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NAME: Mihaela Timofte

SCHOOL: Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica Trgovite
DATE: 04.04.2016
CLASS: 9th C
TEXTBOOK: Going for Gold Intermediate
UNIT: Animal World
LESSON: Grammar: Conditionals (zero, first and second)
TYPE OF LESSON: Introducing new material
SKILLS: Speaking, Reading, Writing
INTERACTION: Teacher-student, student-teacher, student-student
AIDS: textbook, blackboard, chalk, notebooks, worksheets
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, explanation, example, brainstorming, game
POSSIBLE PROBLEM: Students may have difficulties in using Conditionals.

1. to introduce the form of zero, one and second Conditional structures

2. to present and practice the uses of these conditionals
3. to allow students to develop their speaking and writing skills


1. Students will get a better awareness of how to use Conditionals.

2. Students will have developed their language skills-particularly
speaking and writing.

EVALUATION: - continuous through observation and analysis of answers


ACTIVITY 1: Warm up
Aims: - to encourage students involvement
Teachers activity: Teacher greets students and asks them questions about their mood to encourage
speaking. The students answer the teachers questions. The student on duty tells the absents, the
teacher writes the absents in the Catalogue, then she checks homework and the students correct the
mistakes, if necessary.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, whole class
Timing: 3
ACTIVITY 2: Lead-in
Aims: - to introduce students into the new topic
Teachers activity: Teacher tells the students that they are going to play a short game called
Country game. She names a country and a student, then she asks the student to tell her what he will
do, if he goes to that country. For example: T- India, Maria. Maria- If I go to India, Ill visit
Bollywood. The teacher names different students and different countries. After that she tells the
students that they are going to discuss about the Conditional structures. The teacher writes on the
blackboard the title of the lesson.
Students activity: The students named by the teacher answer her questions, then the students write
the title in their notebooks.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, whole class
Timing: 5
Aims: - to present students the forms of zero, first and second conditional structures
Teachers activity: The teacher asks the students to open their textbooks on page 83, work in pairs
and solve Exercise 1. She discusses with them the differences in use between the structures,
emphasizes that all the sentences refer to present or future time and that the difference lies in how

likely the event is to happen. She asks the students to work in pairs and match the rules with one of
the sentences. Then the students are asked to write the rules and the examples in their notebooks.
Students activity: Students work in pairs and solve the exercise, matching the rules and writing the
information in their notebooks.
Interaction: T- Ss, Ss-T, PW, IW
Timing: 10
ACTIVITY 4: Anxiety role-plays
Aims: - to allow students to practise first type Conditional
Teachers activity: The teacher asks the students to work in pairs. Student A is very adventurous.
Student B is very anxious. In their pairs students have to role play a discussion between two good
friends about a situation the teacher gives them. For example, tour the Amazon. A-Im going to tour
the Amazon. B- What will you do if you catch malaria? A- Dont worry, if a catch malaria, Ill go
to a local doctor. B-But what if you are in the middle of the jungle? Etc.
Students activity: Students work in pairs role playing the situations the teachers gives them: giving
up a well-paid job in order to become an art student in Paris, a six month trip in South America
taking photographs of wildlife and landscapes, including the jungle, desert, sea and mountains.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, PW
Timing: 8
ACTIVITY 5: What if.
Aims: - to allow students to practise the second form of Conditional
Teachers activity: The teacher gives to the students some worksheets, then she asks students to
work in groups and brainstorm some endings for the sentences they have on their worksheets: If the
world was flat; If we were all clones..; If you had two heads; If animals could speak..; If
nobody knew how to read.; If money grew on trees;. Then the students are asked to choose the
best from their group and write the whole sentence down. Students are asked to share their answers
with the whole class and then choose their favourite. The favourite sentence wins a prize.

Students activity: Students work in groups and end the sentences. Then the leaders of the groups
share their answers with the whole class. The students choose their favourite sentence.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, GW, whole class
Timing: 10
ACTIVITY 6: Feedback
Aim: - to allow students to consolidate their knowledge related to Conditional structures
Teachers activity: Teacher asks the students to work individually and solve the worksheet they
Students activity: Students work individually and complete the exercises.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, IW
Timing: 8
ACTIVITY 7: Assigning homework
Teachers activity: Teacher asks the students answer the following question: If I gave you one
million euros, what would you do with it? Write a list of five things. Then the teacher makes some
appreciations concerning students involvement in the lesson. The students listen to the teachers
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 6

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