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Sympathy as a force for evil: appeasement will lead us down a very

dark road

Liberals are not to blame for Trump. Its the appeasement of wrongful
views, from likeable faces like Jonathan Pie, Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders,
that has led us to this dark, dark place.
America has not got more racist. Politicians have just been more willing to
legitimise of sympathise misguided opinions. Finding ourselves in Platos late
stage democracy, where Demagogues like Trump and Corbyn - yes, you heard
me - tap the anger of the people means that even so much as questioning the
facts behind anti-immigration views is a sure-fire vote-killer.
Democracy, as I have warned, relies upon a level of elitism: it is not a
negative elitism, but the mediation of democracy by a knowledgeable and
elected group. Is not a more well-read persons perspective on an issue more
important? This is not controversial or patronising, its how society has
functioned for thousands of years. No judgement is being made on the character
of any one voter, but you must allow for criticism.
Today, I watched a video of Jonathan Pie (Tom Walker) claiming that the
liberal elite are at fault for Trump: we did not listen to peoples concerns. We
called them racist, or sexist in order to shut them down. Good for you, Mr Pie,
and arent you a saint for recognising this? Of course, hes wrong: the real
ideologues are the people who will not hear of any criticism of their viewpoint:
many Brexit and Trump voters. An ideological unwillingness to be critiqued
characterises many angry voters. It was once taboo to tell a racist joke. Now it is
either taboo, or more likely a vote-loser, to call someone out for being mistaken
on issues such as immigration.
The Facebook posts telling us that we must wake up and see the problems
of the working people are entrenching the fact that it has become a sure-fire
election-loser to critique the wrongful views of the electorate. Modern
Demagogue Jeremy Corbyn has shown himself to be a spineless populist in
appeasing voters misinformed opinions about Brexit.
In todays politics, it takes real bravery to be the one to stand up for vital
systems which keep our democracy in check. Jonathan Pie and Jeremy Corbyn
are not martyrs. These appeasers are the real reason that both Brexit and Trump
have struck us down. We are entering the darkest period of our living history,
and the only way we can prevent a catastrophic disaster is by educating,
critiquing, and doing everything possible to uphold the principles of democracy.
We will not fight populism with populism: we must not concede ground where
that ground is riddled with lies.

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