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Workbook #2

STAT 30100 Online

Instructions: Complete all the problems by yourself and go over with your Cyber mentor.

#1. Scatterplots are useful for both qualitative and quantitative data.
A) True

B) False


#3. A study of elementary school children, ages 6 to 11, finds a high positive correlation between
shoe size x and score y on a test of reading comprehension. The observed correlation is most likely
due to
A) the effect of a lurking variable, such as age.
B) a mistake, since the correlation must be negative.
C) cause and effect (larger shoe size causes higher reading comprehension).
D) reverse cause and effect (higher reading comprehension causes larger shoe size).

#4. The fraction of the variation in the values of a response y that is explained by the least-squares
regression of y on x is
A) the correlation coefficient.
B) the slope of the least-squares regression line.
C) the square of the correlation coefficient.
D) the intercept of the least-squares regression line.

#5. The scatterplot below plots, for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, the
proportion (rate) of students taking the SAT in 2004 vs. their average Math SAT scores.

The correlation between rate and math SAT score is r = 0.85. If instead of plotting these variables
for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, we plotted the values of these variables for
each county in the United States, we would expect the value of the correlation r to be
A) exactly the same.
B) smaller.
C) 0.85. The magnitude is the same, but the sign should change.
D) much higher and probably near 1, since there are many more counties than states.


Students with higher IQ scores tend to do better in school. Data on IQ scores and school
grade point average (GPA) for 78 seventh grade students in a rural Midwest school. The
mean IQ score is 108.9 and the corresponding standard deviation is 13.17. The mean
GPA is 7.447 and the corresponding standard deviation is 2.10. The correlation
coefficient between these two variables is 0.6337. The least-squares regression line for
predicting the school grade point average from IQ score is closest to

= 425.3438 + 3.9742 x


= 3.5569 + 0.101 x


= 79.3041 + 3.9742 x


= 108.1475+0.101 x

For questions 7-8, use the following information.

Using data on the appraised value of homes, a real estate agent computes the least-squares
regression line for predicting a homes value in 2002 from its value in 1992. The equation of the
least-squares regression line is
y = $22,000 + 1.6x
where y represents a homes value in 2002 and x is the value in 1992.
#7. A homes value in 1992 is
A) the intercept.
B) the slope.
C) the explanatory variable.
D) the response variable.
#8. Suppose Joe owns a home that was worth $100,000 in 1992. What would be the predicted
value of his home in 2002?
A) $182,000
B) $160,000
C) $122,000
D) Cannot be determined from the information given. We also need to know the
#9. The following is a scatterplot of the liters of alcohol from drinking wine, per person and the
death rates from heart disease per 100,000 people for each of 19 countries. The least-squares
regression line has been drawn in on the plot.

Death Rate from Heart Disease







Alcohol from Drinking Wine

Based on the least-squares regression line we would predict that in a country where, per person,
7 liters of alcohol from wine is consumed, the death rate from heart disease per 100,000 people
would be about
A) 50
B) 100
C) 260
D) 700

#10. Consider the following StatCrunch output:

The regression equation is
Graduation rate = 17.7 + 0.00384 Expenditure
R-Sq = 9.5%
The best interpretation of the coefficient of determination for this problem is:
There is about 9.5% variation between student related expenditure per
student and graduation rate.
About 9.5% of the variation in graduation rate student is explained by the
linear association between student related expenditure and graduation rate.
About 9.5% of the variation between student related expenditure and
graduation rate is explained by the linear association.
About 17.7% of the variation in graduation rate is explained by its linear
association with student related expenditure per student.

#11. The data below represent the numbers of absences and the final grades of 15 randomly
selected students from a statistics class.

(a) Usining StatCrunch, the scatterplot for the above data is given below.

Answer the followings:

Independent variable:
Dependent variable:



(Question #11 continued)

Answer parts(b-f) based on the information provided below.
Suppose we call x = number of absences and y= exam grade. The summary results are provided.
Mean of x variable, x = 6.6
Mean of y variable, y =77.07
Std. dev. of x variable, s x =4.40
Std. dev. of y variable, s y =12.41
The correlation between x and y, r =-0.858
(b) Interpret the value of r in context.

(c) Manually find the regression parameters (or coefficients): 0 (y-intercept) and 1 (slope)

(d) Find the best fitted regression line (or least square regression equation).

(e) Interpret the regression parameters in context.

(f) Calculate the coefficient of determination r 2

and interpret its value.

#12 An association was formed by student to protest labor exploitation in the apparel industry.
There were 18 student sit-ins for sweat-free campus organized at several universities. Data
were collected for the median duration (in days) of each sit-in,as well as the number of student
arrests. The data for 5 sit-ins in which there was at least one arrest and the results of a simple
linear regression are found below using technology. Let y be the number of arrests and x be the

Using the results above find the least square prediction equation.

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