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Student Learning Outcomes Translation

Rhetorical Knowledge
Rhetorical knowledge is the ability to recognize and use strategies in a variety of writing
situations such as discovering and using your own processes and techniques, analyzing the
writers purpose, understanding genre, audience and other stylistic techniques or writing choices.
By the end of FYW, students should be able to:
Understand the stylistic techniques that characterize specifics genres and how to properly
use them to adapt to a certain genre
Learn to adapt and be flexible with style, shifts, tone, medium, and structure
Critical Reading
Reading critically is the ability to analyze and understand different texts. By thinking critically,
you will look into sources and evidence for support, pay attention to connections within texts,
and be analytical with the authors purpose.
By the end of FYW, students should be able to:
Use reading as a way to discover something new
Evaluate and analyze others work, as well as your own, and take their style and choices
into consideration
Find and make use of a variety of text (articles, essays, books, databases etc.) to support
your argument, establish credibility, assure accuracy, avoid bias etc.
Use a variety of evidence that would best support your argument or topic depending on
the audience and your purpose with the text.
Composing Processes
Each and every writer has their own personalized and unique writing process to strengthen,
develop and finalize their work. It doesnt really matter what order your processes follow and
you should learn to be flexible and adapt your process in different situations.
By the end of FYW, students should be able to:
Experiment and be flexible with different processes and strategies for writing, revising,
collaborating, editing etc.
Make use of your peers. Use them to help brainstorm or leap frog ideas off of.
Be opened minded and see other peoples sides to how they see or do things in order to
strengthen your own writing.
Knowledge of Conventions
Conventions are the rules and guidelines that help shape a genre and the expectations of what a
genre is supposed to consist of. Conventions effect things such as certain content, style,
organization, structure etc.

By the end of FYW, students should be able to:

Demonstrate how to use a variety of conventions according to the genre
Investigate the reasons that conventions vary for different genres and what effects they
Develop knowledge of language including grammar, punctuation and spelling by
practicing and revising.

Critical Reflection
Critical reflection is a writers ability to express what he/she is thinking and why. Learn to
explain choices made in a composition, use feedback to make revisions etc.
By the end of FYW, students should be able to:
Reflect on their writing in different contexts (medium, speaker, genre etc)
Demonstrate awareness of your own personal rhetorical techniques and styles and writing
Acknowledge reflection as a significant part of learning, thinking and communicating.

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