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Score: 41 pts

Your score:_________ pts.

Demand: 50%
Your Mark:
Escuela Particular Subvencionada El Bosque
English Department
Miss Carolina Droguett Andoe

NAME: _____________________________


DATE: ____________________

OA: Reconocer y usar tiempo futuro simple con will y presente continuo para
planes hechos en el futuro. Reconocer y usar primer condicional. Escuchar y
comprender una cancion en futuro.
1.- Choose the correct answer: (5pts)
1-Cindy will _____________basketball.
c played
2-Harry will go with Bob to the movies__________.
c last week

4-I______________going to visit my uncle next week.

c- am
5-They are ______to travel to Egypt next summer.
c- goes

3- Mark ____________the baby to the car tonight.

b. carries c. will carry
2.Complete the sentences then, do what is required between brackets: (8 pts)
1.- Dad will work next Sunday.(negative)
2.- We will play football after school tomorrow. (interrogative)
When ___________________________________________________________________________?
3.- I will watch a goof film tonight. (interrogative)
4.- Mary will play the guitar for an hour next Sunday .(negative)
3.- Complete these sentences with present continuous tense: (5pts)
1.- I_________________________________________(have) dinner with some friends on Friday.
2.- He_______________________________________(go) on a business trip next week.
3.- We _______________________________________ (start) a photography course tomorrow.
4.- They______________________________________(get) married next month.
5.- We______________________________________(move) house in two weeks.
4.- complete these sentecences using first conditional: (14pts)
1.- The football match__________________________(be) cancelled if it ______________________(rain)
2.- I_________________________________( go) to the party if Connie ______________________( come) with me
3.- If you__________________________(not drive) carefully, you __________________________ (have) an accident
4.-If someone________________________________(not water) these plants they________________________(die)
5.- If we____________________________________(walk) so slowly, we______________________________(be) late
6.-If we____________________________________(run), We____________________________________(no be) late
7.- If you__________________________________(carry) too many eggs, they ______________________ (break)
5.- Complete this song: (9pts)
Buddy youre a (a) __________ make a big noise
Playin in the (b)_________ gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo (c)__________
You (d) ___________ disgrace
Kickin your can all over the(e) __________
We will we will rock you, We will we will rock you
Buddy youre a (f)__________ man hard man
Shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo face
You big disgrace
Wavin your banner all over the place

Buddy youre an (g)_________ man poor man

Pleadin with your (h)__________ gonna make you some
peace some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace(i)________________ better put you back
in your place
We will we will rock you, We will we will rock you

1.- face - 2.- old - 3.- place - 4.- Somebody 5.- street 6.- young - 7.- big - 8.- boy 9.- Eyes

Escuela Particular Subvencionada El Bosque

English Department
Miss Carolina Droguett Andoe

We will we will rock you, We will we will rock you

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