Manuel Ingles Tecnico 3.1 Tarea PDF

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1 " My first experience as an air conditioner and refrigeration technician"

Objetivo: Escribid un texto en ingls de 5 lneas sobre vuestra primera experiencia cmo tcnico
de aire acondicionado y refrigeracin usando verbos en pasado simple regular en ingls.
Aspectos a tener en cuenta: 1.Usad los siguientes verbos en vuestra narracin: "arrive, continue, finish,
listen, play, start, talk y work". 2. Tambin podis utilizar otros verbos, pero stos verbos son obligatorios.
Se valorar: 1. La expresin sencilla y correcta 2. Uso correcto y adecuado de los verbos en pasado simple
My first expirience as a refrigeration technician was five yeas ago, my parents were waiting for me when I and
my daugther arrived at your home, I started to make holes in the dining room to install the indoor unit, when
I finished the holes I went to the valcony and I continued with the outdoor unit. When I finished, I installed
the pipes and finally I installed the electricity and plumbing. Then I put on the air acondicionating and I
listened one noise, but stopped a few seconds later heards. My parents were happy and they talked each
other and they said me, you are a great technician and I told them not that great, I picked up my daughter
at a park where she played with other childs and I went at my home, because I worked at two oclock.

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