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TOTAL Section A


TOTAL Section B


TOTAL Section C


TOTAL Section D




St. Andrews Christian School

Half Yearly Examination
Year 7 2016


General Instructions

Time Allowed: 90 minutes

Permitted Materials: pen, pencils, eraser
Do not begin the paper until instructed
Attempt all questions
Strictly no talking during allotted time
If you have finished before the allotted time, remain in your seat until the
examination is over and you are dismissed by the examiner

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Section A Multiple Choice

Questions (30 marks)


You should allow 25 minutes for this section

Circle the letter (on this sheet) the answer you choose as correct
1. Which of the following is a collective noun?
a. grief
b. backyard
c. puppy
d. herd
2. Which word is correct in the sentence?
Gerty and Thelma are going to the movies. _____________ buying tickets online.
a. There
b. Their
c. Theyll
d. Theyre
Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4
Walking over a hill, Oscar saw that the thin bitumen road levelled
out below to wind through the low land like a struggling eel. He
stood for a minute, taking it all in: grey cloud, green ground,
patches of sunlight, the lake.
3. In the first sentence, the word struggling is used as
a. a verb
b. an adjective
c. an adverb
d. a noun
4. In the second sentence, a colon ( : ) is used to
a. introduce an idea
b. introduce a list
c. separate items in a list
d. separate two complete ideas

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5. In film, a close up is used to

a. show a reaction of a character
b. focus our attention on a particular detail
c. feel as if we are looking through the eyes of the character
d. establish the place in which action will occur
6. Which sentence is the correct use of a possessive apostrophe?
a. Peoples ideas about animals in zoos make me angry.
b. Peoples ideas about animals in zoos make me angry.
c. Peoples ideas about animals in zoos make me angry.
d. Peoples ideas about animals in zoos make me angry.
7. Which word would be an interjection?
a. west
b. stop
c. although
d. butterfly
8. Which sentence explains that Bertha has returned home after shopping?
a. Bertha found her keys and went to the car.
b. Bertha was halfway through shopping when she received a call from
c. Bertha reached the checkout with enough time to be home by 3pm.
d. Bertha was finally able to sit down after packing away the groceries.
9. Which comma ( , ) should be replaced by a colon ( : )?
There are five things you need to bring to the camp,(a) a sleeping bag, (b)
a water bottle,(c) a torch,(d) some batteries and a change of clothes.
a. (a)
b. (b)
c. (c)
d. (d)
10. Which of the following is an adjective?
a. Sydney
b. smack
c. glamorous
d. across
11. The apostrophe in the word wasnt is used to show that
a. a letter has been left out
b. someone is saying something
c. the word is spelled incorrectly
d. something belongs to someone
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12. Which sentence is correct?

a. There was two good shops nearby.
b. There are two good shops nearby.
c. There two good shops nearby.
d. There is two good shops nearby.
13. Which word should be used to complete this sentence?
There ____________been many visitors to the national park since last year.
a. didnt
b. wont
c. havent
d. couldnt
14. You must come and see this amazing sculpture. It is the best one I have ever seen.
This sentence is best described as
a. an instruction
b. a persuasive text
c. an explanation
d. a personal opinion
15. Where is the best place to break this passage into two paragraphs?
There it sat, outlined against the light of the setting sun, dangerous and menacing,
crouched on a rock above him. (a) A large, golden cat. A cougar! Its tail was
twitching; its eyes burned green, burned yellow, and burned bright. (b) Its ears were
flattened against its head. (c) Toms feet stopped and his breathing became faster
and his heart thumped in his chest. (d) His blood turned into ice and for a moment
the whole world seemed to disappear behind a white wall of fear.
a. at (a)
b. at (b)
c. at (c)
d. at (d)
16. Which words would be correct in this sentence?
The dog wags ______ tail to show that ______ happy.
a. its and its
b. its and its
c. hes and hes
d. his and his

17. Which of the following should end with a question mark?

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a. How amazing to see a comet

b. How will you make it
c. How we did it is not important
d. How to make a kite
18. Choose the word which correctly completes the sentence:
The audience was enjoying the concert ______ there was a power failure.
a. after
b. because
c. until
d. since
19. The purpose of a recount is:
a. to instruct about how to do something
b. to argue one side of a case
c. to describe a thing or group of things
d. to retell events in order to inform or entertain
20. What are the essential elements of a sentence?
a. noun and verb
b. noun and adverb
c. noun and adjective
d. noun and full stop
21. Choose the underlined word spelt INCORRECTLY.

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
22. What is the name of the camera angle/movement where the camera moves up
and down from a stationary position?
a. pan
b. tracking
c. zoom
d. tilt
23. Action films are characterised by
a. taking viewers to worlds and places that can only be dreamt of
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b. serious, plot driven presentations with numerous storylines

c. high impact, continuous high energy
d. being designed to frighten, captivate and have the viewers heart racing
24. Which word is an abstract noun in this sentence?
I am hoping for some time for relaxation after I get home from school.
a. time
b. relaxation
c. home
d. school
25. Where does the missing comma ( , ) go?
Having(a) finished(b) the teacher(c) quickly(d) gathered up all of her equipment.
a. at (a)
b. at (b)
c. at (c)
d. at (d)
26. A three dimensional character is
a. a character who wears glasses
b. a character who has three camera angles used on them
c. a character who is believable. They appear as credible people who you
might know.
d. a character who is simple and unexplained. They appear and they do things,
yet you
do not know them as people.
27. The QANTAS museum has been established in Longreach, Queensland. In this
sentence, the word Longreach is
a. a proper noun
b. a common noun
c. a collective noun
d. an abstract noun
28. What is the preposition I the sentence?
I read the news in the newspaper.
a. I
b. read
c. the
d. in
29. Where should the missing apostrophe go in this sentence?

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The horse(a)s jockey(b)s were nervou(c)s because the animal(d)s had been waiting for so long
for the race to begin.
a. at (a)
b. at (b)
c. at (c)
d. at (d)
30. Which one of these describes the picture?
a. We will eat John, at seven oclock.
b. We will eat John at seven oclock.
c. We will eat, John, at seven oclock.
d. We, will eat John, at seven oclock.

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Section B Spelling and Language

Questions (50 marks)


You should allow 20 minutes for this section

1. (4 marks) Explain the word genre and give three (3) different examples of
film genre.



2. (4 marks) Refer to the additional coloured page

Name the types of shots




3. (8 marks) Define the Part of Speech and provide two (2) examples for each.
part of

definition (1 mark each)


4. (1 mark) Explain how sound is valuable in film.

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example 1
( mark

example 2
( mark

5. (5 marks) The spelling mistakes in each sentence are underlined. Write the
correct spelling on the line.
a. The two students sat adjasent to the window. __________________
b. The bus left promtly at seven oclock. __________________
c. This is not a conspirosy, said my mother. __________________
d. Our school fundraising comitee met for the first time. __________________
e. Dont shoot the mesenger! exclaimed the manager. __________________
6. (5 marks) Each sentence has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct word
on the line.

Horror movies will always friten my little sister. __________________


A tap on the forhead is the sign to move, whispered my brother.



The view from the skyscraper was magnifisent. __________________


An obstacal on the road can cause a lot of damage to a car.


e. Betty was shore she had returned the book to the library. __________________
7. (9 marks) Circle the correct word choice from the alternatives in bold.

a. Its/Its a terrible colour that theyre/there/their putting on that wall over

b. Whos/Whose painting has been knocked off theyre/there/their easel?
c. If your/youre not careful, the brush will lose its/its shape.
d. I know whos/whose the best painter in your/youre group.
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8. (2 marks) What is the art of Foley? Explain how is it used.

9. (2 marks) Explain the difference between an antagonist and a protagonist.
10. Use this table to create and build on a sentence. Dont forget, you can change
the order of the words just maintain the meaning.

parts of speech

Sentence building
Your example

noun (subject) and verb

(1 mark)

adjective + noun (subject)

and verb

(3 marks)

adjective + noun (subject)

and verb + noun (object)

(3 marks)

adjective + noun (subject)

and verb +
noun (object) +
circumstance (prepositional

(3 marks)

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Section C Comprehension
Questions (12 marks)

2 Passages; 12

You should allow 20 minutes for this section

1. (6 marks) Read Book Aid International in the booklet and answer questions.
i. The poster encourages people to join Book Aid International by
a. offering them a reward for their hard work
b. showing them how much fun reading books can be
c. telling them they will make friends in other countries
d. showing they can make a difference to other peoples lives
ii. Read as many books as you can in one month. Why does the poster say this?
a. to show you books are fun
b. so you will learn to read well
c. so you can raise a lot of money
d. to show you there are many books to read
iii. At people register to
a. help raise money
b. buy books online
c. learn how to read
d. make friends with some children in Africa
iv. How does Book Aid International help people in Sub-Saharan Africa?
a. by selling books and giving them the money
b. by teaching them to write their own books
c. by helping them to set up their own bookshops
d. by giving them more books to read
v. In the last section of the poster, a Maasai boy tells his story. Why has the Maasai
boys story been included in this poster?
vi. This poster is aimed at people who
a. do not have access to books
b. live in Sub-Saharan Africa
c. like to help others
d. cannot read
2. (6 marks) Read Comets in the booklet and answer questions.
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i. What are comets made from?

a. material from the formation of our Solar System
b. rocks broken away from the Sun
c. pieces of other solar systems
d. gases emitted by Earth
ii. dirty iceberg This phrase is in quotation marks (

) because it is

a. a non-scientific description
b. an old-fashioned expression
c. a popular saying
d. a foreign phrase
iii. In our Solar System, there are over 3000 known comets. It is possible that there
are unknown comets. Use evidence from the text to explain why such unknown
comets have not been seen
iv. A comets tail is formed when
a. a large icicle grows from the nucleus
b. the comet passes through a cloud of dust
c. the comet travels faster than the speed of light
d. parts of the nucleus are changed by the Suns heat
v. Figure 1 shows a comets path around the Sun. It also shows
a. the speed of a comet in orbit
b. the direction of a comets tail in orbit
c. the number of comets orbiting the Sun
d. the distance of a comets tail from the Sun
vi. The main purpose of the last paragraph is to provide
a. expert opinions on comets
b. a description of a comets tail
c. examples of well-known comets
d. an explanation of how comets are formed

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Section D Narrative Writing

(16 marks)

1 Question

You should allow 25 minutes for this section

1. Choose one (1) of the following options to write a narrative. Remember to
include great vocabulary, descriptive language, use the 5 senses etc
Option 1

stimulus picture

Option 2 stimulus conclusion

Now, when the telephone rings, I never answer it.

Option 3 stimulus
You're getting ready for bed and suddenly there's a flash of light and sound.

Audience: Age 12-15

Purpose: Entertain
Perspective: First Person (I, me)

Marking Guide:
Audience writing for correct age group (1 mark)
Text structure orientation, complication, resolution evident in the narrative
(3 marks)
Vocabulary year 7 level and above (1 mark)
Characters and setting clearly and engagingly described (4 marks)
Cohesion the story flows well and links (1 mark)
Paragraphing (1 mark)
Sentence structure and mechanics (2 marks)
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Spelling, grammar, punctuation (3 marks)

Plan your writing first jot down ideas, plan basically what you will include in the


Option number: ________________________________________

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