Lesson Plan - Short A Sound - English 1

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Student-Teacher: Fatima Ali

Primary EPC 3403 Lesson Planning Template Year 3, Sem 1
Grade Level: 1 Foundation Lesson 7( letters and sounds- short a)
Subject: English/ Foundation
Strand: Medium level.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

Time:30min Small
Time:10 min Whole

To be able to
Flash cards of different words with
pictures such as, apple, cat, hat,
grandma, lap, hands, map, lap and
Board and data show.

Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)

Prepare the PowerPoint slides.
Get the resources ready.
Review the lesson plan.
Key vocabulary/Target Language
Example of words that have the short a sounds such as,
apple, cat, hat, grandma, lap, hands, map, lap and nap.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group

Speaking , listening and reading:
Task 1:
1. Turn on the rhyming song( engage and explore)
I will turn on the song twice because it is new lesson for students. Also, by
turning on the song two times, students will become familiar with the words
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
The teacher will explain the activity and students will get chances to engage
and explore.
Matching cards. (low level)
Cards of the short a sound and other sounds.
Words that includes the short a sound such as, apple, cat, hat, grandma, lap,
hands, map, lap and nap.
Give each pair a set of the sounds cards and the words cards.
Ask student to put the sound cards down in a pile and the matching words cards
are spread face down on the table.
Student will take top the sound cards from the pile and turns over one of the
words cards. Then they will read the word and sound.
If the cards match, student will keep the pairs .For example, they will match apple
with the a sound Whereas, if the card dont match, they will returned the sound
cards to the bottom of the pile and the words card is turned back face down in
its place. This will help them to remember where the word cards were.
While students doing the activity, I will correct their mistakes if they have and
assess their learning.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Show me the words. (Medium Level) .This activity will be for two groups.
It will be paired activity, one student will say the short a sounds for her partner.
Her partner will choose a word that has short a sounds and say it
They will continue working until finishing all the cards.

Time: 5 Whole

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

X and O .( high level)
It will be paired activity, each partner has a turn to select a picture and say it. For
example, Amal will choose a picture of apple, say sound of the short "a" and say
the word. Then she will put a cube on this picture. Then her partner will choose a
picture, say sound of the short "a "and say the word.
If they get horizontal, vertical and diagonal line, they will win.
Make a short review by asking students to say the short a sound and give
examples of words that has this sound.
Give them a piece of paper to write examples of words that has the short "a"
While students doing the activity I will walk around to observe their pronunciations of the
words .In addition I will ask them oral question, such as, what is this. Moreover, I will provide
appropriate feedbacks for them and improve their learning.
What went well:
Picture card was great tool to introduce the short (a), and gaining new vocabularies.
Pair work engages the students and develop their speaking skill.
Even better if:
I use technology to show video and sing song of short a in order to make the student
more clear with the pronunciation of the letter.
Managing the time between activity to the other.
Next step in teaching and learning:
Using timer, alarm to remind me about the appropriate time to finish each activity in the class.

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