (Homo sapiens). We

share some characteristics with primates,
but our more developed brain enables us to
think, remember, imagine and communicate
using intelligent language.


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