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Gifu BOE Lesson Plan

Lesson Title : Superstitions


Academic High School


Grade 1 Oral Communications


Based on Textbook Material


Superstitions are introduced briefly in the textbook. The objective of

this lesson is to:
re-enforce the concept of superstitions
introduce western superstitions (cultural information)
students present Japanese/family superstitions to the class


Birdland Oral Communication 1 textbook

Lesson 9 Different People, Different Habits

Lesson Section - Are you Ready?
Handouts x 2
A1 paper, glue, magnets

Introduce Superstition to the students

e.g. a belief that is not based on science, that cannot be proven.

Something that usually means good luck or bad luck.
Ask all the students to cross their fingers and show them how to do
it.(most students will not know what this means)
Ask them to guess if its good or bad luck.
Explain when to cross your fingers e.g. test, competition etc.

Using the textbook and accompanying CD play the four superstitions

for students and ask them if they think they are good or bad luck

(Birdland Pg 60, CD 5, track 1)

Provide Students with Handout 1, with pictures and names of 5 more
western superstitions and ask them to guess if they are good or bad
luck. (e.g touching wood, walking under a ladder, horseshoe, etc.).


Tell students about a superstition from your own country e.g. Ireland
leprechauns! (use realia and images)
Provide Students with Handout 2 (blank space provided) and ask
them to write about a Japanese superstition.
Put the A1 sheet on the board, divided in the middle, with :Good luck
title on one half and Bad luck title on the other half.
Students present their superstition to the class. The other students
have to decide if its good or bad luck. The student then glues the ir
superstition to the correct side of the A1 divide.

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