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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Good Morning.

Honorable ones; the juries, the participants of English speech contest and all audiences.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah SWT the Almighty,
Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing Place. And also
don't forget to deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Let me introduce
my self, my name is Rosyiana and I am the student of SMPN 3 Tekarang.
To All of the students, I have a question, who want to be the success person in the future?
absolutely, all of us want to be success in the future days. That is why, we must have a vision .
What is the meaning of vision.Vision is same like dreams, hopes, and goals. The vision is
important for everyone, to make people live and life. With the vision, life of someone will be
more directed.
We already have known how the important of vision is. However, why there are so many people,
actually, the students that have no vision?In my opinion the students are afraid to have dreams.
Because they are afraid if someday, in the future, they could not realize or make their dreams
come true. Why it could be happened? Who is wrong? Who will be blamed?the answer, no one
was wrong, so, what should we do?
Everything is back to ourselves, if you want to live, you ought to have dreams be brave, believe,
and keep trying. So, for all my friends, dont be afraid to have dreams, you are the
hero. If you will, you can make everything comes true. Because we are same, we are the
students, we are the children and we are the next generation for our country.
You can open the stories of great people. Then you will find that their success and achievements
that made their names written in the history of a life time was all begun from a dream. Just look
at Prophet Muhammad Saw, Marcopolo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Ishak Newton, and other hundreds
of great people. They all started out from a dream.
Dont tired to hope, dont be afraid of making mistake because nobody is perfect. If we failed
once, it doesnt mean that we failed forever, so we should never give up on what we dream. If
believe, to God and to yourself.
I think thats all my speech. I hope my brief speech will be useful and can be a motivation for all
of us . And also I would like to say sorry for all of my mistakes. Thank you very much for your
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Good Morning.

Honorable ones; the juries, the participants of English speech contest and all audiences.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah SWT the Almighty,
Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing Place. And also
don't forget to deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Let me introduce
my self, my name is Rosyiana and I am the student of SMPN 3 Tekarang.
To All of the students here, I have a question, do you like reading? Some of us say that reading is
a boring activity. Reading take so much time and energy. Even doing reading is tiring. On the
other hand some disagree about it. They say that reading is an interesting activity. Its fun. As
you know, there are many kinds of hobbies that people can do in their spare time, such as
listening to the music, watching movies, travelling, gardening, reading , etc. Well, in this
occasion, I want to tell you why Reading is very important in our life and how can you explore
the world by reading
Ladies and Gentlemen
From the holly Quran, we learned that Jibril asked our great prophet Muhammad SAW to read
as His first commandement Read Read and Read by the name of Allah. And a wise
man said that READING IS THE WINDOW OF THE WORLD. Some people also say Book is
the pillar of our life. Do you think so? You may say Yes or No. But when we talk about books,
we know that books have a close realitionship with reading.
So, what does Reading mean ? What is something significant from reading and once again why
is reading very important and how can you explore the world by reading
Reading is an activity which looks at and understands something written or printed . The
knowledge that our teachers give us is perhaps only 20 % from the knowledge available in the
world. It doesnt mean that they can not give us more. But the problem is we only stay at school
about 5 hours, how about the rest? We can get additional information about many great people
and great countries by reading. And also we can learn and get more information about art, music,
cooking, science of other countries. We will see the happening events in all countries in the
world by reading.
Well ladies and gentlemen.
Reading is an adventure. You can travel all around the world by reading, isnt that great?
It is like bringing us to the place that we never visit before, then we begin our journey from page
to page and actually we dont stop our journey at the last page. Because that is the time we get
more knowledge. We might actually explore one thing we really like and it may end up
becoming our career and success in the future. Exploration begins from reading and
understanding. So, my friends from now on we have to change our behavior. Love reading, open
books and read a lot. Reading, reading and reading. No days without reading
Thats all my speech. I hope my brief speech will be useful and can be a motivation for all of us.
I would like to say sorry for all of my mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. Good Morning

With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the honorable teachers, and all of my friends.
First of all, lets we say thank, to Allah SWT for the blessing, forgiveness, the mercy and
everything. Shalawat and salam, will we say to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW, his
In this chance , I would like to represent my speech about how important skill and good
education to win the competition in the future.
Ladies and gentleman
Competition is a part of life that cannot be avoided. Even when we do not realize we are doing
it, we all try our hardest at what we do often trying to rise above everyone else. In order to
succeed, people must compete. Competition can bring out the best in everyone during a single
day, people in some way compete with themselves or with others. They compete to win a
sporting event, to get a raise or promotion in their workplace, to receive the best grades on the
test or homework assignments , and to be the best at everything they do.
Ladies and gentleman
Our success does not depend only on lucky factor. In order to face the world of competition, we
have to prepare ourselves by having skill and good education. We have to improve our skill and
education. To make it succeeded, there are at least two ideas in improving education. The first
idea, it is very important to keep technology updated, when all facilities of the school make
useof the updated technology, whatever we need is very easy to do. For instance, in order to
learn English more effectively, a language laboratory had better usedthe most recent technology
as the use of digital board in learning new vocabulary; this can be very effective and efficient in
learning how to spell, how to pronounce and how to use the vocabulary by giving presentation in
the digital board
The second idea is applying life skills. Life skill are behaviours used appropriately and
responsibly in the managementof personal affairs. One reason for that every student should have
his own skills to become well behaved people.when his or her life skill is supported by the
school , it will encourage him/her to do better for his / her other should be noted that the
encouragement of the students can improve their education.
Thats all my speech. I hope my brief speech will be useful and can be a motivation for all of us.
I would like to say sorry for all of my mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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