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Station name: Lingham

Time allowed: 8 minutes
You are a General Practitioner.
Lingham, a 68-year old man, has been your patient for the last 10 years.
He has been on follow up with you for his hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and non-insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus and he is well controlled. A new and first finding today is an irregular pulse. He has
noticed some mild fatigue lately, but is otherwise asymptomatic.


68 years old
Retired restaurant owner
Reading and playing with grandchildren

Past history
Hypertension on atenolol 50mg daily
Non-insulin dependent diabetes on metformin 1000mg daily
Hyperlipidaemia on atorvastatin
Appendectomy at 18 years old
Family History :
Orphaned at a young age; parents died in an accident when they were in their early 30s
Older brother died of a heart attack four years ago at the age of 69
Two children, both married Son, 42, hypertension. Daughter 38, well.
Wife is well and active
Social History :
Drinks 1 cup of coffee daily
Currently non-smoker (quit 10 years ago), but drinks alcohol daily (one glass of wine with dinner)
Lives with wife in their home in Petaling Jaya, financially comfortable

On examination:
His body mass index is 36. BP 125/80 mmHg. Pulse rate and respiratory rate normal.
Irregular pulse around 72 bpm.
Test results:
Normal thyroid function. D-dimer and cardiac biomarkers are normal.
A chest radiograph does not show infiltrates, pleural effusions, blebs, or hyperinflation.
He is generally well and all blood investigations were normal. (FBC, U&E, creatinine, CRP)
Urine toxicology negative
History and the ECG have been given to you.
You may take a brief history pertinent to the management plan.

1. Confirm the diagnosis with ECG

2. Explain the diagnosis to Lingham
3. Outline a patient-centered management plan for Lingham and discuss further evaluation
that may be necessary
4. Address his concerns appropriately

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