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Location Recce Sheet

Name: Hannah Jones

Date of visit: 15th November 2016

Corridor between the classrooms T2
and T4 at Manshead Secondary

Description of scene you intend to film in this location:

This will be used to film a part of the first scene in which the two
characters are having a phone conversation
Use this box to comment on the suitability of this location:
Lighting level: The lighting is made up of mainly artificial lighting;
however there are a few small windows. This would therefore say
that the lighting level would be quite suitable so that the picture
should not be grainy
Noise level: When we plan to film, the corridor should be quiet as
most people will be in their lessons, however, if there are noises
coming from a classroom, this may be combatted by closing the door
Potential hazards: A potential hazard could be tripping over the
carpet of the corridor; this can be combatted by being aware of our
Overall suitability: Overall, this corridor is quite suitable in the use
of my production

Date of visit: 15th November 2016


T4 classroom at Manshead

Description of scene you intend to film in this location:

This is where the first scene begins as a character walks into the
the corridor,
as they
situated in the same
place, the lighting is fairly similar, with the lighting coming from
artificial light and the windows surrounding it.
Noise level: The noise level here depends on whether there is a class
in the room or not, if there is, it may be harder to film than if there is
Potential hazards: A potential hazard may be that when the character
walks out of the doorway, that they might trip and hurt themselves.
Overall suitability: Overall, I believe that this location would be
suitable because it carries the story forward to where it needs to be
and the lighting is suitable for the piece

Date of Visit: 15th November 2016


A public/ school field

Description of scene you intend to film in this location:

The scene that I wish to film here is the final scene which includes the
final kidnapping
Lighting level: This lighting is all natural lighting as we are outside and
therefore the lighting would depend on how the weather turns out to
be when filming
Noise level: The noise level would be quite quiet as we plan to film
after school meaning that it would be ideal to film as the only
background noises that may be possible are the birds.
Potential hazards: Somebody may fall over the ground as it may be
slippery, therefore we would have to be careful to not fall over.
Overall suitability: Overall, as the field should be empty (deserted)
this should be an ideal spot to film the final scene for the opening

Date of visit: 15th November 2016


A wall outside a classroom where
the main character is waiting for
the secondary character

Description of scene you intend to film in this location:

I wish to film a conversation between the two characters so that they
begin to walk home.
Lighting level: The lighting here, quite like the field, depends on the
weather because the lighting is all natural.
Noise level: The noise level should be quiet as we are aiming to film
this after school, which means that most of the students will have
gone home
Potential Hazards: A potential hazard may be that someone may slip
and fall down the stairs which could potentially injure themselves;
this could be avoided by watching footing and treading carefully.
Overall suitability: Overall, I believe that this location would be
suitable because it could show the different levels of schizophrenia
and bipolar which, if the piece was to be continued into a movie, the
whole piece would explore.

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