ISE II - Phrasal Verbs - Environment - R

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drive down (emissions) We're experiencing a huge demand for more environmentally
friendly fuels and are committed to driving down carbon dioxide
freeze over

The Mackenzie River is navigable from June to October, then it

eventually freezes over.

get across (Message) The conservationists will have to try much harder to get their
message across to young people.
get around

lobby for

There's increased environmental awareness and recognition that a

bicycle is a healthy, fun way to get around.
(changes) He also confirmed that both companies will lobby for changes to
regulations and subsidies.

phase out

The majority of European countries have endorsed a new

European strategy for a total phase-out of lead in petrol by the
year 2005.

put out

President Bush dismissed on Tuesday a report put
out by his administration warning that human activities are behind
climate change.

sign up

Weve all signed up as volunteers to clean up the beach.

while away (Hours) Green Park is probably the most relaxing park of all. Just a stone's
throw away from the hubbub of Picadilly and Leicester Square,
the park is perfect for whiling away the hours
die out


In 50 years, many species will die out.

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